A number of people have read and mentioned old reports which refer to doses of desiccated thyroid.
One thing that is not obvious from these accounts is that the UK and the USA adopted different standards of potency. In the early twentieth century the basic means of assaying desiccated thyroid was to measure the iodine content. (The better manufacturers followed this up with tests on laboratory animals to ensure consistency of biological effect.)
The USA standardised on an iodine content of 0.2% ± 0.03%.
The UK, it appears, standardised on an iodine content of 0.1% (not sure of allowed variation but probably similar to the USA).
It looks as if the UK product was half the strength of the USA product! So, maybe, when in a UK source we see that someone was taking six grains, that would only have been equivalent to three grains of, say, Armour or Nature-Throid.
This could possibly help to explain some of the surprisingly high desiccated thyroid doses reported. Yet another confusing factor in the history of thyroid...
Please - if anyone thinks I have misinterpreted information - let me know by responses or by private message as you wish.