I'm considering trying combo t4 and t3. Does anyone know if anyone has become pregnant with combination therapy and is it ok?
T3 and pregnancy: I'm considering trying combo t... - Thyroid UK
T3 and pregnancy

Haggisplant, as long as you get the thyroid hormone replacement you need it doesn't matter whether it is from T4, T4+T3 or NDT.
Haggisplant, can you tell me if you started this protocol and what happened? I am currently being treated with T3 and will need T4 once pregnant. I would love any feedback or experiences if you ended up going so.
Thanks for the reply haggisplant. I currently take only T3, but a growing baby will need T4. I've just never done this before and it's all making me a little nervous. They say a baby, especially during the 1st trimester needs it's mother's T4.
I already have the endo, I will see him tomorrow and he will explain everything.
I just wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this and how it all panned out.
I had a very high level of rt3, so I am just taking t3 and it works great.
I'm sure somewhere along the way I've heard of a pregnancy with t3 - or maybe it was a combo? It's the first trimester that baby needs it most then by the last trimester their own thyroid starts functioning.
Hope it goes well x
This might be of interest : stopthethyroidmadness.com/p...
Thanks for the response humanbean. I see it's necessary and I have recently (for 1 week) been on a low dose of T4 to start and lowered my T3 only treatment just a little and unfortunately I feel like I am having hypo symptoms. I'm super tired, dizzy, i've already gained water weight and its definitely noticeable in my face. my face is "swollen". I am going to call the doctor Monday. I don't know what to do. This is rough.
I am afraid my body cannot tolerate T4 and therefore I will not be able to have a healthy pregnancy. Having a T3 only pregnancy is not something people do, so it seems.
Hi, sorry about this
I suspect it's because t3 has such a short half life but t4 has a 10 day half life, so you're runniing out of t3 before your body can replace it with converting t4 to t3. I don't know anything about it but hang in there and take it very easy. Are you working?
Hi Haggisplant, yes I am working. I felt great on T3 only. For the past 1.5 weeks I've been on T3/T4 combo and I've gained 5 lbs (without change of diet or exercise) and my face and eyes are swollen. I got depression at the beginning and then got hyper for a few days with HR at 85 and temp at 99.3. I poured a tiny bit out of the T4 and that has regulated. but the swelling is the same. clothes are tight. I'm trying to stay emotionally strong thru this.