has anybody, lost sense of taste & smell. If yes, did you get it back, if yes HOW. anyone tell me has anyone used Vitamin D3 to help IT.
has anybody, lost sense of taste & smell. If y... - Thyroid UK
has anybody, lost sense of taste & smell. If yes, did you get it back, if yes HOW. anyone tell me has anyone used Vitamin D3 to help IT.

To a certain extent, yes. Not completely. It came back when I got onto a decent dose of replacement thyroid hormone. I believe they are low thyroid symptoms.
I do take Vit D3, but not for that reason. I didn't know there could be a connection.
Hugs, Grey
What did you lose? Taste/smell or both?
Both. And you really lost your hearing over night??? How awful for you. Have you got it back yet? How is your magnesium?
No. Gone completely. Thankfully just in one ear. But that gives enough problems on its own. I think my magnesium is ok? Sometimes get cramps but mostly ok. Have recently bought Epsom salts as heard that this is a useful way of supplementing with magnesium whist bathing.
No obvious sense of smell for ages. Sometimes get a metallicy taste.
Can still taste but others sometimes say i seem to miss some subtle flavours.
Hm, no what you mean.
My hearing is less in one ear than in the other. But I can still hear. Make a lot of mistakes, though, which amuses the family! Did you get any sort of explanation for the hearing loss?
Do you get tinnitus? I do. Funnily enough, in my 'good ear' most of the time. But that has lessened a lot with magnesium suppléments.
I was in hospital last year and they gave me beta blockers and stuff, and my hearing went almost completely in a couple of days. I could hardly make out what the doctors were saying. It was ok with the nurses, though, because they bellowed at everyone! lol I also have a very bad taste in my mouth at that time which made everything I ate taste bad. They gave me a glass of water one day and I thought they'd given me sewage water! It was awful. My daughter brought me in fruit flavoured water and that was better.
Anyway, once out of hospital and my brain beginning to work again, I researched the stuff they'd given me and found that it depleted magnesium. Explained why I was having hearing loss, bad tinnitus, cramps and restless leg! Things have improved greatly since i took myself off the meds and supplemented my magnesium!
It's tragic that we have to do all this for ourselves. The medical profession just seem to have no idea what they're doing!
I have become aware that many other people with similar symptoms to me often suffer some sort of hearing loss. I have also become aware that many of the drugs we are treated with also may be linked with hearing loss.
Yes I get tinnitus. Worse when I am tired but usually present to some degree at all times. Worst for me is i have lost the ability to tell where a sound is coming from.
So say for instance i don't put my phone down in a regular place and then it rings. I cant immediately tell where it is. I have missed so many calls in that way.
Oh yes, I know that, too! I sometimes think sounds are coming from the back of the house but the family tells me no, it's coming from the road out front! Very disconcerting. I thought it was just strange accoustics in this house. I somethink there someone upstairs when actually it's the neighbours next door. But nobody else has that problem, it's just me!
I went to see an ent but it was a waste of time. He was far too busy trying to impress the pretty nurses that fauned around him rather than pay any attention to me. He told me my ears were just worn out because i was old. I was 56!!! And he said there was nothing could be done about it.
I really think you ought to get your magnesium tested.
Is that something that is regularly ordered through NHS sources or would i need to go via a lab privately?
I'm afraid I don't know much about NHS because I live in France. But if it's anything like France, it will depend on your doctor! I have had doctors that would test anything I asked. But the last one I saw would hardly test anything. The only ones he reluctantly agreed to were B12 - but not B6 - ferritin - but not serum iron!
Best thing to do is ask and see what s/he says.
Oh and even years later I still often pick up the phone and put it to my deaf ear without realising. If I realise in time I change ears but I am sure that many people have hung up when all they hear is, "Hello, Hellloo"
If i knew in advance which calls were the pest calls it could be advantageous though.
lol I have long arguements with cold-callers - insurance and stuff: hello, hello? speak up, I can't hear you! Articulate, man, you're mumbling! I can't understand a word you're saying. (You can tell I'm nearly 70, can't you!)
And then, when it finally gets through to me I say, oh, I'm not interested in that, good bye.
What amazes me is that they keep on calling!!!
I have hashimoto hypopthyroid with hypopituitary and lost smell and taste 8 years ago, gp and hosp have tried nasal douching, various nasal sprays but to no avail. They say no more can be done.