Front page of today's Times. So now we will be treated by science graduates with 2 years intensive training!!!!!!!!!!! This will help with the shortage of doctors. Well, since the doctors are not much good dealing with thyroid issues I can't see that this is going to help us. No doubt we will get more of "computer says no syndrome" otherwise known as "well you are within range and if you still have symptoms, tough!" So I will continue on the DIY route, just received my Genova kit to test Iodine levels.
doctor's assistants with 2 years training will ... - Thyroid UK
doctor's assistants with 2 years training will be treating patients!

Seriously! Maybe I should train as a doctor instead of a teacher!
Unfortunately I imagine they won't be much better because of the guidelines they will be expected to follow. However, if they are decent scientists they would have the potential to take what they know and extrapolate to work out the best thing for their patients. The best doctors I've met are also good scientist by nature.
Potentially this could be a good thing. Sadly I feel this will be managed badly and we'll be no better than before.
But who knows?
Carolyn x
Crimple, It's been on R4 news too. They will be 'under the supervision' of doctors/GPs although doctors/GPs may not be present at the consultation/examination. So, even less diagnosis according to symptoms and more treating of lab results, presumably.
Digital medicine will render doctor's largely obsolete apart from 'ethical considerations' according to a report I heard on the World Service. Machines will monitor our health and the best doctors will have superior mathematical education/skills in order to interpret the results.
Reminds me of my chronic confition /review which my surgery does every year.It usedvto be done by GP at meds annual review.You now see a healthcare assistant who weighs you , asks if you eat fruit , if you drink/smoke and of uou use low fat butter! Then it hoes on to meds and I ask a quest and told need to make an appointment with the nurse . The nurse appointment takes blood pressure I ask question about meds tells me you need to see doctor. End up wasting time on 3 appointments instead of one.This is done around yoir birthday, mine was june and I refused to go. I have had 3 letters advising me to go.Mo way! X

Currently most of these seem to be thinly disguised Flora advertisements, as well as a waste of time. A friend was given a leaflet and money off coupon - and complained about unethical practices!

I assume that this is probably the Well Woman Clinic type of thing that I have been invited to attend at my GP surgery, I assume they get funding for running them. I haven't bothered going - I have no confidence whatsoever that they would give me any new information that I don't already know, and they ignore my high blood pressure, weight and other health issues anyway.
That is digusting glad your friend complained! X
I don't think that this will necessarily be a bad idea. You have to be a science graduate and I think the profession may benefit from having practionners drawn from a wider background and let's face it the current system is working optimally?
I think the trouble will be that these scientists will just do what they are told either by the machines they are using - 'computer / charts say you are fine' or 'I've spoken to the doctor and he says you're within the range'.
Like p1pp1ns says, you try to see a doctor and get fobbed off with a person who can't answer a question, or you might see a nurse practitioner who is at a higher level but still can't answer your question, then you can either give up all hope and the will to live or make another appointment to speak to your doctor.
Just back from seeing the vampires at Leeds Spire. Whilst my brain functions and I have the cash I am sticking with DIY and will only use NHS where it suits me.
Earlier this year I was asked to see the GP practice nurse re urine sample which I had thought was just to test for diabetes. No, it was to test kidney function (GFR) and I was below the accepted level, kidneys only 59% efficient. The sample was taken when I was particularly ill (but it took them 5 months to get in touch for an appointment!!) with TPO antibody attack and my whole body was on a go slow. I asked what she knew about hypothyroidism. "Not a lot" I asked if she realised that under medicated/poorly treated hypothyroidism inevitably leads to poor kidney function, brain function etc etc. She was unaware. She asked me about exercise and diet, I told her I tried to walk 10K steps per day and that although I was on GF diet I ate a pretty healthy diet. I could see I might as well have talked to the wall. Next time I am asked to give a urine sample (It ticks their boxes and of course they get paid for ensuring patients comply) I will make sure I am feeling "well"
Every time I have seen a Consultant, I have been ignored, patronised and dismissed. Every time I have seen a trainee doctor, I have been listened to, tests run, and then ignored. I am hoping these guys will listen, then act as they will have something to prove. I am not holding my breath though!