More medication: Hi all just been prescribed... - Thyroid UK

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Tatty10 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all just been prescribed naproxen 500 mg twice a day for frozen shoulder pain and omreprizol for stomach upsets and have been told again by a different doctor at the surgery that these problems are not connected to thyroid problems, but i have looked on nhs website and it says that they can be who do i believe?

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Tatty10 profile image
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13 Replies
donna5577 profile image

Hi I believe that this thyroid related I had the same thing also I had the same medication which didn't work go and see a chiropractor worked wonder for me x

Tatty10 profile image
Tatty10 in reply to donna5577

Yes i am going to find one in my area, just fed up with been fobbed off, and having to take more meds

Marz profile image

......perhaps you are under-medicated. What dose are you on ? - and what were your last thyroid blood test results ( with ranges ? ) You are probably suffering with LOW acid in the stomach if you are Hypo so taking the prescribed medication will do more harm than good.

Type stomach acid into the Search Box on the Green Bar above and have a read of the posts that pop up. You are probably better taking a natural product for the stomach.

Your tests will need to include FT3 - if that is low then it could be the cause of poor function in the shoulder joint.

I think you have to work things out for yourself and follow your instincts when Docs say it's nothing to do with your thyroid. As every cell in your body has a receptor for T3 and VitD then they are needed at a OPTIMAL level for you. Those receptors are there for a reason - to make your body function. Have you had your VitD checked - that may help too.....

Barrister profile image

Naproxen is an anti inflammatory which can cause dreadful stomach problems and that will be why your GP has prescribed Omeprazole. I have had to take PPI's for years as I have a hiatus hernia and also take regular anti inflammatories due to PsA. Without them I can feel my hernia move up into my chest, have indigestion even when only drinking water and constant nausea. I have tried natural remedies but find that only the PPI's work for me. Clemmie

Tatty10 profile image

Hi marz results are tsh,.490 ( .350-5.50) t4 1.3(.8-1.9) doctors refuse to test anything else, he reduced my dose from 125 micro to 100 micro saying i was over medicated ( i have not reduced my dose) had a tt last august due to very large toxic muti nodular goiter, also parathyroids we removed so taking 500 mg calcium taking it 4 hours after levo i. Really thought that almost a year after my op i would be well on the way to recovery but i actually feel much worse now i am so fed up with ailment after ailment. Linda

shaws profile image

Trust your 'gut' instinct. Have they proven you have high acid? Probably not. If you are hypothyroid (I looked at your profile and there is no thyroid history) we usually have low acid but the symptoms are very similar.

Maybe GPs would get more knowledge from Doctor Google. Another link:-

waveylines profile image

frozen shoulder is so painful -you poor thing :(

I had it in one shoulder then the other ( second one not so bad I hasten to add). I found acupuncture fantastic for pain relief -no pharma med relieved the pain like acupuncture and the effects lasted for ages -started of with 2 treatments per eek then once a week, fortnightly and then monthly....worth every penny!. my chiropractor did the acupuncture- he could not manipulate my shoulder as it was far too reactive. gradually it resolved itself.

Don't know if it is thyroid related but it wouldn't surprise me if it was hormone related as they happened during the menopause for me

Tatty10 profile image

Hi wavylines i am prepared to try anything that will give me some pain relief, i had no idea frozen shoulder could be so painfull and lasting for so long its really making me miserable, but i must be positive and try alternative medicines. Linda

Bustersmum profile image

Hi - first post from me as exactly same problem. Response is going to be a bit rambling but bear with me!! I was diagnosed 'borderline' Hashimotos 18 months ago following going to GP complaining of hot flushes. Prescribed 50mcg Levo via GP 'phone appt and prescription renewed every 2 months with bloods done annually. Have felt generally well until developed frozen shoulder in March 2013 (came on overnight). Went to GP in May, told to take ibuprofen for pain and referred to physio who told me that it would get better on its own but would take 3 years! Given a theraband and told to sling it over a door and pull it 10 times twice a day - so unhelpful. It was an horrendous pain, couldn't move my arm, couldn't dress properly, couldn't sleep as couldn't lie comfortably and the thought of having to put up with it for 3 years was despairing. I also wouldn't take any ibuprofen as it gives me heartburn. I started trawling the internet for solutions and came across something called the Neil-Asher technique which works on trigger points in the muscles and is practised by a number of osteopaths across the country. I mentioned it to my physio who poo-pooed it (and osteopathy) and reiterated the 3 year sentence. I then saw an article in the Daily Mail about it and decided to try and find an osteopath who practised it as, outside London, there aren't that many. Anyway I managed to find one in Usk in South Wales and after my first visit in September last year my night pain disappeared completely and never came back. I have seen her in total about 10 times and I now have all movement back in my shoulder. Some chiros practise the technique as do private physios but not the NHS for some reason! May be worth giving it a try. The Osteopath told me that ibuprofen won't work on the pain as it is nerve pain and the only thing which will dull that is an opiate!! She also said that frozen shoulder is very common in hypothyroid patients. Secondly, in June 2013 I started to develop stomach cramps (like gripping pain under right rib). Had it for about 2 months and then it gradually went away for a couple of months and then came back in November for a couple of months and went. It then came back in February this year and as I still had it in April I booked a GP appt (telephone as 3 week wait for appt). When I gave him the symptoms I was immediately diagnosed with acid reflux although I don't have any acid or heartburn or any other reflux symptoms. I'm not overweight and I cook everything from scratch, don't eat any processed foods etc. Was prescribed omeprazole for a month and advised that if it didn't work to come back and would do some tests. After reading the possible side effects of omeprazole I didn't take them and instead embarked upon a mission of finding out whether I had any food intolerances which were causing my gastric cramps. I've done all the elimination/challenge stuff on dairy, wheat, gluten, fish and nightshades and have kept a detailed food/symptom diary, and, apart from cooked tomatoes giving me actual heartburn nothing made any difference to the gripping discomfort. Consequently I've lost a great deal of weight - gone from 7st 12 to 6st 12. In addition, in the last couple of weeks I had started to get a thumping heart, my blood pressure was sky high and I had developed bad tinnitus. I felt I had no option but to go back to my GP as I just couldn't figure it out what was causing it as I was starting to feel really ill. Anyway, to cut a very long story (sorry!) short, it suddenly occurred to me that the only thing I was constantly ingesting day after day was my thyroid meds and wondered whether something in them was causing the problem so 10 days ago I stopped taking them (stupid I know, but I was feeling terrible - but have also booked a GP appt for next week to discuss and I did ring the surgery and tell them I was doing so and, to be fair, they told me to come in for some bloods the next day so he would have them when I saw him). 10 days on my blood pressure is back to normal, my pulse rate is normal, my tinnitus is barely perceptible and my stomach cramps have vastly improved - not quite there yet but 90% better. I also feel well, no hypo symptoms. I've noticed that the product info is different for different pharma manufactures and for the past 4 months I've been having the mercury pharma tablets which have acacia powder in them and that is the stuff I am very suspicious of - seems to fit in with my coming and going symptoms. I have tried to ask the Pharmacy who supply my prescription whose meds I've been having over the past 12 months but they can't tell me but I suspect the symptoms are directly related to the Mercury drugs (the symptom recovery probably relates to a change to the Actavis meds). Be interesting to see what my GP says next week. Anyway, sorry it's so long but just want you to be wary of taking naproxen and omeprazole in case they make the problem worse and to try and find the root cause (may just be one of the fillers in the meds). Am always amazed about all the hype about additives etc in food but never see anything about what goes into the drugs millions of people ingest daily. Good luck.xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Bustersmum

Well, you wouldn't, would you. All those meds that people take are making a fortune for Big Pharma and their investors. You don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg, do you!

Tatty10 profile image

thanks, will try to find someone who practises that technique, before ihad a thyroid problem i did not take any medication whatsoever and now i take so many it scares me.

greygoose profile image

Hi Tatty, myself I go by the principle that everything can be - and probably is - related to thyroid. Either directly or indirectly. Because thyroid hormone is needed by every single cell in the body.

Also, what are the chances that you have 50 different diseases, all with only one symptom. It's far more likely that all the symptoms are due to the same disease. It's amazing that doctors don't get that!

Be careful of omeprazole, it's nasty stuff! My doctors prescribed that for me last year without any explanation of why or what for. I had horrible side effects so, as they couldn't tell me what it was for, I took myself off it! (NOT suggesting you should do the same!) I later learnt that it had robbed me of all my magnesium. So if you're taking it, supplement your magnesium because when it's low it's hell!

Hugs, Grey

Tatty10 profile image

Hi greygoose i think you are right i had none of these symptoms untill my thyroid was removed

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