After almost two years of battling with several different surgeries, I have finally found a doctor who had referred me to an endocrinologist.
The reason for it wasn't my thyroid but the other hormones in my body. Turns out that over several blood tests my testosterone has been consistently low.
I am 25 and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism almost three years ago, in this time I have lost 7 stone and 6 inches off my waist and now I'm hoping to lose more once the endocrin fixes my other hormone levels. Especially as I find it incredibly hard to put on muscle to increase my metabolism, I'm hoping to get my level topped up so I can start muscle building again. When I was 18 and younger I used to put on ridiculous amount of muscle through the gym and rugby, so much that I have stretch marks on my arms from my muscle loss.
Im currently on 200mcg Levothyroxine, which changes all the time, usually I bounce up and down by 25mcg every few months, my body seems to just hate the stuff. Luckily my new GP is allowing me to go mostly by how I feel along with using the blood test results.
Has anyone else experienced their testosterone/other hormones go out of balance along with their thyroid?
I am currently facing a 2 month wait on the NHS to see an endocrinologist, sounds a bit long to me.