My 14 year old daughter had a blood test which ... - Thyroid UK
My 14 year old daughter had a blood test which said her ferritin level was 3ug/l he said it was a bit low bt ok wot do u think

Welcome to the forum, Bay8. Do you have the lab ref ranges for that result (the figures in brackets after the result)? By most standards ferritin 3 is extremely low and the optimal range is 70-90. You can buy ferrous fumarate OTC at your pharmacy and each dose should be taken with 500mg-1,000mg vitamin C to aid absorption and mitigate constipation.
Lab results 11.00-336.00/l my daughter is having a operation on her knee in a weeks time will they cancell
Bay8, you have to wonder why GPs even bother to test when they say results so far below range are okay!
I doubt low ferritin would be a reason to cancel your daughter's operation but it is worth mentioning it at her pre-op assessment as they may want to check whether or not she is anaemic.
Extremely low needs treatment x

Do u no wot treatment she would need and if nt treated wot would happen so worried
I am no expert but I know ferratin iron is stored(sort of saved)iron.You can have good iron levels in your body so you are not aneamic but your ferratin iron can still be low, Dont worry iron tablets woukd be all she needs.Someone klike Clutter will explain better I will message her x
Have checked up just needs iron tablets nothing to worry about x
It's definitely worth getting her ferritin levels up - she may well be feeling tired and breathless when she exercises. Also she might end up having much heavier periods than she needs to. Men can function on very low ferritin levels because they don't lose iron every month but women can't (not for long anyway). When they run out of ferritin they then become anaemic.
It is not ok. Low ferritin is a hypothyroidism symptom. Try to elevate her ferritin levels through diet
Have they also checked for vitamin D, B12, TSH, T4, Free t4, t3, free t3?