Feeling very very emotional this eve... Family ... - Thyroid UK

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Feeling very very emotional this eve... Family stress and I spoke my mind, unlike me...

mummyG profile image
19 Replies

Does anyone else feel like they just wanna be left alone, want quiet time. Here's the thing ,

I have 3 daughters 2 have kids ... 1 2 and a half and 3 and a half

I love them unconditionally .. But since I've had that's under active thyroid. ( on 100 a day). I feel I

Sometimes can't bare them all here at once! It makes me feel bad, I have been so tearful today cause I said how I felt , it's hard to explain it all on here but I just can't stop crying about it all, it's like having time of the month!!

I agreed to look after jack for 4 hours , my other daughter had his sister 3 1/2 year old with her 1 year old. So I was happy just me n jack n grandad. ( I can copewith that) But they all ended up here!! I love them kids but it's soo messy and noisy I just don't know what's up with me. Feeling like this ! I love them but I can't stand the stress!! Sorry for going on , pls someone tell me they feel torn By love and loyalty and tiredness ! And I get up at 6 new job! Thanks for listening x

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mummyG profile image
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19 Replies
Clutter profile image

MummyG, stop beating yourself up. It's impossible to cope with lively grandkids and the chaos they bring when you aren't well. You're stressed out with the thought of the new job too. It just wasn't a good day to have all the kids. You have to protect and pace yourself until you feel better.

Can you post recent thyroid blood results with lab ref ranges so we can see that you aren't under medicated?

mummyG profile image

Ah thanks. You are right. I just need to harden up a bit and not worry so much! I do try , but I shouldn't worry about saying no and stuff ! I will find my last ranges and post them, I was on 75 a day but just upped about 2 months ago to 100 ,. Today will be put down as a blip!! Thanks for support I do feel better now.

A new day tomorrow!! Thankyou xxx

missdove profile image
missdove in reply to mummyG

Hi MummyG....Its normal to feel this way when you are not well, it really can dictate how we deal and respond to things. Maybe try and let your kids know the impact this illness has on you by showing them some information or just sitting down and talking to them when things are calmer...And as Clutter says you could well be under medicated...Take care D x

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to mummyG

Good luck with the new job tomorrow x

mummyG profile image

Thanks xxx

annette12 profile image

hi MummyG, i know exactly how you feel i cannot cope with any stress whatsoeverrrrrrr. i am a childminder looking after 3 young children i am looking to change profession haha. sometimes our families place demands on us and once in a while we just have to say no. dont beat yourself up. xx

Karunablue profile image

Glad you are feeling better. Just try to listen to what you need at any one time. Sometimes I need peace and quiet and sometimes I can cope with a bit more chaos but have to choose peace more often than not these days and thats just how it is. Hugs xxx

mab383 profile image

Oh dear MummyG - I can't imagine how it feels to be hypo with three small children - and a new job!! Wow, you're inspiring -- I'm single with no children and hypo and it's all I can do somedays to get through work, get home, get something to eat and crash. I have had some good crying spells over the past six weeks myself (I'm adjusting from 100 to 112 mcg). Some days we just have to take it one little step at a time (I wish the process was faster!) - take good care of yourself ! - xxxxx

I feel like this with just my husband there! I have no grandchildren but can understand how you feel. Thyroid problems have very far reaching problems on it seems to me every system in the body including our 'ability to cope' gland.

glo42 profile image

You are doing your best and doing as well as you can so pat yourself on the back and tell your daughters how hard it is for you to have everybody around together and I'm sure they will understand. If they don't know how stressed you are feeling then they won't give it a second thought to all come to gather at Mum's home.

Grandchildren are a joy but also are hard work. Enjoy the cuddles but make it clear that one at a time is enough for you right now. Good luck with your new job, you are doing well and will do even better when your medication is sorted. Take care and big hugs xx

janiebell profile image

Is it hypo that makes us feel like this or have we always felt like this!!!!! I read a book once called 'the highly sensitive person' and I was a perfect fit. HSP have to have quite time and are over stimulated (which leads to overwhelm) very easily. This does not make us less than anyone else. In fact, we have always been the ones people go to for counsel because we are so empathic, etc. If I pace myself and don't overwhelm myself with too much to do, too much noise, too many people, etc I can be highly effective in my life. I have a good job and I threw a party for 100 people last month with a house full of friends and kids staying for the three days!! Yes, I got stressed but I tried to sit quietly by myself at least once each day and I delegated. I also organised cleaners and took a few days off once they had all gone so I could sleep in and just have quiet time. There is no way I could have a house full of people, and be starting a new job the next day!! ANYONE would be stressed by that!!!!!! Good luck with the job and take some time for yourself everyday x

Joyia profile image

You are not along MummyG, I can only copy with one grandchild at a time and although I love them all, I find the extra demands quite exhausting and feel relieved when they have gone home. I know people who feel the same at this stage in life even though they do not have any thyroid condition. Under fives need quite a lot of attention, we love them but please don't feel bad about yourself, as we age it is normal to want some peace and quiet.

Joyia profile image

sorry about typo errors, should read alone and cope.

Ritaritarita profile image

Same same Mummy, I don't have grandchildren but just all things and all people I have had to cut it back, start appointments later, realise that I cannot do ALL things for all people, and I am not perfect because I am human!! How about that! Be gentle with yourself girl, put you first because one thing I found out, is when you get sick you are the only one who will be able to take care of yourself. Stop feeling bad because you can't handle screaming kids, honestly who can. :-) do something nice for yourself, and just be alone and be with you. I will think about you and send you some good thoughts and plan the escape route lol x x x

mummyG profile image

Thanks so so much to ALL of you! You really have made me feel better, I just wanted to know I wasn't alone with these funny feelings! I will speak to my daughters today about yesterday

And it will all blow over I'm sure!

Oh and I wrote it wrong last night...

I have had a new job for 5 weeks now. And I get up at 6 am to work from 8 till 1. Sorry if I misled u ! But the thing. Is I am so tired when I get home ( I worked all day Wednesday too 8 till 6.30!) so I think thats why I felt soo tired. Yesterday! Thanks again for all u advice. I feel so much comfort knowing u all understand


Fruitandnutcase profile image

I don't have grand children but I see my nephew's family (two very wild boys!) and I know exactly what you mean when you say you absolutely love them but gosh you just wish they would go away. I have actually taken to meeting them for a picnic in a park somewhere just to give them space to run wild - rather than in the house. How awful is that!

Try not to feel bad, sounds like you are not very well and you are exhausted. No wonder you want a bit of peace and quiet. Nothing surprising about that.

If you have upset them then tell them how awful you are feeling that you have upset them because you love them dearly but your body is just feeling awful and that you are the one who needs a bit of peace and TLC at the moment.

Good luck with the new job. You might find that with the very early start you end up in bed by quite early. I work from time to time and that means getting up at six and out by seven - followed by going to bed by eight thirty because I'm so tired. I also delegate (I call it sharing) cooking of the evening meal to my husband. You have got to look after yourself. So go out and do something lovely and relaxing for yourself this weekend :-)

Polkadotpolly profile image


I was diagnosed in 2000 and have felt like this for years. I've noticed myself just getting more and more unpleasant towards people over the years, which has made me feel bad about it and then makes the feelings worse. I have been back and forth to the GP who assures me my levels are normal or if not adjusts my dose til they are but nothing helped. Recently I got to the end of my tether and could not control my rage, feelings of despair, lack of energy etc and have shouted at family, friends, work colleagues and even my bosses! I decided to try a nutritionist who had good reviews from other underactive thyroid sufferers. I had to keep a food diary for a week and also fill out an in-depth medical questionnaire. Based on my results she advised me to cut out gluten. It has only been 12 days since I started but already I feel like me again! It's almost like I have come out from a fog and i can see and feel things clearly now, without feeling any stress, rage or getting upset. I have spent much of this week apologising to many different people who have all been understanding and forgiving, and as a bonus I have lost 8lbs so far too. I wouldn't recommend you do this without speaking to your doctor or a nutritionist but i thought it might be useful for you to know, as I wish someone had told me years ago. I can't believe how much better I feel. I used to wish I could just feel happy or normal, like I did before I was diagnosed and thought that I never would. Particularly as doctors just put my behaviour down to my thyroid, like there was nothing I could do about it. Such a simple thing and yet I feel back to great health, mentally and physically and my energy levels are back. Good luck with getting better and remember you are ill and can't control that at the moment. Don't make yourself worse by feeling bad about it x

Glad I was hyper and not hyo when I had small children. Even cooking a full roast for my grown up son now leaves me shattered and with agonisingly sore feet afterwards. I'm having a I want to be alone and at home day today despite the sunshine. I have done 30 mins on my wii fit and just sat down to watch TV. Lit a tea light burning lavender scent, sheer bliss, absolute peace. I avoid stress as much as I can, it leaves me breathless and exhausted. I spend more and more of my time at home and on my own now, people wear me out.

BeansMummy profile image

I don't have small children around me now (but worked with them for many years and always loved it) - however, I find that I am now quite intolerant of having adult people here for any length of time, I cannot imagine what I would be like with children again. You really have my sympathy, because it must be hard as they are your family, and none of us like upsetting family. Hopefully, they will accept that you are chronically unwell, and that you just need to take things easy.

I have slowly got to grips with the fact that I manage OK generally, but I have to be careful not to overdo it, or I really pay for it. Be very kind to yourself :)

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