Increased frequency of Dreaming.: Hi Everyone... - Thyroid UK

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Increased frequency of Dreaming.

suzannai profile image
20 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Is there any correlation between thyroid hormones and increased deep sleep? Since I have started thyroid hormone I can say that I am having very vivid dreams nightly. Does anyone know anything about this and if it is positive or in any way related?

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suzannai profile image
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20 Replies

Increased dreaming is usually due to increasing serotonin levels (which is a good thing, usually). I'm sure there is a link to taking thyroid hormones but I'd have to work it through (maybe someone will already know how it goes!)

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

Interesting LilyMay

suzannai profile image

that does make sense. If think about it, many patients with thyroid disorders do have depression and T3 seems to alleviate depression in some that are resistant to antidepressants.

humanbean profile image

A few months ago I discovered I had very high reverse T3 and self-medicated with high doses of T3 to help reduce the reverse T3. I noticed I started dreaming regularly again while this was going on. Previously, for most of my life, remembering dreams has been rare, and those I did remember were almost invariably nightmares.

While I was on the high doses of T3 though, I had vivid, interesting dreams, - sometimes they were even funny - and they were very rarely nightmares. I usually enjoyed them. Now that I've reduced my reverse T3 to roughly in the middle of the reference range I can no longer tolerate T3 other than in tiny doses. And my dreaming is back to normal again i.e. rarely remembered and nightmarish. I'm still mourning the loss of the dreams - I only had them for a couple of months. While I had them I felt more alive and "with it" and less depressed than I do normally, and I felt they had a huge positive effect on my mental health.

suzannai profile image
suzannai in reply to humanbean

Thank you for this....very interesting. For me I developed severe hypo symptoms after a period of high stress last year and now that I am taking T3 I am dreaming, somewhat nightmareish but also sleeping better. I did have my RT3 checked and it was within range but I think that my ratio of T3 to RT3 is very off although I cant seem to calculate it no matter which calculator I uses as some of the values are canadian and some US. I am tolerating a high dose of T3 - 135 mcg without too many complaints, but not feeling that much better yet, although I only upped the dose a few days ago from 90 mcg which I was on for five weeks without any changes.

Just Jealous of dreaming :D

TSH110 profile image

When I was very poorly with hypo (as then untreated) I had hideous nightmares and would wake up terrified dripping with cold sweat. It is a known symptom. Since treatment I rarely recall any dreams, my sleep patterns are better but remain disrupted. The hormones must have an influence on all matters pertaining to sleep. As dreaming is more than likely related to memory I wonder if the memory problems so many suffers experience are also related at least in part to sleep problems. My memory has never fully recovered. I would love some vivid dreams to recall, like I used to get before I was poorly.

suzannai profile image
suzannai in reply to TSH110

Very interesting. So do you think then that the nightmares are due to LOW thyroid hormone and not due to the effects of supplementing with T3 or NDT?

serenfach profile image

I was going to ask the same question! I have horrible nightmares every nignt, really real. I am usually murdered in some way, often trying to rescue my children (they are grown ups!). I have to get up and do something, usually dusting, and then back to bed to be murdered again! Even a short nap will have a violent dream. My dreams are much more real than real life, where I find myself in a total fog.

All my levels are what this forum would call spot on, TSH 0.3, T4 and T3 fine, Vits fine etc. I do find all this murder a bit draining, but could fall asleep anytime, anywhere and have waves of absolute exaustion, aching muscles etc.

I dont have much faith in my GP, as recent back pain was diagnosed as "posture" but turned out to be gall stones!

I never know the murderer by the way....

Any ideas on how to stop it?

suzannai profile image
suzannai in reply to serenfach

This is very interesting. I have no idea how to stop it, but am wondering mainly if it is a result of the T3 or or perhaps an indicator that the levels are not high enough.

TSH110 profile image

n my case definitely I was really very ill by this stage and also started hallucinating and would look in the mirror and see a skull looking back. Once I was treated with Levo (a small dose initially because of heart pains) the nightmares and hallucinations ceased. Low levels can cause them.

TSH110 profile image

I have no idea why I got them. I have never taken T3 and don't remember any dreams on NDT

wysewoman profile image

Hi there,

Just to add that after completion surgery 8 weeks ago I went on to 150mcg of Thyroxine. I decided to take it last thing at night before going to sleep. I immediately noticed increased vividness in my dreams. There is no doubt in my mind that the Thyroxine in some way is responsible for this. I always loved dreaming anyway so I'm really happy with this 'side effect'. My dreams do seem a little bit more emotionally darker but then that could well be because of all the stress caused my Thyroid Cancer Journey. I wouldn't say they were nightmares as such though.

I do wonder if I would get the same result If i were taking my thyroxine first thing in the morning instead. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Tinne profile image

Here's what the author of the book, "Iodine why you need it, why you cannot live without it" (Dr. David Brownstein) has to say, where he mentions vivid dreams.

"People suffering with brain fog reported a clearing of their foggy feelings. Patients reported having vivid dreams and better sleep. Most importantly, those with chronic illnesses that were having a difficult time improving began to notice many of their symptoms resolving. Iodine/iodide supplementation has markedly improved the course of illness in fibrocystic breasts in almost all of my patients with fibrocystic breast disease. In addition those with breast cancer also improve."

Deb_23 profile image

Hi, I came here (from the other side of the pond) after googling Tirosint and increased dream recall. I took Levothyroxine for 6 months and just switched to Tirosint because of major hair loss.

Now I'm having really increased dream recall, and dreams are so unusual and weird! Never recalled dreams at all before this med. Also experiencing some insomnia. Hair loss may be a bit better, but just a few weeks on Tirosint. Have not tested T3 as dr. said he does not test it.

I even wake up from naps recalling weird dreams, first time ever, and had my first ever lucid dream. As someone else here said, there is a dark tinge to them. Hope this passes, or will need to start therapy and bore someone with all this weirdness.

Does this pass or just something new to learn to live with?


llilg profile image
llilg in reply to Deb_23

100mcg Tirosint, I wake up screaming from night mares. Also dizzy, violent vertigo 24/7. Almost like a sick dizzy movement in the back of my head.

Deb_23 profile image
Deb_23 in reply to llilg

Just to let you know the strange dreams were just at the start of using Tirosint- everythings normal now. Hope your situation improves too!

NWA6 profile image

I know this is an old thread but so interesting! I would say I never dreamed. I could probably count on one hand the dreams I’ve had in my lifetime. And those were usually a recurring dream. I started T3 9mtjs ago and my insomina vanished and I slept beautifully and woke refreshed but such vivid vivid dreams! Very creative. That lasted about 6mths and gave settled down now. I still sleep well but the dreams have gone. I’m still well and my T3 is high in range. So just my body getting used to higher T3 after over 10yrs of 0% through range.

Takysie profile image

I have exactly this. The day after i started a 25 of synthyroid i started having vivid dreams. I've always dreamed a lot but this was next level. Especially the colours. A month later the colours aren't so strong but the storylines are so full, i feel like I'm watching 4 or 5 shows on tv in my head and i never know which channel will be on next. Brain fog and hyperacusia way better as well, and instead of general fatigue i now have crashes in the evenings.

natjcole profile image

Wow I just hopped on my phone after waking up from a nightmare panicked! In my dream, I was escaping what seemed like a vivid hostage situation if anyone is curious... Anyways, I have never had these dreams where I make decisions in them and can recall them until I started on 25 of Levothyroxine after being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 2 weeks ago. I take my medication in the morning (per doctor prescription directions). Is it better to take them at night? Does anyone know if this will get worse when my Levo dose goes up?

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