How do I turn a Word doc into a link I can pos... - Thyroid UK

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How do I turn a Word doc into a link I can post? Layman's terms & words of one syllables for this numpty please :)

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27 Replies
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27 Replies
LouiseRoberts profile image

I would suggest dropping a message to Helvella - he knows about this sort of thing! LOL!

Someone else may pop up with help...! ;)



Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to LouiseRoberts

You don't know either? :-D Thanks for the tip, I'll PM Rod now.

malone1 profile image

Select all then copy (control and c) then control and v onto where you want it z

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Clutter in reply to malone1

Thanks, Malone but that c&p. I want to create a neat little blue clickable linky rather than c&p pages of text.

rosetrees profile image

Open an account at In your account you should see several folders, including apps, camera uploads, photos, public. If you upload a document to your public folder it will get a link that you can post here and which will allow anyone to download it or read it. Across the top of the top of the public folder is a menubar and the first option is "copy public link". This is the link that you can share.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to rosetrees

Thanks Rosetree, I shall try that later. Sounds exactly what I need.

If the word doc is on your computer you can't link it in a post. If its on the internet as in you open it like you would open google for instance reply and I'll help you do this.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to

Cheers, Suzey. Yup its on my pooter. I'm okay with internet links. Rosetrees has suggested I open a Dropbox acct to do it.

Silver_Fairy profile image

Or you could save the doc as a pdf?

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Clutter in reply to Silver_Fairy

I could? How would I do that, Silver-Fairy?

in reply to Clutter

I'm not sure even then you could copy-and-paste it (this system isn't set up to do that, unfortunately). And you'd need Adobe to make the pdf, I think. The reader is available free as a download; not so the the pdf writer. The drop box idea is simpler. But watch your privacy settings.

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Clutter in reply to

Thank you. Whatever I do is going to need to be very simple and straightford. I still have the attention span and patience of a gnat :-D

Silver_Fairy profile image
Silver_Fairy in reply to Clutter

Funny you should ask that..... If it's an office doc you can save it as a pdf, that's as far as I got with some docs I needed to save as pdf. When I opened them they were a pdf doc but when I tried to link them, that was when I had problems, as the link wouldn't work. Anyone help?

rosetrees profile image
rosetrees in reply to Silver_Fairy

For a link to work on here the document has to be uploaded to the web somewhere. You can't post a link to a document on your computer - your firewall would stop any external access and even if it didn't your computer would need to be turned on 24/7 and anyone would be able to access your hard-drive. Probably not what you'd really want to happen!

You can upload a pdf to dropbox in the same way you can upload a .docx or any other document or file. It doesn't have to be dropbox, there are several file sharing sites.

Newer versions of MS Office have the facility to save as a pdf built in. Just click on "Save As" and choose pdf from the drop down list beside "Save as type".

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to rosetrees

You are making sense to me and I'm happy to try Dropbox. Thank you.

in reply to Clutter

If you converted to pdf it 'd still be on your computer. I'm guessing you went the dropbox way.

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Clutter in reply to

I'll be doing Dropbox tomorrow, Suzey. Wiped out now and set backs with new things would inevitably result in notebook meeting the wall.

TSH110 profile image

I think you have to store it on an on line location and then use that as the link just copy the URL at the top of the page then highlight the text (you want to use as the thing to click on) right click and choose hyperlink and paste the location in there so it sits behind the text that should be highlighted. Or you can just paste the URL as it is without putting it behind any text

I hope that helps and makes sense

TSH110 profile image

You probably need adobe acrobat

youdo file

save as


TSH110 profile image

Drop box is a very good suggestion as to where you can store the document. It has a address then (URL) which you use as the link for other people to access it. You will soon be a computer whizz with all the help given here lol Never mind the thyroid what great collective knowledge - so very empowering :-)

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Clutter in reply to TSH110

i used to know how to do things and produced xcel templates and databases in my job. I can't remember anything :o Didn't forget hyperlinking cos I never knew it in the first place. And yes, the collective hive is a great resource.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Clutter

Yes my memory is very badly compromised I forget things at the drop of a hat. I have to add something memorable to a new persons name or it is gone in a nanosecond I know a bike mechanic from my horticultural course and the only way I could remember her name was to call her Hannah Handlebar!

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Clutter

The other problem I have is the black hole syndrome where I simply cannot remember what I have done for several hours previous it is just a complete blank! I just got a new lot of nut tablets (what my manic depressive partner calls antidepressants not very PC but it makes me laugh! He is quite happy to call himself a nut!) on Saturday somehow I managed to throw them in the bin (a subconscious desire not to take then perhaps momentarily surfaced and was immediately erased from my faltering powers of recall lol!) and now I have missed two days worth is I have run out and have to go to the surgery and ask for another prescription - how embarrassing yet how typically hypothyroid!! For some reason the link stuff on the computer has stayed with me probably cos I used to do a newsletter and did millions of them! I also use those quite a bit still and they are short and linear actions - who knows? My mind is improving on a bit of self medicated NDT tho so perhaps it might not bra permanent/worsening state of affairs. I used to have a pin sharp memory now it is like a blunt old crow bar! You have to laugh - I can still draw well so all is not lost!

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to TSH110

I'm bipolar too, in remission and off ADs since Nov when the T3 started working its magic. Must be explosive at yours when hypoT moodswing meets bipolar episode :-D What ADs have you got? If you don't want them don't take them to appease the GP. Lie, tell him you;re taking them and then truthfully tell GP they aren't helping you.;)

I'm rather surprised and pleased at just how much my memory has iimproved. I expect messing with some spreadsheets and stuff will bring back the 'knack' when I concentrate more.

TSH110 profile image

Google docs is another place you could store the word file and then be able to link to it.

r0dg3r profile image

ok it's really quite simple you just locate the PDF icon if you don't have that then right click the toolbar and choose filecreatepdf online locate the file you want to convert and click convert good look

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Clutter in reply to r0dg3r

Thank you. I'm too tired to try new tricks but I've bookmarked this post so I can go at it tomorrow. If I crack it I'll be showing off dreadfully :-D

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