I've tried Google but it either comes up with all the local GPs or private endos only.
Where do I find my nearest nhs endocrinologist? - Thyroid UK
Where do I find my nearest nhs endocrinologist?

If you prefer a particular hospital(s), look at the website for any of the hospitals of your choice that you would be able to attend/like to attend, and see if they have an endocrinology dept (sometime diabetes and endocrinology).
Otherwise email Louise at louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org for a list.

Thanks Hypnoteq. I will try that.
all nhs hospitals will have an endo
For an NHS endo, you will need to be referred by your GP.
Just asking for a referral to your nearest NHS endo is not the best course of action. Many NHS endos are diabetes specialists who know nothing about treating the thyroid. Thyroid UK has a list of endocrinologists - private and NHS - who have better than average knowledge and who might give you some real help. If you send a PM to Louise Warvill she will send you a copy of the list :
Thanks - that's very helpful but I couldn't afford to go privately so hope that there may be one on NHS in my area
Oh - that is what has happened to me!! I am diabetic, but wanted referral to thyroid endo, but got referred for diabetes. How do I pm Louise Warvill?
If you click on her name, you will see a yellow button that says send a message, click on that. She will need your email address to send the list to