I was diagnosed hypo 3 weeks ago and put on levothyroxine 50mcg but I keep putting on weight still. I ferl hungry all the time. Had this before diagnosed and gained weight rapidly but thought this would now slow down. Thank you for any advice given.
Can't stop eating!: I was diagnosed hypo 3 weeks... - Thyroid UK
Can't stop eating!

Are you feeling very tired? then you body will keep asking for food to convert into energy as it is struggling. Once you are on a much better dose of levo, GP should do another blood test after 6 to 8 weeks and adjust your levo accordingly as 50mcg's is a starting dose, this should stop - or at least slow down.
Moggie x
I am hypothyroid and I had this really severely. I found the urge to eat very overpowering so much so I simply could not control it. It reduced with levothyroxine treatment except when I was deemed to be over medicated and hyperthyroid and I felt a lot better and the appetite returned to normal. The insisted on dropping the dose. It rapidly returned and has never really gone away until a few weeks ago when I stopped eating any junk like crisps, sweeties and interestingly bread. It coincides with a bout of severe depression but I am at last loosing the weight I have piled on (3 stone, I was c 8.5-9 stone before I got ill with this). Try not to beat yourself up over the hunger your body is just trying to get energy. I would try and keep the diet as healthy as you can - a lot of people here say gluten and dairy free is good. Do as much exercise as you can manage without exhausting yourself and if you are lucky and reach a proper balance on medication the hunger will stop. There is lots of great advice here from a very supportive community. Good luck with it.
Hopefully your appetite will reduce as your meds are increased. You have only been on medication for 3 weeks and it may well take at least another 3 weeks or more to take any effect. I was diagnosed in Dec 2013 and in past couple of months I have lost 1 stone 2 Ibs and my appetite has reduced. No dieting but I am far more careful now about the food I put into my body and am eating organic non processed food.
Thank you for your replies. I do feel the urge to eat overwelming and feel very tired so your replies fit with how I am. I have gained 3 stone in a short time. It sounds like it is early days yet with regards to my meds then. Do hope they kick in soon before I put on another 3 stone!
Eat small and often so the sugar levels in your blood stay nice and steady, and sorry but I don't mean cakes, biscuits and the likes I mean boring stuff like fruit or carrots, which I know will be hard when you are so hungry.
Just make sure you keep on top of your blood tests and don't let the doctor go over the 8 week retest mark, don't take your levo before a blood test or you will get a false reading and keep your levo two hours away from any food or drink so that you are getting the full benefit of the little amount you are taking.
Moggie x
Thank you. I will try all your tips. X