Slimming World: I'm doing Slimming World and my... - Thyroid UK

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infomaniac profile image
17 Replies

I'm doing Slimming World and my progress is really slow. Last night my consultant told me about Success Express which is a lot stricter and I was considering it, then in the middle of the night had a lightbulb moment. I'm sure I've read on here that cutting back on food too much means us Thyroidies won't lose weight?

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infomaniac profile image
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17 Replies
sandywandy1 profile image

I have tried all the standard diets they didn't work. The only thing that has worked for me is going Paelo. Essentially no wheat, no cow dairy (eggs Ok). I am quite enjoying the diet which allows meat fish and lots of fresh veg. I am drinking hazelnut or almond milk instead of cows milk. I have lost a stone so far and my nails have grown for the first time since I had my thyroid out. Weight loss is 1lb to 1.5lb a week so fairly slow, but as I say I tried all the standard diets before.The week that I didn't eat all my meals, I put on weight so that might support not being too strict. I have been doing some light weights as well as I was told that muscle burns more calories than fat. I also take one spoon of coconut oil in my coffee every morning which is meant to give energy/rev the metabolism. I have been going to weightwatchers to get weighed and for the group support- Paelo fits quite well with their filling and healthy menu, but ditching the wheat. I remember slimming world did something similar. I hope this helps. Sandra

infomaniac profile image

Hi Sandywandy. My usual way of eating for years was low carb but it always caused massive problems with constipation and once my Thyroid started its antics I just couldn't go at all! At one point I did an anti Candida diet which was wheat and dairy free and other than being constipated I felt great.

I am gluten free now so don't eat a lot of wheat anyway but am quite enjoying the food on SW as I am eating lots of things I've denied myself for ages...and in big quantities! I've lost 8 1/2lbs in 6 weeks so I think I'll just have to put up with the tortoise pace.

Cherbear08 profile image
Cherbear08 in reply to infomaniac

Hi Infomaniac,

I have registered on here as I am trying to help my mum out as she has an underactive Thyroid and is really struggling at the moment, we joined our local slimmers world but she gave up as she started to get depressed being told she had gained and not lost. I was therefore wondering if you or anyone would be able to give me some tips and maybe recipes that have helped you so that I in turn can her my mum.

Thank you x

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to Cherbear08

Hi Cherbear, that post of mine was actually 3 years ago and while I do think SW is a good diet the last time I tried it I really struggled losing anything. I know a lot of people swear by low carb/high fat but I always run into problems without carbs so at the moment I am doing a medium carb, medium protein high fat diet I devised myself and am incorporating fasting in it too. I only started on Monday so whether it works or not remains to be seen!

If your mum is going to stick at Slimming World I would suggest not too many carbs, eat as natural as possible and eat plenty! Wish her good luck from me as I know how hard it is :-(

shaws profile image

This may be of interest.

As Shaws' link explains, just being on T4 (levothyroxine) might be the problem. My OH has been doing SW with me since the beginning of the year. She takes Armour - and has lost well over a stone. My thyroid levels are supposedly in normal range (though I have many hypo symptoms) and I've struggled to lose 6lbs despite eating the same meals and having a much higher BMI. So it might be that you need T3 in some form to get those pounds moving. Me - I've just come to the conclusion that I'll have to do Success Express too... {sigh}

Moggie profile image

Try this for a good explanation.

Moggie x

Revsie profile image
Revsie in reply to Moggie

I've just been reading this and have printed off to read further when I get time to try and get my head round it all! Very interesting though and I think it shows a link to why I'm at a standstill with my weight loss. I'm substituting 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) with a 'Juice Plus' shake and only drinking water instead of the usual tea and coffee, yet only have a weight loss of 5 pounds after 13 weeks of not eating any solids during the day. I've stayed exactly the same weight (down to the ounce) for the last 3 weeks ... I'm beginning to think my body isn't capable of losing anymore weight now no matter what I do diet wise, so I'm going to have to look now at increasing my iron levels as my serum ferritin is 45ug/L 20.00 - 300.00ug/L. My friend who's not got a thyroid problem is on the same diet but substituting only 1 meal a day with the shake and has lost a stone in a much shorter time.

PS Would love any advice on the Iron issue if anybody feels that I'm on the wrong path?

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Revsie

That site I linked has also got great advise on iron - it states your ferritin levels need to be 70+ before anyone should take thyroid meds - try telling our GP's that!!

I have been on iron supplements for nearly a year now. My ferritin level started at 9 and is now 67, so nearly there. I take ferrous sulphate 200mg once a day (£1.40 per pk), making sure it's at least 4 hours away from thyroid meds and taken with food as it can damage the lining of the gut if it is taken on an empty stomach. You need to also take iron supplements with a good vitc supplement or the body will be unable to absorb it. I take it with a good vitc powder, about a quarter of teaspoon full in made up orange squash, and this certainly seems to have done the trick.

This is the one I use - it does seem expensive but one tub has lasted me the whole year so not so expensive when you look at it that way.

Must be really disheartening that your friend is doing so well and you have got stuck. I have a friend who constantly tells me how much weight she has lost - even though she knows I have issues with my weight - makes me want to scream (or tell her to shut

Hope this has helped.

Moggie x

Revsie profile image
Revsie in reply to Moggie

thank you so much Moggie. I'll order the vit C supplement next week when payday comes along! I don't mind paying £15 for this as it will last such a long time. Is there anything I should know about taking iron and vit C as I'm on a course of Vit D at the moment (1 tablet every two weeks - not sure of the strength as not got them with me?) and am wondering if there's any time limit I should be aware of between taking the iron and Vit D /Vit C?

I don't mind my friend losing weight as it's good to know that diets do work .... My joy was in seeing that she'd put some excess weight on in the first place :-) .... I know it's mean but I defy anyone not to have felt the same hahah!

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Revsie

I am also taking vitd (for life by the looks of it) so I take my vitd first thing in the morning, my iron/vitc with my lunch and my thyroid meds at bedtime.

It is very important to keep iron, at least, four hours away from thyroid meds.

Know the pay day thing very seems I am always counting the days down until the next one.

Moggie x

Firewalker1 profile image
Firewalker1 in reply to Moggie

Hi All :) isn't it interesting that my darling GP (!) clearly stated that it doesnt matter when you take thyroxine, that you can take with anything with no effect on absorbtion, and never mentioned Vit C......ah well.....just as well we have great folk on this forum to guide,support and encourage us all eh? Yes you know who you are(and yes Moggie you are one of the likely suspects lol!) Although I jest, it infuriates that we are treated like mushrooms !!!.......My herbalist is delighted with the advice I've been given, and she suggested a look at the paleo idea keep the faith Revsie - concentrate on feeling well, cause we all deserve to feel fabulous girl! x

Firewalker1 profile image
Firewalker1 in reply to Firewalker1

AND...forgot to say I'm on ferrous sulphate I'm taking Moggies advice re timings of meds etc........(GP please note lol)

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Firewalker1

Ooooo - I love

Moggie x

Revsie profile image
Revsie in reply to Moggie

Thanks for the advice Moggie, I'll certainly use it. x

penny profile image

I went to slimming world years ago when I was hypo. and could not lose any weight - the organiser accused me of cheating as according to her I had to lose weight! Rubbish. A very ignorant woman.

I could not lose any weight until I was optimally treated (120mcg T3) and then I did the 5:2 diet and lost 24lbs. When I had a bad batch of T3 I could not lose weight even on the 5:2. Moral of the story is that you have to have the hypo. under control before being able to lose the inches.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to penny

Well I am losing albeit very slowly so I guess I should think myself lucky!

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