need to find a new doctor in north wales who wi... - Thyroid UK

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need to find a new doctor in north wales who will treat hashimotos properly can anyone help?

4 Replies
4 Replies
marram profile image

I do hope that someone can help but please remember to reply by private message.

Marz profile image

I personally think you will find it difficult to find a GP/Doc who understands auto-immune illness. I think it is a journey best travelled on your own. Use the GP for testing all the vitamins/minerals to ensure you are at the TOP of the ranges. Then buy some good books - Hashimotos the Root Cause - by Izabella Wentz is a good start. She has a website too and her Newsletter is helpful.

Going Gluten Free will help too. I apologise if you have already done all these things. I have been ill for over 50 years but sadly no Doc has been able to advise me with the auto-immune issues. Dr P taught me to take control of my health and to observe and listen to the body...his method instils confidence in your ability to monitor and treat.

Just keep reading and asking questions....there are many here who can help....

cant even get my gp to test anything local labs wont do anything other that tsh and as i am taking suplements she sees no point in test the vitamins ..... a real piece of work!

I am trying to remove gluten, have removed milk dont eat cakes biscuits or bread. eat rice and potatoes only in small quanitiies and have just learned that i like nuts ish so am eating lots of eggs etc trying to get rid of sugar. only problem is work. I am finding holding down a job really hard work. I have a good spell and thenI am off again. I have started taking 150mcg levo today although i will run out as i should only be one 125mcg doctor would not let me have any more so am going to order some and will have to pay to have the tests done privately i guess. why does everything feel like such hard work all the time... and where does time go i am sure there are time theives in my house I cannot keep track one min it is one oclock and then I look up and it is three oclock. I guess I need to get a grip and get on.

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