Biopsy results due nerves setting in.. - Thyroid UK

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Biopsy results due nerves setting in..

trayb1301 profile image
10 Replies

I have my results due in less than 48hrs on a 3cm nodule.. I know a lot have said they wont ignore it but cant carry one being so ill. So far ive managed to keep working but it scares me where I stand with this illness and work im so stressed and down that I am on anti depressants. . Any advise greatly appreciated.

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trayb1301 profile image
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10 Replies
Clutter profile image

You might consider taking some time off work as you're struggling. If surgery or RAI ablatement are required these will take several weeks/months to schedule. If medication is prescribed this also takes weeks/months to optimise the dose until you feel well.

Its an anxious wait, I've been there and sympathise. I hope it is benign. Please post to let us know.

trayb1301 profile image
trayb1301 in reply to Clutter

Hi I will and many thanks

peanutbutter profile image

Hi, Yes it does make you nervous - but remember they are on the case. Can I ask if you had a scan and biopsy (FNA)? What have they said to you so far?

trayb1301 profile image
trayb1301 in reply to peanutbutter

Hi I have had both scan on thyroid and a lymph node on my left side and now biopsy. Referred to ent due to family history. My paternal aunt has had thyroid cancer twice, my dad was investigated for throat cancer had he continued smoking he would have developed it and my mum died of secondary breast cancer. When I visited the specialist I went through all my symptoms and he exclaimed" im a surgeon I cut things out of people" so I am a little confused! He did the biopsy and another round of bloods. But for nearly six months I've had two bouts of sickness constantly tired all the time aching joints emotional memory is shocking recently got hand tremors. I get palpitations and struggle to get to sleep at night not sure if he paid any attention to that. He mentioned thyroiditis but to be honest I am so fed up I just want sorting. Many thanks

On my first inconclusive FNA the Endo said to me""If I could pick a cancer to have it would be thyroid cancer, the good cancer!" I thought and you are Santa Clause, it's not a gift! I will never forget those words. I got outside and was sick.

Second FNA was inconclusive. 3 weeks ago I had removal of half of my thyroid and the nodule and the results were Absolutely No Sign of Cancer.

Waiting for results is awful. I was in total shock and took to my bed first time round. It was 3 weeks wait for results both times. I felt really really angry.Angry with the consultants who had found the nodule, the radiologist who was pushing for removal of the thyroid. I was jealous of healthy people that I saw in the street and I was sick of friends sending texts saying " you will be fine". I felt anything but fine. I am a strong person but the whole process just knocked me for six.

I have since read that the more in control you are of your life the harder you take this kind of experience. Don't know if it's true but it made me feel better.

I felt that thyroid cancer is not treated seriously. The consultants briefly mentioned cancer and I was told "you wont have it". As if discussing a trivial cold. I felt their was no compassion or sympathy from any of the medical staff. To be fair to the hospital I wrote a letter to the Head of Endocrinology, I was not his patient but i outlined the treatment I had and asked him if he would be happy with the standard of treatment and compassion that I had received. I met with the Head Consultant to discuss how they could address and improve the treatment offered. They seemed genuinely concerned that they were not offering a premium service.

trayb1301 profile image
trayb1301 in reply to

I hope you start feeling better soon. Its the prolonged waiting and unknown!! Well this time tomorrow I will know myfate whatever that is.. I just hope they dont leave me hanging with the 'we will monitor or your bloods are normal' I know I am not right you cant go all day feeling shattered joints aching and hand tremors that are likely to drive me insane!!

tilly83 profile image

Hi Tray,

Nothing I can say will take away your anxiety which is perfectly understandable. I had the same as you, was a bag of nerves. Had booked to go to Amsterdam and wondered whether to cancel. Had a word with friendly GP (not at practice...) who said it was the best thing to do. Went to one of the lovely 'coffee' shops and had small piece of their 'cake'..... me and husband looked like drug squad we were twice age and dressed up... however, effect was wonderful, removed most of worry and sat the rest of it in background. My results were fine - and that was after I'd seen a post-report scan stating 'suspected cancer'....Two years on I am now on the mend - well stable, seeing endo today. Take minimum drugs and started running three times a week (pathetic small 1.5 miles) and gym. Tempted to celebrate in Amsterdam again.

trayb1301 profile image
trayb1301 in reply to tilly83

Thanks tilly. Im hoping to get my health back on track. Ive worked my backside off to lose 48lb going to gym 4 times a week and getting healthy and back to my old weight after two kids then bam last 5 months has been a nightmare. I could do with a piece of that 'cake' right now.

tilly83 profile image
tilly83 in reply to trayb1301

bet you could. well done for losing weight, I go running three times week and gym with spinning once week plus dog walking and flaming put on a kilo when got weighed yesterday despite volunteering to take off shoes, jewellry......if I wasn't doing exercise would be like barrage balloon, have managed to put on stone since treatment started, will lose it, might have to run in sleep x Let me know how you get on with results. Flights to Amsterdam very cheap!

trayb1301 profile image

Hi everyone got my results and its benign!! Yeah!! He gave me blood results that he ran for thyroiditis and they came back what now as I still feel shocking and told to go back to gp.. need to have another fna in four to six months and still have a 3cm I guess its back to square one ... thank you for your advice and support

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