I wonder how much validity is in the link betwe... - Thyroid UK
I wonder how much validity is in the link between root canal treatment and illnesses

It's an interesting article and it is good to be reminded from time to time about the health of our teeth. I do think there is validity between teeth/gums and health. Have read before that heart disease is more prevalent in people with bad gum health/disease due to microbes getting into the blood circulation. I just have to hope that my one and only root canal behaves itself as its under my one and only bridge - yikes ! Gums are gleaming since the introduction of high levels of VitD for something else !
Studies done in the 1900's are a tad outdated, things have moved on since then.
The root filling materials and techniques now used are somewhat different from those of the 1900's, an exert from one such product below,
Complete penetration of canals and tubules:
Due to its excellent hydric affinity, Endocal 10 heavy calcium oxide solution easily penetrates all tubules, even those usually inaccessible through compression of other root canal materials.
...am sure what you say is correct. However both hubby and I had to have teeth containing root canals redone - where the infection was still within and causing havoc. I think it is the infection that is remaining within that causes the problem rather than the ingredients used....
It's down to how well your dentist does the initial rct but having said that teeth are complex structures and no 2 teeth will be the same, canals are not usually dead straight, if the roots of the tooth are bent then it can be difficult to get into the canal. Modern equipment, technology and materials make rct a lot easier these days. The filling materials used now are designed to penetrate the canals and tubules so eliminating any infection that may be left.
The facts are, it is not about how skilled or meticulous the dentist is, there are miles of tubules and capilliaries in each tooth that will be now filled with dead tissue and blood. There is no way the dentist can fill or sterilise every single millimetre of them. As the blood supply is effectively destroyed the tooth is DEAD. The body just does not get on with dead tissue - where as bacteria loves it. Antibiotics won't kill them, they are safe behind a blob of guttapercha, and antibiotics need a blood supply to travel. Plus the place where the jaw cavity meets the dead tooth is also where these bacteria and toxins can escape at will and wreak havoc.
Do you have professional experience of the root canal treatment procedure?
Not professional only personal. On examining my root filled tooth which was according to my dentist "fine" it was indeed smelly and infected. Do you?
Sounds like you are either a dental nurse or dentist.
Indeed I am but my knowledge on the subject has met with downright rudeness from some members so I say no more except that success of root treatment is definitely down to the skill of the dental team and the materials used.
So you were/are a tooth carpenter's skivvy? lol. Seriously though there is no excuse for rudeness. It does sound though that you may not be very open to any suggestion that there could be a problem here. I haven't found any independent research that tells me root canals are 100% safe if "done properly". I doubt if there is any. You might want to read this though. orawellness.com/blog/unders...
This guy is independent. Nuff said!
Let’s take a look at the research conducted by Dr Boyd Haley, now retired professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky. To put him into perspective, Dr Haley was one of the first researchers to propose that Thimerosal in vaccines (due to the mercury content) was the most likely toxic agent involved in Gulf War syndrome and autism spectrum disorders.
Dr Haley chose to do his own studies similar to Weston Price’s research on root canal teeth using today’s technology. Dr Haley studied approximately 900 teeth with root canals for their level of toxicity within. He grouped the teeth into three different groups.
Roughly 25% of the root canal teeth studied had bacteria within them which produced toxins that were fairly benign. 50% of the teeth studied contained bacteria within their structure that would challenge a healthy immune system. The last 25% of the teeth contained bacteria which produce toxins more powerful than botulinum (Important note, botulinum is widely recognized as the most toxic substance known to humans). This bears repeating. 25% of the teeth Dr Haley studied contained a toxin stronger than the strongest toxin known to humans…
Well I hardly see your first sentence is very polite, I am not a skivvy!!! If nobody is interested in learning about modern treatments then so be it. End of.
Thankyou for the article it was very interesting for me to read. As I went through 2 years of hell, due to a root canal. I had it retreated twice and still suffered with constant and debilitating facial pain. It only reduced once I had the tooth finally removed,but I still think there has been some lasting damage. I would never have one again!
I've only had a very quick scan of this, mainly due to its pertinence.
Two weeks ago I had a root canal filling redone, partly due to infection and partly as a precursor to my amalgam removal. Not been near a dentist for over 2 years and, like many people of my age, was used to every visit incurring treatment and therefore money.
I must confess to being a pretty cynical person but having had it removed, I felt considerably and noticeably better!
Yesterday I commenced the amalgam removal and this will be continuing through to the New Year.
I recently had a root canal, & I won`t be reading any more scare stories about dental treatment.
I potentially need one and this article aside so many people have said it was the worse mistake the ever made I think ill opt for a removal and veneer or similar.
I recently read this with interest as I have root canal work. There is a proven link between gum health and general/heart health. No matter how much care I took cleaning/brushing/flossing my gums bleed. I had regular 'scoldings' from the dental hygienist - how could she be expected to care for my teeth if I did not! (changed dentist!) Little did I (or my dentist!!) know of the link between the thyroid and bleeding gums. Also there is a link between gum health and the heart. One example being mitral value prolapse and the care that must be taken with the gums to avoid infection as the infection can travel to the heart causing serious infection. The NHS/Dentists/GP's are really out of touch. I (and many others) know more than some doctors in terms of recent articles. I am hopeful that through forums like this educating us they will be forced to inform doctors/train medical students better rather than the present system. At the moment we have to research our own health conditions as the doctors don't have time! The NHS on the other hand are too comfortable with their links to Big Pharma and are happy to 'take their word for it' this is unacceptable, biased and causing genuine progress to be stifled. Sorry for the rant
I found that my gums improved some time after I started BIG doses of VitD - that was the only difference in my life .....as far as I know !