...we're now considering Dr Vinod Patel in Nuneaton in Warwickshire, is there anyone here who has seen Dr Patel? Please let us know of your experience ( via PM of course )
Thank you,
E & T x
...we're now considering Dr Vinod Patel in Nuneaton in Warwickshire, is there anyone here who has seen Dr Patel? Please let us know of your experience ( via PM of course )
Thank you,
E & T x
I saw Dr skinner on Friday 23rd August, and initally was asked to complete a symptoms checklist. I must have highlighted 3/4 of the list, which surpised me! I then went into the consultation, and was very anxious (i tend to be like this around new people). We went through my symptoms, he physically palpated my thyroid and checked my blood pressure. He said my thyroid was swollen and asked if my GP had ever physically examined my thryoid, to which i replied no. He also commented that I show clear signs of being hypothyroid, and that my tsh shows hypothyroid and my T4 is low. So he's going to start me on Levothyroxine and see me in two months.
He is a lovely man and I found his humour put me at ease
this is on this site her name is lou ..
.Read her story it is on this site ....he is an Endocrinologist ....Dr Skinner is in Birmingham ....Hope this helps ....the story is inspiring to all ...if you Google put his name in you wil find him ...Good Luck
Wall, I'm not sure who's story you are referring to, but there are lots of personal stories on the main website. Some of those people will have seen Dr Skinner.
Dr Skinner's details can be found on the main Thyroid UK website here:
Dr Skinner also has his own website where he has a 'World Thyroid Register'. worldthyroidregister.com/de...
Hi Dr. S is very popular. However, he is not an Endo but a private doctor specialising in thyroid disease. There is a big difference.
Best wishes,
I saw dr Sara a month ago who works with dr petal and he was very good, he asked my questions of things he saw in me. He is the only one in the world who has looked into t3/t4 because not everyone is being helped on thyroxin alone. I went for the me/cfs clinic. I have a number of auto immune probs. I hope this has helped, my answer would be yes go and see them at ge.
oh well,
Dr Skinner checks all the TSH T3 T4 ...he is very thorough and does sort many ladies out that are in dispair ..with Thyroid problems, that is his work .he is dedicated to it ...it is because he is so good they put him down (do not agree with his methods) and Doctors are not all up in the thyroid treatment and need to learn more !! without a dought or why are there so many women suffering being overwieght and all the problems that go with the thyroid .....I know as I fought to get mine some years ago now .but won ....my surgery does not check regulary either .......Cheers Margaret xx
Tony, please have Edysia watch the youtube series on hidden causes of thyroid symptoms.
Thank you Heloise we've been through Dr Clark's videos there very informative.
I don't know if you can find a functional medical doctor, Tony. I have gleaned two major points........ that keeping glucose levels even is extremely important and the same with cortisol even if you do nothing else, it seems it could do a lot for us. The disappointing part is that blocked T3 receptors #20 and #21 can keep you ill for a long, long time and that would probably need professional help. I'm glad you watched them.
I saw Dr Patel at George Elliott Hospital after a friend recommended him. He was the first Endo to check all my levels and started me on T3/T4 combo. He does discharge after 3 appointments back into the care of your GP but hopefully by then you will be on different meds and will continue to take them once he has prescribed and written to your GP to say this is what you need.
Thank you everyone for your replies.