Hi, can taking levothyroxine cause alcohol into... - Thyroid UK

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Hi, can taking levothyroxine cause alcohol intolerance,

spikecat profile image
20 Replies
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spikecat profile image
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20 Replies

There is has been a lot of discussion about this on here over the years, and the general consensus is yes...

The search function doesn't work properly for me as I have Internet Explorer - something they are fixing - but if you have a different browser, you may be able to search for previous threads...



Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

Not sure about intolerance but I noticed on holiday that one tiny little glass of wine went straight to my head. I never was a big drinker though but. I could always manage one glass without feeling completely tiddly.

Liz x

susymac profile image

For me (and likely others) its the hypothyroidism that causes alcohol intolerance!

I totally went off alcohol years ago, I was really ill if I drank any, yet when I was younger I could drink a lot with little effect. Once my thyroid levels started eventing out with treatment I found I could drink again, not that I do, but I can if I want too

Ansteynomad profile image

I’m with susymac on this. After being a complete lightweight and feeling drunk on a pint of lager shandy at my illest, I can now enjoy a few drinks without it having the slightest effect. This probably comes 40 years too late for me, but at least I was a well behaved teenager!

janiebell profile image

I've always suffered badly with hangovers and I only drink 2-3 glasses of wine max. I can tolerate the alcohol as I'm drinking it but feel lousy the next day when others who have drunk far more feel absolutely fine. Apart from the physical effects - headache, general malaise -it also makes me feel anxious.

Tatty10 profile image

Hi i think its the hypo that makes you intolerant to alcohol, i can only drink one maybe two glasses of wine at the most any more and i am so ill the next day and to be honest i dont want to drink any more than that.

Glynisrose profile image

No, its not the medication its the illness!!

KennyGee profile image

I have had the same experience that after many years of no reaction I started to react badly to alcohol.

It appears that my hypo problems were mainly due to Adrenal fatigue. Adrenal function is significantly influenced by blood sugar levels and alcohol can cause imbalance.

As functions improved the impact of alcohol lessened.

in reply to KennyGee

Agree with this... gave it up completely for a long period, I had enough problems with Insulin resistance (not diabetic) and hypoglycaemic events, (especially waking me up dramatically at night!) but now that's 100% under control (low carb diet too) I can "get away" with small amounts although even though I take Hydrocortisone, I find I am now a total "lightweight" and when I do drink, I now seek out lower alcohol drinks (4% wine for example!).

Sorting Thyroid (that was the last thing on the list!) might have helped a little, but if it has, it wasn't much.

Quite happy, I can now drink a little, no ill effects, but lightly tipsy on just small amounts :-)

ffran profile image
ffran in reply to KennyGee

Hi did you take anything to improve adrenals? I have just changed from levo from my GP to NDT , Armour, on a private prescription, so am wondering now if this will help my adrenals too. It would be great to enjoy a wine or a beer again!

KennyGee profile image
KennyGee in reply to ffran

I continue to take Nutri Adrenal Extra as saliva tests show that my Adrenals still need some support.

My tolerance has decreased over the years. Have not been sure if this was due to illness, thyroxine or adrenal fatigue. I have not had a drink this year because it only takes one drink to knock me out of action for two days ( although it doesn't hit straight away but the next day). I have been on armour only for 4 months and feel 80% well, so I may be able to have a drink again. But feeling sick and bed ridden for two days is a too much of a risk.

sandrad profile image

Hi Spikecat,

I can't say with any authority but I think it's the illness as I became alcohol intolerant before diagnosed/medicated. I am now on Armour and can manage one or two drinks, before less than one glass and I felt really ill.

Mikiviki profile image

I can't drink either..especially wine makes me sweaty and sleepy immediately. I fare better on gin and tonic, ...but not much better. Stick to the mineral water!!

hairyfairy profile image

Iv`e not noticed any change at all in my alcohol tolerance before or after Lovothyroxine.

Strewth - I hope not. That'd be the last straw!

ffran profile image

So glad to hear others mention alcohol intolerance! I have had this for years, even one glass of wine or one beer would make me so ill. I never thought about a link to hypo. condition, been on levo for 15 and more years now...and am sure adrenals are messed up as part of this.

I am taking Armour now, for the last month, it will be interesting to see if alcohol intolerance alters,

Tikamu profile image

I used to love a drink or two (or more!) before becoming hypothyroid. Then I started becoming really ill after only 1 or 2 glasses of wine. 15 years later, I still can't drink more than about half a glass of wine without getting a headache & feeling sick. But recently I have discovered I can actually drink a couple of glasses of champagne without a problem!

astroscopesuk profile image

I gave up alcohol and then got diagnosed hypothyroid, but i had given up alcohol for over a year when this happened , but i realy don want it now,, funny thing i also gave up smoking and then got diagnosed, almost directly after id given up smoking,, but id put two stone on and my poor little body cant take the weight so i went back to half an ounce of baccy every two days and i manage for now to keep to 9 and a half stone but thats still too heavy as i used to be 7-8 stone and im still upsett,,,



jillann profile image

I can't even have one drink anymore or else I feel hung over for three days. Yes, I think hypothyroidism definitely causes alcohol intolerance. Don't drink alcoholic beverages if you are hypothyroid. You'll feel much better without it, believe me. I can't say if levothyroxine causes this too. I think being hypothyroid does.

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