I was just wondering what the difference is between Hashis and hypo if any? I was diagnosed Hypo 10 years ago after the birth of my son, the Docs are putting it down to it being hereditary as my gran was hyper, but in the past I've suffered various throat infections, one quite serious one that came with pityriasis rosea and covered me head to toe in what looked like eczema, I would like my anti bodies checked but Doc is reluctant!
How can I tell if I have Hashimotos? I am Hypo,... - Thyroid UK
How can I tell if I have Hashimotos? I am Hypo, on Levothyroxine and still having symptoms

I have Hashimoto's as do some of the other people on this forum. I believe the only way to diagnose Auto-Immune Thyroditis, another name for Hashimoto's is to test for antibodies that attack the thyroid. There are 2 antibody tests TPO (thyroid Peroxidase) and Thyroglobulin antibody. Ask your Dr for the test if not you can have them privately done at Spire Hospitals through Blue Horizon.
Hope this helps
Thank you, I've made a not of both of the tests I will ask my doctor, I have just managed to get him to test my free T3, he may be sick of the sight of me soon!
I wasn't aware that I had Hashi's for 3 years, not sure when it started. My Doc is most probably sick of me visiting his surgery too, B12 Problem but that's another story. Good Luck let us know how you get on and remember to always ask for a copy of your blood tests because with them, you will always get some good advice.
I wonder why the Docs don't want us to know about Hashimoto's?
....I think it is too costly to test anti-bodies. It is so important as auto-immune thyroiditis - Hashimotos - is the most common form of thyroid illness. It beggars belief that the labs will not test anti-bodies when the TSH is in range....does the blood technician see or hear the patient ? - I think not !
Time for special clinics for auto-immune conditions - where we can learn that food is the medicine of life - Hippocrates - and that gut health must be optimal. These should be walk-in clinics with superior blood testing for TFT's and everything else relevant to auto-immune illnesses - it would save the NHS a fortune in the long run !
I totally agree, if they treated us correctly from the beginning it would save a whole lot of money in the long run, not to mention saving us a whole lot of agony!
Marz you are spot on with your first degree suggestions, the medical world is so far under the grip of the Pharmas they cannot see the wood from the trees. The good news is that with research there is much we can do to help ourselves regarding gut health and diet. I am constantly amazed at how few people know anything about the relation between diet and health. When I see young mums feeding their tots and babies on the bus with so much processed rubbish my heart sinks, although I did see two mums open containers containing broccoli and olives when I walked through a shopping mall, the toddlers were tucking in, so all is not lost eh.
Marz how right you are, but l suppose it will never happen in our lifetime, do they know how many of us there are trying to live a normal without having to take god knows how many supplements to keep us as healthy as we can be (saving the nhs the cost of supplements) which don,t know about everyone else out there but its a hefty sum, l have several auto imm probs and at 63 thought l was going to have a healthy old age but we must keep our sense of humour, love your advice marz.x

Thank you for your kind comment Gemini ! Yes I too have an Apothecary in the corner of the kitchen - along with my dog's T4 as well !! Yes being able to smile at ourselves is important....x
At least you are entering your mature years with knowledge and understanding - I see so many ladies of a certain age who accept everything they are told by their docs and do nothing about taking responsibility for themselves. Some of us want optimal health to enjoy our later years. Someone recently commented that I would live to be a 100 with all the bits and pieces I take - my reply was I didn't want a long life necessarily - but one that I could enjoy with energy and vitality....will be 67 towards the end of the month - yikes ! M x
After reading AngeNethers message - is it common for hashimotos to occur after childbirth? Because I feel that's when mine started. And whats the difference between Thyroidperoxidase and thyroglobulin? If you had an antibody test done privately? how would you know which one to ask for please?
There are many reasons to believe that pregnancy and post-partum are times when thyroid disorders either start or change from being minor to being significant.
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) is an enzyme that is unique to the interior of the thyroid.
Thyroglobulin (TG) is a protein that is unique to the interior of the thyroid.
When a thyroid is attacked (as in a lymphocytic attack which is Hashimoto's or even suffers trauma such as surgery) both substances can end up in the bloodstream. The immune system recognises these substances and creates antibodies.
In most people, if they have antibodies to TPO they also have them to TG - but not always. A few percent of people have the one, but not the other. Generally TPOab is the more widely used.
Hi Rod,
Your full of all sorts of useful information. I would like to ask you a little advice. I also have Hashimoto's but at the moment I'm being tested for PA, I've had a real rough 6 mths and my lymph nodes in my neck are really reacting and they've been like this for 6 mths now. I sometimes can feel them in the dent of the end of my clavicle and today, I can feel in my left below my armpit (top of breast) What do you think causes a reactive lymphatic system with out stating the C word.
I have no idea!
Have done a PubMed search which has brought up towards 500 papers - a few of which might be of interest.
Thanks Rod, I'll have a read. My neck has just started to go into spasm, I wish I could stop glands from swelling. Thank you for having a look.
Sounds very unpleasant. Have you had any medical investigation? I wouldn't wish to leave something like that to self-diagnosis and treatment - though it is possibly as well to find out what you can before going to see a doctor.
Don't want to panic anyone. I have been going to my Drs regularly, pretty much, weekly. I always get him to feel them as there normally always up when I visit. My lymphocytes are always elevated over the normal range, not hugely thou. As I was tested positive for Gast.Parietal cells, I thought maybe it was my body probably fighting foreign bodies, thinking they are anyway. Damn auto immune diseases can be so problamatic.
I have the exact symptoms, which is why my initial question was about Hashis, My TSH is "normal" but since May I have been having throbbing in my neck and most recently stabbing pains and my glands are swollen along with the "regular" symptoms of hypo
I find these lymph nodes do throb, pulsate, is probably the antibodies attacking your thyroid but definately go to the Drs and get it checked out.