how long before i start to lose weight,was fina... - Thyroid UK

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how long before i start to lose weight,was finally diagnosed with under active thyroid two months ago,but still very depressed and very fat

lola1956 profile image
23 Replies

very depressed ache all over, doctor just informed me that tests in 2009 showed i was borderline even then please help with information

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lola1956 profile image
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23 Replies
shaws profile image

You say you were finally diagnosed two months ago. What dose of levothyroxine are you taking?

If you can get a copy of your latest thyroid gland blood test results complete with the ranges, post on another question if you don't have them to hand now.

Unexplained weight gain can be a clinical symptom of hypothyroidism amongst many other clinical symptoms.

It does take a while to get to an optimum level of medication then you may gradually lose weight.

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to shaws

the dose is 50mg having another blood test thursday so will then know results, feel very alone with it all and like my life is now over

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to lola1956

No, your life is not over although you have obviously been feeling quite ill.

50mcg is a starting dose only and your GP should increase by at least 25mcg when you next see him. It is a gradual process and medication is increased till you feel well.

From now on always get a print-out/copy of all your blood tests with the ranges for your own records or if you have a query. Some GP's think it fine when the patients get within the normal range but many of us require it to be lower to feel well.

Best wishes

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to shaws

the last time he said i was on normal range and left it at 50 but feel worse now and ankles very swollen again like before i had medication, dont get dressed even as no energy

lola1956 profile image

do you think i should go private? i dont have much money but feel my doctor just thinks im a silly women and over reacting, hes said i should just live with the weight gain and swollen ankles, i am in so much pain and feel no one is listening to me? sorry if i am going on too much

Hi Lola

Your post has made me feel so very sad and reminded me of myself 18 months ago when I was first diagnosed. I also had been undiagnosed/untreated for several years and my life was taken apart by this horrible condition.

You are not going on too much - what you write is exactly how I felt, not so long ago.

You have a right to expect better from your GP.

Shaws is right - your life is not over and there is hope and a good future waiting for you. It takes time and patience and a better level of service from your GP. If that doesn't happen, complain and consider looking for a more empathetic GP.

Well-being is possible and I have achieved this, but it has not been easy.

I'm wishing you well and sending you a big cyber hug.



lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

thank you, its just so good to be able to communicate with people that understand how awful this makes us feel, i will try harder to get the treatment i deserve to get me through this, thank you for the hug x

in reply to lola1956

Yes, communication and support is so important and has got me through some really bad days.

If it helps, my hypo diary has been published in ThyroidUK - this is what I learnt along the way.

Here's the link; scroll down to Liza's story for my diary...

I put on over 3 stone in a year when undiagnosed and to be honest, I still haven't lost it, but I wanted to stabilise everything else first and in every other way I'm so much better.

My TSH was 5.36 when my GP told me I was 'normal'. I was on 25mcg. When I increased to 50mcg it made a big difference and I felt much better. I'm very sensitive to levo and a small amount can make a big difference. But we are all different and the important thing is for you to work with your GP if you can to achieve what is optimal for you.

Good luck. x

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

just read some of your diary, we are so alike in our symptoms, i have a thyroid belly too and it does not belong to me, i too have now got a dodgy knee and at this minute cannot walk more than a few steps, im also vegetarian and 5ft 10 lol, i will read it all through in full soon and let you know in full how similar we are, thank you once again for your help in letting me believe i am not alone x

in reply to lola1956

Yes - and I'm well now and in time, so can you be. I'm not the same as I was, but life is really good again. You can get through this Lola and you're not alone. x

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

your story was very interesting thankyou for your help

in reply to lola1956

Hi there Lola,

Please don't get downhearted.There are so many lovely people here to help you and eventually I'm sure you will see your situation change.

I had 10 years on 50 mcgs Levo ,being told my thyroid was normal after every blood test,even though I felt far from it and couldn't remember what normal was,having no energy,lost confidence,weight gain of over 2 stone and muscular aches and pains.then I joined this support group and for a while just read all the posts and questions until I suddenly felt ready to ask about my own situation.In no time at all the replies of support and suggestions came for me and I gradually learned how to take control of my problems.I bought the book by Dr.Antony Tofts " Understanding Thyroid Problems" and approached my GP with more confidence asking for a rise in my medication,as my TSH would soon be going beyond the upper limit.

He listened and gave me a rise to 75 mcgs raised again 6 weeks later to 100.I went to surgery today .....was asked how I felt "much better "I said and now have a form for Vit D, B12 and folate blood tests.All this in 3 months!! After all those unhappy years I now feel supported and very grateful to everyone here who has helped me become more confident again.I still have a long way to now studying my diet to lose thing at a time.

I am sure it can be the same for you and hope you will see some improvement as soon as possible.

Best Wishes

Margaret X

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

thank you margaret, i have another blood test in morning and from there will start to find the energy to question my doctor about my medication, i will try to learn from you all here not to give up even when i feel a sense of hopelessness x

in reply to

Hi Margaret

I'm so pleased you went back to the GP and things are now so much better for you. Well done for getting the other blood tests organised.

Liza x

in reply to

Hi Liza,

A nice surprise hearing from you just now and Thank You for your good wishes......would you believe that I phoned to get a blood test appointment this morning and was asked if I could make it by 1.45 pm today !!!!!!! This was at our local community hospital 3 miles away.I turned up 15 mts early and was seen and back home by the time my appointment was due !! I was so lucky.I think so many people are away on holiday at the moment....not getting blood tests done.

I honestly feel more in control now.....had to see another GP yesterday who doesn't know my case and felt slightly unnerved when he looked up my blood tests and as expected commented that they were all normal, but when I said that I had joined a support group in order to get more information and realised that I had been on a starter dose of Levo for 10 yrs. and had asked my usual GP if he would give me a higher was only then that he asked how I felt?

" I feel much better,but I came in as my B 12 test result hadn't come back so I assumed they hadn't done it and I believe it could be important to know what my vitamin levels are"

He immediately said " I'm OK with that" then started to fill a form in and held it up to me.By then I could hardly wait to get out as I felt I was being dismissed and not being allowed to enlarge upon anything.

However,my husband saw my visit as a positive one because I achieved what I went for.

I do hope my own GP is back soon.

I do hope that you continue to keep well Liza and are enjoying this super Summer.

Margaret X

in reply to

This is great news! I think it was a positive visit - really you knew what you wanted and needed and perhaps he saw no need to enlarge on things as you are in control. It is a super Summer and I'm so grateful that I'm well enough to enjoy it - such a difference to even a few months ago! Sorry to Lola for hijacking her thread - and I hope this gives her confidence to know that there is every reason to look forward to becoming well.

in reply to

Thanks for your comments Liza,they all help with the confidence building and I think you will have helped Lola with this too.

I will continue to read your posts. They are always interesting and how fantastic that you are now enjoying life.Long may the Summer last. X

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

thank you, its just so good to be able to communicate with people that understand how awful this makes us feel, i will try harder to get the treatment i deserve to get me through this, thank you for the hug x

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

thank you, its just so good to be able to communicate with people that understand how awful this makes us feel, i will try harder to get the treatment i deserve to get me through this, thank you for the hug x

Hi there Lola1956, very similar to how I felt before being diagnosed... and for some time after! When first diagnosed the doc said, 'Your hypothyroid but not a problem, just need to take a tablet each morning'... uhmm easy for her to say, only wish it had been that simple!! However, a few years down the line, I can honestly say I'm now feeling better than I ever did...and it's nothing at all to do with attention from doctors. I decided although her comment wasn't least bit helpful, it actually was!! I took my health into my own hands and decided to clean my diet. Never looked back. No weight issues, very few hypo symptoms and believe me I had alot! I hope this is helpful.

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to

hi thank you , i was told exactly that and all around me people look and wonder why i am no better, as i should be, as i have taken that magic tablet but as you say its not so simple, i feel like someone took my batteries out, i have no energy to think and find myself in a trance at times but i will now try to help summon up energy to clean my act up (diet wise) although i am a vegetarian and eat well but still have put on three stone in under six months, i feel ashamed of my own body, i am going to try harder to get through this though and will take your advice

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to lola1956

Hang on in there Lola, your life is not over. It is horrible feeling like you do. I'm actually hyperactive but became hypo during my treatment and I just felt ill in a different sort of way. Don't feel ashamed of your body, you are ill, you can't help it.

Try telling your doctor that you know you are probably within the normal range but you obviously aren't at the right point of the range for you because you are not improving.

Must admit when you are feeling really rubbish it is hard to fight back, I tend to crumple. Make a list of the things that are worrying you and work through them and ask for a print out of your test results with the lab ranges.

And keep coming on here - everyone is so sympathetic and we know how you feel.

((((Big hugs to you ))))


P.S. Have you tried cutting down on (or even out ) bread and carbohydrates I find that helps me.

shaws profile image

Lola, first step is to get your thyroid gland blood tests results with ranges and post on a new question. Members will make some suggestions and you can go on from there. This is a an excerpt which may give you a bit of confidence but you don't need to say much to your GP yet till you get some advice after your blood tests. (he may well increase your medication). Ask if he will do Vitamin B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate as the first two are usually deficient in hypothyroidism:-


Dr. Lowe: Keep in mind that T4 alone is the least effective thyroid hormone preparation, and 50 mcg is an extremely small amount. I seriously doubt that 50 mcg is benefiting you in any way.

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