Only 2 months of meds at a time? I used to get 3 months worth, i don't understand as i have to take it forever and they will only test me every 6 months.
I'm new here and have lots of questions!!! Was ... - Thyroid UK
I'm new here and have lots of questions!!! Was diagnosed hypo in 2010, now on 100mcg levothyroxine, any idea why I am only being prescribed

The standard prescribing period is 28 days. Some people only get that much prescribed.
I, and quite a few others, get 56 days.
The recent MHRA report supports 84-day/three month prescribing in order to avoid enforced switching of formulations and reduce likelihood of interruptions to supply:
Many people find that they have a prescription's worth in hand after taking it for a few months/years due to getting repeats slightly early.
ONE MONTH??? Oh my, that's terrible! I have a full time job, business hours 9-5 which is the same as my GP, I have to take time off to pick up my prescription and when I go for a blood test, is it not bad enough that I'm already a burden on the nhs, I'm also a burden to my employer, although they are understanding, I feel bad about having to take time out. Surely this situation needs to be addressed! Thank you for your response Rod
I get 3 months at a time thankfully, but I also get my prescription sent to my local Asda where I shop anyway. The pharmacy is open until 10pm. A lot of pharmacies offer this service now. I know Boots do too and they stay open until 6 pm I believe (well my local one does anyway). All I do is go into Asda and order my repeat prescription, which they send off to my doctor's surgery and I then pop back 3 days later and collect it. This could work better for you too, especially if you have to do this every month, which surely must be much more costly for the NHS.
I work in a pharmacy and the reson gps are working towards 28 day repeats is due to the amount of wastage of drugs. We get bagfulls of unused medication every day. People openly admit that they have no intention of taking the medication but collect them believing that the gp will think they are taking them. One lady brought back over £7000 of unused medication. That is where the nhs money goes and we all suffer because of it.
I am lucky because I get 100 days worth of Armour (NDT) on a single prescription. I think this is because the bottles contain 100 tablets and this is the cheapest way of doing things. I also get 3 months worth of eye drops and ointment for an unrelated condition - it saves me and my (lovely) GP time and hassle, and the NHS money
I only get 28 days at a time. I spoke to my doctor, who said it is to help stop people stock-piling their medication. I said that if I don't take the thyroxine, I will die (I know it will take a long while for that to happen, but that is the end result if you need thyroxine and don't take it) so why would I stockpile it?
I order my medications online and pick them up at my local Boots.
Hi If you do not feel well, still. Then be sure that you have had a TSH, T4 and Free T3 test. Asjk the receptionist for a print out with ranges ( all differ), this is routine. It is possible you need more T4 ( levo) or/and the addition of some T3.Only these tests will show you.There are other tests you need too.
You can get any tests on line thoguht TUk or I use Blue Horizon, main site as very good and well known.If you use them venous blood or finger prick, totally reliable, Quote TUK 10 for a £10 reduction in cost.The 6 monthly bloods is all about cost. However, on treatment you should have lots and rises in drugs if needed until you feel well and the 3 bloods are good.
Best wishes,
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I think it is because the doctor gets paid each time a prescription is issued, so the more frequent the more s(he) is paid.
I always get a 3 month supply of levo, but I have been on it for 10 years now. Wonder if this is a postcode thing? On occasions I have telephoned the pharmacy close to the surgery, they get the prescription filled and will deliver.
I only get 28 days worth, and it takes 10 days to get a repeat prescription, which I have to drop in at the GPs. 15 mile drive, then another 15 mile drive to pick it up, and with no public transport, it costs me a bit. I tried giving the prescription straight back when I picked up the last lot, but they apparantly cannot do this.
I can get 3 months worth of the HRT pills at a time though....
Sorry, maybe I did not make myself clear but I tried to do this last time, but the chemist refused to accept it, even though I said I would not be picking it up for a while.
I'm seeing my GP on Monday and hopefully will be prescribed T3, I'm just taking thyroxine 100mcg at the moment and have done for the past ten years. I've been told many times that my blood tests have been 'normal'. Now I know having found this site this just isn't the case. How long does it take to begin to feel normal again should I be prescribed T3. I feel like 100 years old at the moment with so many of the symptoms listed. I will go private if necessary.
Interesting reading all these replies. Here in the land of Oz we get a 6 month supply of thyroxine at a time with generally 5 repeats on the script.