I have had a under active thyroid for 20 years. I take 250mg of thyroixine daily.
The problem I have got is from time to time I go back down hill and find my symptoms re-appear. I aske for another blood test and they allays say its fine.
So frustrated with the answer I decided to try a experiment. I dropped my dose by 50mg per day for 4 months. Then I went back to the doctors for another blood test. Sure enough the reply was the usual ''yes your result are fine"
So then I uped my does back to 250mg per day. Waited 4 months and went back for a blood test. Yes, the result came back normal.
This means a difference of 50mg can't be detected by a blood test or the results are read different every time or none can be arsed.
The doctors told me the levels don't change for 6 weeks however I waited four months and they still could not pick up a different result.
Feels like they are just not interested.
I have just asked for another blood test then will send in the result. Also what is t3's and will they check them with a normal blood test.