Been Hypothyroid for 2 years and still have ori... - Thyroid UK

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Been Hypothyroid for 2 years and still have original symptoms. My level ok. Does anyone use vitamin supplements? Sick of feeling washed out!

mintyapples profile image
10 Replies
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mintyapples profile image
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10 Replies
PinkNinja profile image

If your levels are "ok" they might still not be good enough. Do you have a copy of the actual numbers and reference ranges? If you do, please post them here so we can have a look. If not please ask your GP for them.

The "normal" ranges are very wide but each of us has our own very narrow range of normal. Although you are in the normal range, this might not be normal for you. A bit like 5ft4 being a perfectly normal height for a woman, but it isn't normal for me unless I shrank 2 inches!

It would also be worth getting the following blood tests;

serum iron

ferritin (stored iron)


vitamin B12

vitamin D

A deficiency of any of the above can cause symptoms and may be adding to how you are feeling. Again, if you get these done please post them here so we can help. As with thyroid tests, the above have ranges that are very wide and although you may have "normal" levels they may not be optimal.

I hope that helps a little.

Carolyn x

mintyapples profile image
mintyapples in reply to PinkNinja

Thank you Carolyn yes it does help. I have an appointment with practice nurse in two weeks to discuss my "lifestyle" as i have put loads of weight on. My GP suggested i attend a gym but how can i do the gym when i am exhausted all the time! I ache like mad. I have been reading up on the Vitamins to see if they will help me.All my GP told me was to take levothyroxine and i would feel normal again!! i am 42 and feel 82. I will ask for my levels and i will also ask about the blood tests you suggested. Thank you xx

Wired profile image

I can relate so much to the feeling of being 82! There have been many days that I have woken up in the morning wondering how on earth I was going to get through the day until bedtime comes around again. I have put on 4 stone in total and am now trying to exercise more. Even if you go for a 10 minute walk 3 times a week to start with, you'll be surprised how quickly you will feel able to do a little bit more.

There are some days I feel so tired, but I go for a swim and I actually feel more energy afterwards. I don't know the science regarding the thyroid, but it's like it starts up my engine.

sporty333 profile image
sporty333 in reply to Wired

That's the same for me too! Exercise can snap me out of feeling crap..... For a while anyway lol

mintyapples profile image

Thank you for your reply. I have put 4 stone on to. I can relate to everything your saying. I had a bad few days last week where i didnt want to get out of bed as i still felt tired even though i had slept well. I spend most the day yawning my head off. Can i ask you do you crave chocolate and that sort of thing? On my worst days i crave rubbish food (which doesn't help the weight!) but on good days i cant stand the sight of chocolate. I never know how i am going to wake up. Have you managed to loose any weight? thank you for your reply xx

Wired profile image
Wired in reply to mintyapples

I've been the same, sleeping 10 hours a night and still wanting more in the day! I definitely crave chocolate and other naughty things because I "think" that's going to kick my energy back into gear (which it doesn't) and now it's become a comfort. I comfort eat. You're right, it doesn't help the weight.

My levels are still not optimal and I've lost maybe a few pounds in the last month, so it's very slow progress. However, it is still progress. I've had to accept that my body doesn't work as fast as others and that weight loss may be slow but as long as it is going in the right direction all well and good.

Exercise has helped me mentally as well as physically. Even walking for 15 minutes gives me a sense of achievement and that I won't be worn down!! (works some days better than others lol)

mintyapples profile image
mintyapples in reply to Wired

Your reply sounds like my sleep pattern. i had 12 hours sleep last night and want to sleep again now. I am glad its not just me with the cravings when i am tired and i must admit i do comfort eat at times. Thank you for your reply x

vanharps profile image

I've not long been on thyroxine as I was experiencing all the same symptoms. As I'm a fitness instructor specialising in group fitness I was really struggling.

Long story short my levels were low but not low enough to be classed as hypo. However my doctor said some peopl with low levels, but still within normal range, don't cope very well. I was given thyroxine to "top me up". After a month didn't really feel any better and was getting tendinitis in joins and aching muscles on top.

I started taking magnesium, Vit D and B12. After a further two weeks I actually feel I've turned a corner. Feel much better in myself and the tendontis and aches are gong. Have more energy and no longer feel 'old before my time' (I'm 35).

Whether this was the thyroxine finally kicking in or the supplements (or placebo but I don't care) I'm staring to feel like me again.

Perhaps ask for your levels to be checked again and if low side of normal ask for thyroxine to be increased?

mintyapples profile image
mintyapples in reply to vanharps

That made very interesting reading thank you !! I have started taking B vitamins, primrose oil and ginseng to see if this will kick start me. It is not that i don't want to help myself it is a case of i don't have the energy! I can relate to the aches as i am having a lot of those at the moment and this is why i thought my levels were low again but apparently not. I have an appointment next week so will see what my levels were. Thank you for your reply xx

Denne profile image

I'm new to you all,under active lot of years on 75levo,can vaguely remember the normal me,I'm the one that puts up and carrys on regardless,went to see doc today and asked for basic bloods b12 D folate ferr iron serum iron with TSH T4 T3 she was not amused,first off I don't need T4T3 check,my TSH is in normal range 12.10.12 reading was 2.02 in a nut shell I explained to her how I'm sick of my existence,every bone aches every min of every day,hair that fine might as well shave it off,can't loose weight no matter what I do,depressed that much that I cry for nothing,she loved that one,saying you can't pin all these symptoms on your thyrod,but it does sound like you are badly depressed.She told me I am treat with enough hormone replacment and have a TSH level that is satisfactory. I had difficulty getting a copy of my levels,28.5.12 reading 2.73. 18-4-12 reading 4-18 T4 15-1. They have ranged from this to 7.19,these two I don't understand. 4.27 14.2T4, 19.04 12.1T4. I will get bloods done tomorrow,she thinks I've got wheat intolerance,I know I have,she happy to sort that. As far as thyrod goes the meds I'm on is correct for me. Didn't help me any that I cried in front of her,I am that down.came home cried myself to sleep until child came in from school then carry on regardless:-)

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