Has anyone had successful surgery for hyperpara... - Thyroid UK

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Has anyone had successful surgery for hyperparathyroidism

thaky profile image
6 Replies
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Jackie profile image

Hi I cannot have surgery but due to my PTH have looked into it. I assume you have had all the tests? Especially nuclear and CT scans for PTH. If yes, then a cyst etc needs removing. It is normally very important ,as although self contained, it is usually malignant. It is completely curable by surgery as all is removed. if you have got that far, have you seen the surgeon? You can discuss it all with him, you have the right to say no, even the day before surgery, but please get that far ,it really is so important, regardless of how you are after wards.

I hope that helps a little. Always best to find it all out before deciding. Surgeons will only operate if they think it is right and safe for you. hence none I see ,will touch me with a barge pole.

If you wish to reply to me, click on "Reply to this" under the post.

Best wishes,


Mia1057 profile image
Mia1057 in reply to Jackie

Jackie how are you managing your parathyroid symptoms. I have been waiting over a year for surgery but due to heart and BP problems caused by the excess calcium and the parathyroid they are reluctant to operate. I am caught in a vicious circle

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Mia1057

Oh dear,

I have high calcium , over range, always very dangerous to heart and kidneys, an electrolyte.really little that will reduce it. I am sure you have cut it out of your diet as a lot in food. I have to have corrected calcium every 2 weeks, of course, cannot now take D, I have Osteomalacia from the D, not nice. Are you under an endo, a good one for this,? they should be helping you. Also an electrical Cardio, fancy name, but they are only at large teaching hospitals. Have you had all the electrolytes tested, not many , even cardio`s understand this importance, I have had to. They are of course the calcium, U`s and E`s ( kidney function) and for Potassium and sodium, Potassium should always be about 4, middle of the range and sodium near the bottom of range. The other one, tiny range is magnesium, if on any of these as tablets, should be on a script with weekly tests. Food is fine, except of course the calcium.The better tests are the cell tests, but not done, cost!They still are good enough for my terrible heart.

As for how do I manage well, I am extremely ill, from lots of things, heart the worse.I am in hospital, large specialist one only, every few weeks blue light, coma`s etc., will not go until so bad not expected to live, hate hospitals.. I have 4 suspect "lumps"All need biopsies, too ill for them. Also various life saving surgery too ill for anything. In fact all surgeons petrified and various brilliant consultants, listen to me, go by my advise but still panic!Not good to loose patients these days! I just plod on, no option. However, you have, go to Endo, and GP, ask them to push you up the waiting list . Does that mean you have not even seen a surgeon? I cannot understand you waiting so long it is actually quite a simple OP. Phone the surgeon`s secretary and ask her to give you any last minute cancellation, usually pleased to do this. If you are sure you have had all the tets ( expensive) and not seen the surgeon, see the same one privately , if your circumstances allow. Tell him you cannot wait any longer but need to be under NHS. He may say ,it makes no difference but usually does!If you do that phone his private secretary firt and ask the price, Profs, very expensive, all laid down charges, not allowed to overcharge. If you do that, and he wants more tests, ask him to arrange for the GP to do them.

I hope that helps. My circumstances make me feel strongly that you need treatment now. There are specialist high risk OP theatres and specialist cardiac anaethetists, Only at very top teaching hospitals. I go to one in Birmingham, not my local ones.

Just off for yet another blood test! Any thing else get back to me, I always reply but not always immediately.

Very best wishes,


thaky profile image
thaky in reply to Jackie

Hi Jack

Thanks for reply, I have had all test done and Adinoma was found so I'm have surgery on 16th May , just wanted to here from anyone who'd had the same op for a bit of reassurance. Chatted to surgeon who reassured me he's done this operation many times with successful results. Been back and forward to doctors over the past ten year with lots of different complaints and now too much calcium is showing up in my blood and this is how my Hyperparathyroidism was discovered, I'm now hoping that op will be success and the horrible symptoms I've been suffering will subside.


Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to thaky

Hi , Yes that is the usually way.I just hope it all goes well for you. It is true it is a frequent OP.

best wishes.


mumanddaughter profile image

I had surgery 30 yrs ago to fully remove my thyroid due to hyperthyroidism it makes the thyroid go the other way hypothyroidism and now still rely on medication with a hole new set of problems ..but my surgery was life saving after taking a thyroid toxicosis attack due to it being very hyper ..so some times the surgery is needed ..hope this helps answer your question x

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