Hi I am due to have my thyroid removed as I have a multi nodular goitre. I do not have any issues with my thyroid function so am just wondering whether living with thyroxine is as simple as just taking a tablet , as my surgeon says?
Thyroidectomy : Hi I am due to have my... - Thyroid Cancer Su...
I originally had a partial thryoidectomy because I didn't want to be on medication. However, despite that I had to go on a low dose several months later. I have since had to have my entire thyroid out and now on medication daily. The thing I struggle with the most is the fatigue - weight gain was a little problematic initially, however have gotten that under control. Good luck to you....
Your Doctor is wrong taking a tablet is not the same as having a working thyroid and no one can tell you how your going to feel without a thyroid only their personal experiences and my has been hell and weight gain for me has been atrocious due to a psoriatic arthritis flare brought in by thyroidectomy and doctor screwup with meds (not related to thyroid) and the worse part of having thyroid removed is doctors will throw you away like trash once your labs fall into this magical range which isn’t always so magical.
The answer is yes and no. From my own experiences I kept a journal with all my lab results and wrote on the results the dose I was on at the time. I would also write what issues I felt on the dose. EG fatigue, weight,anxiety,aches and pain, energy, sleep issues etc. In addition I highly recommend vitamins D/K2, Iron /Ferritin,B-12/Folate. They should run labs to see what your missing and add what is needed. These vitamins are tremendous components to help our thyroids to work better for us. In addition what helped me very much to eliminate dairy eggs ,wheat. Be watchful for foods that can harm and foods that work well. It Can make a Huge difference.Best Wishes.