I.m lookin for people who live in and around notts who maybe wanna get together eithout fear of havin to run to the toilet ruining someone else's evening. i.ve ask atmy local g.p n can.t believe the lack of support. Come bk to me if this is somethin anyone is interested in
Anyone in or around notts: I.m lookin for people... - IBS Network
Anyone in or around notts

hi dionne i live in edwinstowe near mansfield i think that wud be a brilliant idea not runnin 2 the toilet part lol plz get get bk in touch it wud be nice to talk 2 another suffer hp u get sum mr response lv annexx
I'm in derbyshire
I.m just waitin to c if i get anymore response then i.ll come bk to u guys to arrange mert. Whete would people like to meet?
hi Dionne, ive been trying to get local get togethers up and running for a long long time now. With IBS, it is hard to talk to family and friends all the time, who dont and cannot really understand the issues. Social life is non existent wuth IBS, for obvious reasons as u know. Hence cannot make new friends, no relief, no get out regularly and enjoy life even for a little while.......etc etc
PS..... live near Blackburn