I have IBS and under active thyroid need help ... - IBS Network
I have IBS and under active thyroid need help with diet. Also take medication for other problems.

hi there my name is ann i hv the same as u my stomach kept swellin so i went glutton and wheat free also lacto thats helped a lot hv a word with ur doctor see if he can put u on colpermin that help,s aswell gud luck hp things work out this site will put u on the right track x
I tried the gluten free and the dairy free--did not help much . I have IBS-C and Parkinson's. I find a lot of veggies, fruits, olive oil, oatmeal, legumes help me. I cannot eat broccoli, bacon, or any foods with calcium carbonate added (such as Cheerios). It's trial and error. Good luck.
you should be careful of what you eat. eat more fruits, vegetables, and less meat and carbs. you may also refer to some sites where you can find lists of food good for the diet that may be appropriate for you. i hope that will help Source: top-5-diets.info/