wat can i do im on depressent tablets and no end of other,s i also under active thyroid
i hv i.b.s also i bloat,s up with everythin i ... - IBS Network
i hv i.b.s also i bloat,s up with everythin i eat had a silent stroke be4 xmas im nw in wheelchair i cry most day,s with pain

i need to find answer,s i bk and forth to doctor,s he dos,ent know wat else to do he,s referin me to the pain clinic again
im in pain all the time
You sound really down. Go to the Pain Clinic and keep on with the different treatments. Be kind to yourself IBS is horrible on top of everthing else going on.
Find a councellor through your GP and sit and talk and talk and talk. Bless you x
Just hold in there girl, and do what you can. As John Lennon said......what ever gets you through....you know what that is.x
annekeith, Goodness me you are in a bad way. IBS is bad enough without the other troubles. Just what medication are you on at the moment. Have had over 2 years bad IBS it was hellish, but eased after advised couple months bacack to go on soya milk and lactose free...so sinple but appears to be be the main problem, so am lucky to get help at last. So stick with it and lets hope more help for you soon. can understand the frustration your in at moment.

hi osborne thanku for replyin to me im on loads amtriptyline bisacodyl dicycloverine gabapentine lansoprazole levothyroxine mebeverine paracetomol quinine senna tramodol ibruprofen movolcol also morfine i hv blister packs for my medication i dont hv a gud memory iv had mine 8 year,s i think x
Oh i feel for you. I wish i could help! But take advice from the doctor and get them to refer you to get Counselling - Professional & empathic counsellor Hope you get help soon xx
thanku for ur advise xx
If you are having low thyroid, that could be a key to your problems. I know I was getting way to much thyroid medication and I think it may have caused this last bout of IBS which lasted 3 months.. My Dr. has now lowered the dosage.
u poor thing he lower my throid wen i taken into hospital but u feel so fake wen they say they cant find anythin xx
It sure doesnt help when no real reason can be found for pains, and your told to keep taking medication that isnt giving much help. I have been very fortunate to get sorted within 3 years, mind you having to stick to extra plain food, but its worth it . In hospital I was sent home after few hours being told it was my hips causing pain..2010. How that was worked out havent clue, so understand about feeling fake. Spent month after month in real severe pain with no way of getting someone to understand, but all behind me now I hope if I take care. Still cannot believe I was agrivating the condition with milk...doctor didnt agree but not going onto milk prodcts for some time. Surely your not taking all those meds now. Seems like you need more supervised help with food, like a fresh start if possible, as its to do with bowels.

iv bin takin bits of advice on here i went shoppin last nite bought lacto free milk wheat free products also im startin to take my tablets in seperate times see if any of my tablets set my stomach of its unbelivable how these medicle promblems start x

im still on med,s iv gn gluton and wheat free also i take gaviston after my meal it help,s with the belly swellin i take med,s mostly for pain,s in my leg,s and the rest for thyroid and i.b.s
annekeith, Thats worth trying about the food, but not a great idea to alter medication times just yet as you will not be able to tell results. Any news about pain clinic yet, see you said again, did it help last time...if not maybe this time.
i hvent heard from pain clinic the wheat and gluten it,s workin great the tablet,s different time,s that was stupid but i also found that my thyroxin that,s not right im awake happy but as soon as take them 3 little tablet,s i go all weary cant be botherd to do anythin iv made appointment to see doctor,s i go next wednesday so i want to thanku osborne for takin the time to talk to me it help,s alot x.
need to ask this question does red meat affect us also smokin im on a low day today .
Most people with IBS have to avoid too much red meat, I find it really difficult to digest :(( Which is sad because I love steak! Smoking is apparently one of the worst triggers, although to be balanced, I quit when I was first diagnosed and it made no difference whatsoever!
did u find out why red meat was difficult to digest also thanku for your answer .
I first started experiencing pain way before I was diagnosed, but when they gave me an ultrasound they found gallstones, and i had surgery to get my gallbladder removed, after that the doctor told me i should be able to eat whatever i want, well that wasn't the case. I was fine for awhile but then it started coming back so i told him and he sent me to a gastroenterologist where he diagnosed me with ibs, and it's been nothing but downhill since. I've been prescribed like 6 or 7 different medication all with different instructions. But they only mask the pain. And I really dont even want to go to the doctors anymore because they will send you to a different doctor that will just end up saying "well that sounds like common ibs" as well and now you've just spend a lot of money to hear the same thing you already know. Currently getting blood work and MRIs done after 2 years of having this problem. I'll see how it goes. I hate not remembering what it feels like to be normal. It makes me not want to go out and do things because I'll just have to use the bathroom constantly and I dont want to be stuck in a situation where there isn't one around, because holding it in makes it worse. And I dont eat a lot of red meat in the first place so I can't really say if that effects it or not, I'll have a little every now and then just for protein. But smoking cigs helps me have to use the bathroom which helps take the pain go away. And smoking weed makes the pain go away but it also makes me want to eat more than I should and makes me not realize how fast I'm eating. So in a sense yes smoking makes it worse but then again it also really doesn't make a difference. Because if you can control your food intake, marijuana will help ease it.
Hi annekeith, You mentioned pain in legs, any reason given for that. Has doctor checked you for electrolites blood test or vitamins.I am reluctant to take some prescribed medication but have started to take some Vitamins which h. .as improved joint and ligament pains, again I am fortunate as have improved.......no more anti inflammation meds required so far. ( advised by others not doctors ) So keep your hopes up in time help will come your way.For some reason unable to get onto IBS network now, managed it via your e mail.

iv just dun it through my gmails the pain,s in my leg,s is the result of partly i.b.s partly a insident wat happened year,s ago may i ask where u live osborne this site has helped me so much i should of known about it time bk .

iv found a bread that,s free of everythin and it,s lvly i got it in morrisons it,s called fresher for loner that,s a new 1 theve bought out its small the bread but wat a taste and its free from everythin
I stick with dietary brown seeded also livwell brown seeded on prescription alternate months. Never had Lactofree milk...sticking with soya milk and plain no dressing meat and veg. Is anyone helping you sort out food reactions not easy but may help. Was told my thyroid tests ok, so no need for medication there.. Have to rely on my son to sort out laptop, but he has little time to help so have to manage. When laptop sked questions and tells me what to do I dont understand. Last time I made a mess and it still needs sorting. Hope the distresing crying has had a rest. Are you in wheelchair all time or still able to manage without at times.

bin poorly last few days belly swolen im goin to ask the doc to refere me to one im tryin a test with help from my partner go to ur email,s or gmail,s press unread first then just press on to unread and it will show and then wen messege cum,s up just press it im in a wheelchair all the time
Have you tried Symprove? Live bacteria probiotic drink. Have a look online at the reviews! I have been on it about 8 weeks now and definitely notice an improvement!! I am going to keep going now on it. Not cheap - £20 per bottle for 10 days but will try anything if it works!
Dear Anne
Google Symprove and there are a lot of reviews!!! Especially the ones in the Daily Mail and Kings College Hospital in London. There is a youtube video from the doctors there about it. You can get it online or from a Tesco store that has a Nutricentre in the store. If you shop buy 4 bottles it works out to about £17.95 a bottle which you can also get online and free delivery. Search the web and see what you think but definitely worth a go!!!!
Debbie x