Can someone please help me make sense of what happened to me yesterday? I’m currently not located where I can easily consult my doctor about this…
I had to go out for breakfast, and my only option was a local greasy spoon - and greasy it was. As I was eating, I knew that I was going to feel the effects of too much oil used to cook my otherwise healthy omelette + potatoes. I just was not prepared for what hit me.
Within the first half hour afterward, I was hit with severe waves of gut pain. This I was expecting from my IBSD. But within ten minutes of waves of intense pain, I started feeling a hair away from passing out. Although I was able to make it to the toilet in time, it didn’t end there as usual. My body did something else that I’ve never experienced before:
I became intensely weak, I broke into a profuse body-wide sweat (very unusual for me), and my husband said that I had turned very white and clammy when he came to help me. My pulse was unsteady. I lay down, and soon fell asleep from feeling exhausted. I slept solid for a couple of hours while my husband sat nearby reading a book and keeping an eye on me.
When I woke up, I felt back to normal - the gut had settled, and my pulse was no longer erratic. Can someone please help explain what happened to me? Should I report the details of this incident to my GP when I return home, or is this just a severe form of IBSD reaction that is simply new to me?
Thank you.