I have been diagnosed with IBSD last year, had symptoms for years, but I'm really struggling at the minute, I follow gluten free diet as It doesn't agree with me. My doctor has said that that's just ibs to alter diet and exercise but when I can't eat anything I have no energy to exercise. It's really starting to affect my day to day life.... Any tips welcome please.
IBSD suffer: I have been diagnosed with IBSD... - IBS Network
IBSD suffer

I'm also suffering from ibs d even sometimes after following low fodmap diet sometimes it doesn't help at allI'm a nursing student...due to ibs my life is really fucked up
If anyone has any solution please...Help
Idk what to do,how to manage!
I too have suffered for years with IBSD but recently a gastroenterologist diagnose with Bile Acid Malabsorption and I have found taking Questrain sachets daily helps a great deal to control flare ups. A month ago I fractured my hip and due to high doses of codeine I became constipated so I stopped but wouldn’t recommend it as a cure!
Hi, I’m sorry it’s really impacting on you. I think at times it gets overlooked or down played.
Have you tried the Fodmap diet? I take multivitamins too. Do you think your iron levels are low? Maybe a blood test is needed?
I get tired a lot, but try and exercise. It helps and I feel more energetic. Again I feel like I’m not getting enough support.
I hope you start to feel better soon.
I have been suffering from IBS D for almost two years. diagnosed after a colonoscopy which was all clear hence the medical professions “IBS” as the answer. I tried FODMAP diet which is very restricting for me because I am also coeliac. Eating at times was awful and depressing. In December I had a full stool test arranged by a nutritionist, expensive and it found nothing. However I was encouraged to try and restart a healthy eating diet as I was only eating bananas, gf. toast and cereals some days I was almost too frightened to eat. Leaving the house needed Imodium taken like sweets!! Following days I then was constipated so a great merry go round.
I am now taking H&B Triple Action Biotic - 1 tablet before bed and Omega 3-6-9 and eating small amounts of vegetables, salads, fish and chicken for main meals. I started really slowly reintroducing vegetable and have not progressed to really high fibre foods, I am beginning to enjoy eating again and currently enjoying live yoghurt with blueberries and mangoes.
The changes in my BM, wind and stomach cramps is really noticeable so I now feel more in control of my life. I do not think I am cured and don’t think I ever will be but the last few weeks have been more settled and a reminder of how a normal life can be when you are not constantly thinking about where the nearest toilet is. Feeling more positive for sure.
I’ve had IBS D for 23 years. When I went gluten free things got significantly worse for me. Turns out I’m really sensitive to the ingredient Xanthan Gum (E415) that is used extensively in gf foods (search xanthan gum Ibs on your internet search, you’ll get loads of info). I really hope you are not sensitive, as the stuff is cropping up in all sorts of foods, drinks, and medications now. Good luck
You may find some of the tips on here useful:
In summary (but much more on the website above):
1) Alflorex probiotic which has been studied for IBS on a 3 month trial
2) If symptom improvement, but not complete improvement, FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet under the guidance of a dietitan from GP referral to find any remaining food intolerances (Alflorex may help to improve food tolerance)
3) Alongside, Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app
Further summary here:
All you folk out there with unexplained diarrhoea for years please ask to be tested for Bile Acid Malabsorption. It is under recognised and underdiagnosed, but controllable with bile acid binders as highlighted by Clare in her post.
I recommend focusing on getting the replaced amounts of each mineral and vitamins. Vitamin D is slightly set very low.