Has anyone found that diet works during flare up?
Been suffering 7 months.
Has anyone found that diet works during flare up?
Been suffering 7 months.
Dont know personally. But Id be surprised if qualified, specialised Nutritional Therapists havent been successfully treating it. Medics cant, of course. I can send links to therapists.
Thank you. It looks like NTs are not rated here.
Not rated where? On this forum or in this country?. Qualified NTs are regulated and registered via BANT and are top quality professionals. Sadly some people that don't know better offer their ignorant views.
I can send reputable links to substantiate my points above, if you wish.
I meant on this thread. Sorry if I've misinterpreted these posts. It's not easy when not well.
Please see my (xjrs) response to this post:
Thank you for your timely response. I had been considering Nutritional therapists as our bodies can't work if we don't feed them the correct fuel.
Unfortunately, you'll see from my post mentioned above that nutritional therapists aren't the answer - they are unregulated and not medically trained. Their fees are extortionate and they tend to concentrate on pushing supplements. They made my and others' conditions far worse.
You are better off doing your own research - there is so much information available online. For example:
Dietary advice regarding IBS is here:
However, within that diverticulitis has some very specific exclusions (see links further above). You'd be better off asking for a referral to a dietitian from your GP if you are in the UK. At least these people are regulated and the service is free. I ended up being ripped off by £1000s by nutritional therapist fees, them carrying out unnecessary tests and their dietary advice was limited to hand outs from the internet. I wouldn't recommend this line of approach at all.
I've replied to your response on the previous thread, correcting you re the regulation (and registration) of qualified NTs. I can provide evidence to substantiate that.Ive also offered to check out the bad practitioner you had, whether a nutritionist, dietician or NT. Obviously any practitioner (including medics) can give bad service but that shouldn't reflect the entire industry.
I've corrected xjrs, See above and/or previous post.
Nutritional therapists are not regulated by law:
Voluntary regulation is possible but not compulsory, through the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). This is self-regulated rather than independently regulated.
What type of treatments do they offer?
Nutritional therapists use treatments such as high dose vitamins, detox, and food avoidance for which there is little robust scientific evidence.
They work on the belief that the body has underlying nutritional and biochemical imbalances that lead to poor health including mental health problems.
They do not use the evidence in a robust fashion and advice is most often based on personal opinion or belief.
What products do they use?
Nutritional therapists use commercial (non-NHS approved) dietary supplements including mega doses of vitamins and minerals, and commercial (not NHS approved) allergy testing.
Suggested products have to be bought. Under their voluntary register, Nutritional therapists are allowed to sell supplements to their clients.
Please also see my xjrs response here:
Thanks but your response to Nobby 21 states that "they are unregulated". 1st link below confirms that this is wrong for those regulated by BANT and registered by CNHC, which was set up to protect the public and accountable to Parliament (2nd link).
Of course, I am only referring to reputable NTs with such registrations, as I stated. The same would apply to any other purported professional, including dieticians.
The article you linked from the BDA does not dispute the above but presents in such a way as to seemingly discredit NTs and Nutritionists by continually implying no registration. Whilst I agree such cases are avoided, I stress that I am only referring to those who ARE registered.
Sadly I suspect that your inaccurate, initial responses to the OP have now dissuaded him from finding a qualified, bant-regulated professional that may have resolved his problem.
Footnote: Seeking to discredit NTs and Nutritionists is unprofessional (albeit sadly understandable by BDA from a business competition point of view).
Unfortunately, I understand that you have a bias due to being one or have been one.
If someone is telling others to jump off a metophorical cliff, I am duty bound to tell them not to jump. I don't want others to go through what I have been through. People need to see other perspectives so they can make up their own minds. There are others who have had very similar stories to mine.
We could do this all day, but my position is not going to change.
Further response here:
For now, I will ignore your claim that I am biased and insinuation that I would seek to mislead!. As Ive stated, I only present facts that are accurate so that readers can make informed decisions rather than ill-informed.
I am not saying you are being misleading. You have your own opinion based on your bias. I have my opinion based on my bias which is from personal experience and deep research into the practice.
Sorry but you're totally wrong as my factual responses are exclusively based on evidence presented, allied to my personal experiences - further outlined in the other post thread healthunlocked.com/theibsne...
There is no value to HU or myself in continuing this as our experiences etc differ. End.