Have had on off abdominal aching for over a year. Had ct last autum and 2 x FIT. All fine. Piles noted December. Another CT April. Fine. Had procedure for removal of piles laser and banding . All abdo aching and anal discomfort worse as time goes on. What to do now?…
fed up: Have had on off abdominal aching for... - IBS Network
fed up
Have you had a colonoscopy? Just that you sound like me and mine is scattered Diverticulum of Sigmoid colon from caecum to rectum and it wakes me every morning and aches until lunch-time. I have to take pain relief and I don’t get much sleep. I am not sure if CT shows up Diverticular pouches? I had CT scan too but that was to locate a kidney stone which clouded the issue. I have passed the kidney stone.
I have a Rectocele I ponder on whether it makes it worse.
I am looking for answers too because it really affects my sleep .
I have to take pain relief every morning 😢
Hope you find some answers.
I have tried all-sorts of diet changes. I tend to avoid much red meat and bread/pastry. My latest suspect is garlic & onions. It drives me to despair because nobody really understands how bad you feel and it makes you so tired and weary .
I have exactly the same, diverticular disease which has caused narrowing of the sigmoid, a rectocele all which cause pain 24/7. I don't get much sleep because of pain and am constipated, I have to take linoclotide ecery morning to make me poop but the pain never goes away. What pain killers do you take? This is totally ruining my life and seems to be getting worse, I totally empathise with you
Yeh isnt Diverticular disease just a nightmare !!!!! I had diverticlulitis in 2018 my colon and sigmoid were inflamed severe constipation like never before. I stopped eating white bread and reduced red meat and certain other foods it takes along time to work out what you can and cant eat . Tried fybogel on prescription it wasnt much use as it never stopped abdominal pain and appeared to alternate between loose stools and constipation with overflow. More recently ive found that milled flax seems to be far more helpful. Regarding diverticular disease luckily mine inflammation was uncomplicated
So sorry for my late reply. I use one Paracetamol with one Co-Dydramol tablet for pain relief in a morning.
Co-Dydramol over the counter is known as Paramol and contains slightly less Dihydrocodeine. So less constipating. I do have some Co-Dydramol off the GP which are slightly stronger.
Co-Dydramol are a mix of one Paracetamol 500mg and 10mg Dihydrocodeine so if you take two it is too much Dihydrocodeine but just one with a Paracetamol 500mg is perfect for me. It doesn’t seem to make my constipation worse and the pain reluef allows me to function. I wish GPs understood more.