This thing is reducing me to a gibbering wreck. It's relentless. Sleep messed up (all-nighter on Tuesday, I have enough will power to resist but could I even risk a sleeping pill not knocking me out if the 'discomfort' is too intense?). Guts feel like they are full of gaseous acid sludge, desparate to blow it out but can't, it's a lottery if I can start my day at all. Can barely concentrate, no energy to do anything but listen to the radio and hang on to the next day (tomorrow will be better .... ), weight has tanked, worried about what and when I can eat, GP can't help of course, wife says 'you have to get them to help you ......'.
'Miserable' doesn't come close, my wife is putting up with a lot, it has to get better and I know there are folk with far worse situations.
At least the weather is crap so I'm not missing a lot.