Hi fellow sufferers. Just a quick question - just wondering if anyone experiences the sensation of ‘jelly legs’ as I call them? My legs feel weak & shaky. In fact I suppose my whole body feels like it. I have hardly any energy too. Worse when I have D.
Jelly Legs: Hi fellow sufferers. Just a quick... - IBS Network
Jelly Legs

See Doggy123 for an explanation from Luisa and some input from me. Feeling wobbly is quite common after severe D. Likely the vaso vagal nerve/ brain gut connection.
yes I do. You are not alone heartmatters1
I get shakey all over and I overheat after eating anyone else experience that???
I get this now and again I thought it was tiredness causing it always wondered about it.
I would class my legs as heavy. Probably caused by a recently diagnosed low Vit D and B12. Being supplemented now by doctor. 6 injections over 2 weeks for B12 and chewable tablets for VitD. It's unpleasant when trying to walk around. Best wishes to you.
Maybe you are dehydrated. Get yourself a 6 or 8 pack of vitamin water. It will have the nutrients you need.

That’s a thought. Thanks