Do you feel gasses move as soon as you wake up , in bed?
I feel that's when I feel them, Soo many when I'm just waking up
Do you feel gasses move as soon as you wake up , in bed?
I feel that's when I feel them, Soo many when I'm just waking up
Oh yes I get that often. Might go for days or even a couple of weeks or more with perfectly normal "healthy" bowel movements, then suddenly everything flips for no obvious reason and goes loose again (same diet and that can happen when there's no stress) The longest time I had "normal" was about 6 weeks if I don't count the 2 years between one IBS flare up in 2018 and the next one 2020. Since 2020, the longest was 6 weeks.
It can also change day to day. Sometimes I can understand why, it might be because I ate just protein and carbs the day before and not much veg (in which case I will have a firmer bm). And days when I decide to experiment with fruit or too much potato or something....then looser. But sometimes there's no rhyme or reason.
You know what?? Sorry catsandsunsets. I replied yesterday and must have got mixed up about what post I replied to ! Sorry, brain not in gear. As an answer to the Actual Question You Asked .... 🙄 and not some other waffle from me....
Yes, I get that immediate awareness of gas in my lower gut as soon as I wake up. It's not painful but it does need to come out, and I end up letting a LOT out as soon as I get up and go to the bathroom. That has happened for 3 years and a bit. Doesn't matter what I eat, it happens every single morning. Fortunately the gas has no smell to it at all which is weird because when I was perfectly healthy my wind always did have a bit of smell to it though never too bad. (slightly vegetarian farts !!) 😂
As a symptom I don't mind that, and it helps I don't share a bed/bedroom with any other sentient being. So I just let 'em rip.