Why is it that as soon as we get some good hot weather my IBSC becomes IBSD and all energy is sucked out of me, I can't even walk down the garden path and there is so mutch to do.
IBS and the heat: Why is it that as soon as we... - IBS Network
IBS and the heat

I'm sorry you're feeling bad because of the heat. It is really hot. Stay out of the sun if you can for one thing, and do anything to keep a bit cooler. A wet wrung-out towel round your neck might help. I find teatowels work best for that because they're thinner and smaller. Keeping the neck cool seems to help the rest of the body I always think.
Diarrhea always completely drains me of energy. I think it does that to most people with IBS. Then appetite goes. Keep hydrated. Not just water, but electrolytes too. If you don't have an electrolyte drink then just a bit of sugar and salt (not too much) dissolved in water helps. Bottled spring or mineral water is good because it contains electrolytes.
It might get a bit cooler perhaps by weekend because I heard some places will get a bit of rain.
If you don't sleep well because of the heat then lack of sleep can make IBS worse too.
It's no fun to have a lot to do just at the time of a flare up. Can anything be put off until you feel a bit better?
I get diahhroea when it gets hot. Fun isn't it!?!?The gastroenterologist explained that it was the body reacting to the stress it was being put under. He said that different ibs sufferers react to different stressors - and for me and you heat is one of those stress triggers.
When you find the solution let me know because I can't afford air conditioning and hiding from the sun isn't working!!
Yes, I agree with Luisa, I feel it with my IBS when it's too hot. I never sleep and the next day I feel really awful. Toilet more often, tired like you wouldn't imagine and no appetite. Stress gets me too because I know Ive got tons to do as we're still working on our renovation although most of it is in the gardens now which I love but dont seem to have the energy. I also love to walk as its my saviour but the last 5 weeks in Cumbria has been so intense with no rain, I've found myself putting off going walking, so I try to just have a short local walk. Managed a bike ride a few days ago but that was 5 o'clock in the morning 😀 lovely and cool.
I try to make the most of nice weather as it never lasts does it. Take care
I,m the same😰 I can’t wait for simummer to come but when it’s here I,m mostly in doors due to dehydration 🥵I,m on a restricted liquid intake 😰
Hi Edgar77 Have you changed your diet because it is hot , maybe eating more salad or ice cream or maybe drinking fizzy drinks, fruit juice. It is so tempting to venture off the "safe foods" this time of year as sometimes it just seems too hot to eat. This heat also drains my energy if I am having IBS D or not. It was such a sudden rise in the temperature. Take care of yourself and try and keep as cool as possible.
Oh. It's just IBS being IBS so annoying.
Yes, IBS is annoying, and also I find that my IBS play up in the heat too. I don't know why, but the hot weather, like we have now, always affects my IBS and yes IBS is so draining, and I agree with what is said, that I find if I struggle to sleep in this heat, which I do, it affects both my IBS and also my asthma. Hopefully soon the weather will get cooler and make it easier on us all with IBS. I also find that my hayfever can affect my IBS too. Good luck and I hope it starts to settle for you soon.
I tend to go the other way in the heat more often than not.