Having suffered from this problem for years I have tried every remedy and piece of advice availabile. Recently my husband was in hospital after a bout of diverticulosis’ and suffered bloating which I think the Dr suggested was outside the bowel. It set me wondering if my severe bouts of flatulence might not be coming from within the bowel. I would say I have a normal level of flatulence10-15 times a day with odour that varies according to what I have eaten. However, some days, usually after eating, (sometimes just coffee and a biscuit. ) the minute I stand up or start walking I get a burst of uncontrollable farts which are noisy can go on for some time but do not appear to smell. I eat slowly, try not to mix solid and liquid and have not been able to identify any particular triggers. Sorry to be so graphic but this affects my life to a great extent and I now find it less stressful to stay in or go for walks on my own. Could these uncontrollable episodes be due to gases building up somewhere other than my intestines. Any thoughts or advice would be welcome.
Cause of excessive flatulence: Having suffered... - IBS Network
Cause of excessive flatulence

Sorry to hear about your problem which affects your life to such a great extent. I have similar in that I get masses of wind which I can control but becomes so painful in my gut that it is unbearable. So I frequently avoid going out especially to public places like concerts or church etc. Like you I have tried everything I can think of to improve it. I often think there should be a social group where farting was allowed and everyone did it! So stupid that people are isolated just because of a social norm. After all we all blow our noses in public which is more disgusting than the quick noisy fart!! So sorry that I can't help you, but just to say there are other people out there who understand.
hi Salsa55 sorry that you are going through all this. I have a lot of flatulence too and it seems to have increased with age! I have noticed some of my friends have it too particularly when walking.
You mention coffee. I wonder if coffee might have something to do with it. I think it might add to mine. Caffeine stimulates the bowel as I guess you know.
I also have the same problem and am trying to do more pelvic floor exercises to improve things. I wondered whether tea was causing the problem and have cut down. However, Like you Salsa55, as soon as I eat, the gas begins. I have given up pilates classes as I can't bear the thought of an uncontrollable fart during the class! The trouble is, I don't think there is any one solution, we are all different. I do notice that these bouts of gas fluctuate. For quite a while I have been fine but it has got worse in the last few weeks. I can't pinpoint the cause. So frustrating.
Hi Salsa 55,
I suffer with painful wind. I take deflatine ( over the counter) .. works quickly and really helps.
If I drank coffee…. Well, I can’t drink coffee. It’s my worst trigger for flare up!
I don't drink tea or coffee but still get awful painful noisy wind after every meal, no matter what I eat. My husband is always trying to arrange meals out no matter how much I tell him I can't go much as I would like to. Recently I am having diarrhoea every morning I usually suffer constipation? It is painful and exhausting we are supposed to be going to Scotland for a week soon. It is a long journey. I'm afraid I will be caught short! Even when there I am expected to be out all day every day with wod be great in normal circumstances., but I find it exhausting. I agreed to this in a moment of weakness. I don't want to go. But my hubby will not cancell it. I know if I say anything he will go mad.
Thanks I might try that if I don't improve by then