Ive been on Metronidazole antibiotics for 5 days now for sibo and they havent helped at all. My bloating is still there and feel so ill… do i leave it for a week to settle after the antibiotics or go back to doctors.. have no idea what to do… sibo has ruined my life and ibs!! Its so painful.
Metronidazole for SIBO: Ive been on... - IBS Network
Metronidazole for SIBO

You probably don't have sibo
I haven't been through this but have heard that it gets worse before it gets better.
I agree with edwangy . Note that SIBO tests are inaccurate. Though I have found this paper regarding Metronidazole being less effective than Rifaximin for SIBO.
Ask for Rifaxamin, as xjrs suggests. Metronidazole is very difficult to take.
^^ You can always try herbal antimicrobials. I've gone that route since my digestive issues began after taking antibiotics. There is a Sibo fb group that has been helpful in my journey and you might benefit from joining. I've done 3 1/2 rounds so far and with each round my symptoms have improved thanks to God.
I'm almost finished 2 weeks of rifaximin in 3 yrs this is my 3rd round as it doesn't last but I find it's worth taking to be clear for few months! I had 4 weeks of metrodizanole for an infection in my toe an it gave me 6 mths clear
What's really annoying is that Rifaximin seems to be THE specific antibiotic for the small intestine and gut (not the whole system) But meanwhile it is I think, impossible to get a prescription for it in the UK. And in the US so I hear, it's very expensive and not usually included on insurance.
So people are being fobbed off with other antibiotics which aren't specific for the gut, and which bring their own load of side effects, many of those gut related! It makes no sense.
It might be worth trying the herbal treatment. I've forgotten the herbs used, but they should be available online. I have also heard that there is better success rate with the herbs anyway.