I have had IBS for many years but now I am finding I cannot control my bowels and have awful accidents. It is preventing me from socialising or going shopping as I am not aware of when it will happen. I take Mebeverine and Loperamide daily but it isn't helping much. Any advice would be appreciated.
IBS Loose bowels: I have had IBS for many years... - IBS Network
IBS Loose bowels

First you need to have a test called anorectal manometry to see exactly what the problem is. This test can be prescribed by a gastroenterologist. It is not painful. Usually the first option is biofeedback physical therapy. In addition, fiber supplements and possibly miralax, or other laxative are recommended. You need to work with your gastroenterologist on this problem. It can definately be helped.
If you've had IBS for a long time you probably tried diet changes already? There might be something that's not suiting you and triggering the bad bowels. The usual culprits are wheat (gluten), dairy produce, sugar, fructose. There are others as well, it depends what you could be sensitive to (such as yeast etc)
I imagine you've already tried the low Fodmap diet? If so, did it make any difference? It can make a big change with some people, but with others, not so much, or a small percentage.
And have you tried any probiotics?
It's really horrible not knowing what to expect and being scared to leave the house, to visit friends or go shopping. I am so sorry it's that bad. There is one thing that might help a tiny bit to give you a bit more confidence, and that's to always have a bag with you with nice smelling wipes, a nice deodorant or body spray, a change of underwear, a change (if you think it's necessary) of outer clothes like pants or skirt, and to wear secure panties with pads. Also put in your emergency bag some good strong plastic bags, that you can store anything dirty in until you either throw it away or launder it at home.
If you have anal leakage rather than just flare-ups of diarrhea, try to speak to the doctor if you can. There might be tests to see if your muscles are working correctly, and physiotherapy exercise that might help.
Whatever you do, try not to feel ashamed. This is a problem lots of people get though they don't much talk about it. It is NOT your fault.
Take care, and wishing you better days.
agreed with other replies. You are definitely not alone in this. I have had many instances of JUST barely making it to a restroom due to an unforeseen, immediately imminent BM. Sucks big time but there are many ways to minimize from diet, to portion sizes, meditation and stress control and even prescribed meds. Chin up.
Sorry to hear this, I've been through bouts of the same issues so I really empathise. If you can't identify any obvious possible cause (diet changes, new/altered medication or major life events) then you should definitely have it looked into medically in case it's unrelated to the IBS. In the meantime, as others have suggested, taking precautions like pads and wipes will help make you feel a little less vulnerable. I had some online CBT counselling during one bad phase and I found it helped me to manage the anxiety, which can become as big a problem as the IBS and can end up almost merging with it to create a sort of feedback loop. Take good care of yourself and hope things start to improve soon.
Have you been tested for Bile Acid Malabsorption? This causes diarrhoea to strike with no warning. It’s worth looking into as the condition is under recognised and frequently missed. I had it for 40 years before a gastroenterologist put me on a trial of medication which stopped it immediately. So many years wasted. I feel for you. Good luck
Thank you I will ask about this.x
Same, I was told IBS for years and had terrible diarrhoea and accidents. Had a sehcat scan and confirmed bile acid malabsorption. Look at bad-uk.org website for useful information. Speak to doctor and ask for Gastro referral and/or a trial of binder meds like colestyramine which are sachets of powder you mix with water.
I agree with jbrking. Research and go to your doctor with information from the bad-uk.org website. Your doctor may never have heard of the condition.
I find I have to take up to 6 loperamide some days.
If I eat baked potatoes (without skin)I’m usually ok next day.
Roughage and fibrous veg are dreadful and so are coffee and chillies.
You could have what is called "overflow diarrhoea" which can result from constipation/faecal impaction causing liquid stool to leak out around this, as I note you say you are also uncomfortable with constipation at times. Fortunately, I see your GP is sending you for a Specialist's opinion.
if I know I am going out I take movicol for a couple of days before so I am pretty empty … and carry pads all the time …
Dear Dollymae
I am 76 and I too have had some pretty nasty accidents and near misses. Anyone who says ‘ can’t you wait’ doesn’t understand! I also take loperamide but it doesn’t always work. It’s a very stressful situation.
So sorry to hear this I am 68 did you know you can get a Can't Wait card on line but I've read that some shops will still not allow you to use the toilet . It is so debilitating and stressful I have constipation if I take too much Loperamide can't win either way.x
I asked to use the toilet in Boots the Chemist but they said ‘ Awfully sorry we can’t help you it’s the insurance policy’. I thought total rubbish. I made a desperate dash elsewhere. I thought just now, what on earth do the poor souls do in Ukraine. No medicine. It’s quite wicked. I live in Bournemouth and apart from the seafront there are very few toilets.
It's awful I suppose If we accidentally had a fall they would be liable so Insurance wouldn't cover it. Its all Health & Safety regulations. X
Yes, I have some "count my blessings" thoughts, and have been thinking about people in bombed-out places in the Ukraine, who have IBS. Apparently, it's about 2 in 10 people who have it!
I know there have been a number of times I have seriously felt I needed to go in a field while on a walk. That hasn't literally happened yet, but I carry stuff I might need in the pockets of my jacket anyway when I go for a walk. There was one day I felt quite upset about my tummy and I was 2 miles from home. I'd been fine when I set out after a small breakfast.
So instead of following the normal route, I cut across muddy fields with bullocks in them (which I'm scared of), just to see if I could make it home. I did, went quickly to the toilet, and just let out wind !! It seems my gut makes a drama out of every little thing moving about in there.
Anyway I am luckier than some as I live in pretty remote countryside, and rarely go to any towns. I am always ready in case I desperately need to go 'al fresco' ! But IBS just messes with your life whichever way.
You made me laugh but IBS is a desperate state of affairs when it happens. I actually have been caught short and taken advantage of a quiet field. My late husband was very understanding thank goodness. Once your bowels decide to act there’s no hanging around and time for politeness, it’s all hands on deck! I didn’t have a problem until my husband was very ill so it can obviously be sparked off by trauma. I have the distinct feeling that doctors don’t take it seriously enough. I was told ‘ oh well dear, just soldier on’.
I am very sorry for your loss. Kind hugs. Yes, I think IBS can be started with grieving and traumas of all sorts as well as all kinds of stress.
No one can understand what it's really like with IBS except someone who has it. I don't think most doctors really "get it".
I feel so sorry for you, I have IBS, it’s much better since a consultant put me on Amitriptyline 10mgs, it is an antidepressant but works on calming your stomach nerves too, it’s made all the difference to me. Good luck 🤞🤞
I sympathise, I have had IBS for a long time, but earlier this year, I started to be like you. No warning, it just explodes! really awful, and so embarrassing ! I have started wearing nappy pants, as I call them, they give me a little more confidence, although they haven't been put to the test yet, thankfully! I went out the other day and also took a spare nappy pant and spare jeans, just in case! I too take Imodium before going somewhere I'm worried about embarrassing myself. I have managed to get an appointment with a Gastroenterologist, but not until next February! perhaps you could organise an appointment with one? Good Luck