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Artyfartymum profile image
27 Replies

hello friendly people!

I’m awaiting tests on my stools as for about a month now, morning toilet visits has suddenly from nowhere become frequent and loose (cowpat springs to mind) every day. I’ve always had occasional rummblings and a week of difficulties but never for this long before. I’ve not had a diagnosis but i know what goes on down there isn’t quite right and just feel this is what it is. I thought I’d reach out after my first public toilet dash ever, which frightened me if I’m honest!

How did you know you had IBS? What steps did the doctor take and how do you manage it all? I have no idea (apart from stress/anxiety) what triggers symptoms or what has even triggered this month-long episode…

TIA for any feedback.

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Artyfartymum profile image
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27 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

Ugh! Cow pats. I have cows in the field next to my garden right now so know exactly what you !

My IBS gave me a few warning shots in late summer and Autumn 2017, with 2 occasions of a slightly upset gut out of nowhere, but I just thought it was things I'd eaten or drunk the day before, and hadn't a clue it was the beginnings of IBS.

Then it happened again in April 2020 and lasted about a week. I'd been feeling grungy and tired out so thought it might have been a bit of a bug (still didn't know it was IBS.)

Then it went away for 2 years!

And returned in early March 2020. It was on and off for weeks. Catching Covid a month later got rid of it! Would you believe it??

But 6-8 weeks later it returned and has been on and off since.

IBS can definitely come and go, and did that with me. Sometimes days or even weeks of normality before it comes back.

So in summer 2020, I got a bit concerned and contacted the doctor by phone (lockdown scenario) He arranged that I pick up some testing kits from the health centre, did three stool tests (Calprotectin, Lactoferrin, and the FIT test for blood) Then I returned them next day. I was nervous waiting, but results were all normal.

My doctor saw no red flags plus no family history of colon cancer or bowel problems, so no need for any further investigation, but obviously told me to "keep an eye on things, and if any really worrying things happened get back to him."

He was 99.99% certain it was IBS from my description of symptoms, the fact that I had a lot of grief and stress history over the previous few years, and the test results being normal. He gave me a long list of things it couldn't be.

He recommended the low FODMAP diet, and I did get a leaflet, but I researched it myself, and that was hard work!

Being referred to a dietician would take weeks and weeks so I did it myself; the elimination phase, and the re-introduction phase. I found a balance, and since have been working to gradually extend the range of foods I eat. It's going quite well generally.

I think we find our own body's balance re: the FODMAP diet in the re-introduction phase. We find out what foods suit us and which don't, whether high or low Fodmap.

IBS is always a work in progress.

Sorry for a super long post. I got carried away!

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Luisa22

Thank you so much-this sounds very much like what I’m going through. Fully expecting to be told everything is ‘normal’ when i know it isn’t, but rule out the scary worry. Thank you for sending a reply and helping me see that I’m not imagining what’s going on.

Novak23 profile image

Do the tests include -> Calprotectin ?

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Novak23

Oh i have no idea!

Andann profile image

So the main things are to do everything you can to keep the gut bacteria growing and happy; that might be being in touch with nature, probiotics, exercise that suits you, stress relief ( all of these plus anything else that takes your fancy....singing, laughter therapy, yoga, being with pleasant people. Plus the low fodmap diet....also low fat if you think that is relevant. You will be preparing your own food mostly although there are some low fodmap products in supermarkets, but not always in stock and you have to hunt around or order online.

The food tracking takes a while and is not foolproof but does help....I had too much pumpkin last night (and possibly red wine) and suffered diarrhea today after being mostly ok for weeks; I should know better but was greedy and hungry!

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Andann

Thank you for your help. FODMAP seems hard work but i can see how it’s relevant. My husband is type1 diabetic and we’ve been managing carb counting too recently. Suddenly the kitchen feels a more stressful place!!!

Calamity64 profile image
Calamity64 in reply to Artyfartymum

What age are you?

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Calamity64

I’m 40. I remember being at uni in my early 20s and chatting to someone with IBS thinking’wow that really sounds like me’ but shrugged it off. My Dad has always suffered with his stomach the minute we went on holiday and my mum has never had a strong constitution either….

Flyonawall profile image
Flyonawall in reply to Artyfartymum

Fodmap may feel overwhelming at first but it's just a matter of changing habits and gaining information. It's a type of elimination diet and to some extent a diagnostic tool,if you stick strictly to it you should see a significant reduction in symptoms,but you can't halfway do it...and you also have to allow some time for things to settle down,down below.Good luck

Calamity64 profile image
Calamity64 in reply to Andann

What age are you?

xjrs profile image

In the UK there are set tests to diagnose IBS - link here:

It is diagnosed by eliminating other things.

Triggers can often be a gut bacterial imbalance and stress. IBS can run in families, which means certain people are more prone to suffer from IBS.

If you are diagnosed with IBS check back here since there is much that can be done to help your symptoms.

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to xjrs

Thank you

jbrking profile image

I was told for years I had IBS. I would quite regularly have diarrhoea episodes. Roll on years later, they were daily, multiple times a day and I was living on loperamide (anti diarrhoea tablets). To the point where I was up for hours during the night, sat on the toilet being sick in the sink. Anyway, referred to gastro consultant, had bloods, stools, colonoscopy all to rule out anything else. And a Sehcat scan which diagnosed bile acid malabsorption. Look at website. A lot of people with IBS actually have this. Mention to your GP (don’t be surprised if they haven’t heard of it- a lot haven’t) and ask for referral and I’m the meantime they can prescribe colestyramine sachets (which are actually licensed to reduce cholesterol but work for bam). Some even diagnose this way - if the meds work, then you have it. Also if you are on Facebook there are a couple of groups that have lots of members where you can find out loads of info and discuss issues.

Pumpkin2009 profile image
Pumpkin2009 in reply to jbrking

Hi! First, very good post. I am currently try mast cell activation protocal. i have had intestinal problems for some time, but after having Covid November 2020, it is chronic. As mast cell activation is mentioned with long Covid which I am still struggling with including taste issues, my doctor referred me to an immunologist. I feel I have had a bit of a response to the treatment, but not sure it is still the right treatment. I am wondering if it is BAM . I get diarrhea almost daily, uncontrollable, someimes with no warning at all, many times right after eating. The one main symptom besides, bloating, gurling, etc. that puzzles me is pain under the left shoulder blade. I also have systemic lupus which complicates the issue also. I definitely fit the BAM symptoms and my fatigue is getting much worse , It feels like someone has pulled the plug out and I have no energy or stamina and have to rest and/or sleep for a while in the middle of the day. I am going to post some of this also on a separate post as well. Your post definitely hit some of my issues and then I went to the site you posted. Thank you so much.

Healing hugs.

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Pumpkin2009

Thank you. Have they ruled out gallbladder issues as i thought this can manifest in shoulder pain?

jbrking profile image

It definitely sounds like bam. Please mention it to GP and show him website if need be.

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to jbrking

Thank you for your insight and for sharing

grandylynda profile image

Well, my gp eventually told me that, if symptoms come and go, it is likely to be ibs as other causes would be continual. I am 73 and have had problems for years. Never identified any trigger except stress. Always have spare underwear and always identify the location of nearest toilet when not at home. You can get a key for disabled toilets on line. Only used it once when ordinary ones were not open but it helps peace of mind a bit. I think I could do a toilet map of my home town which includes cafes where they are easily found. Good luck

josiecocker12 profile image

Yes I was never of the loo, and just eat banana with toast. I have felt so tired since this outbreak. I have had courgettes with my evening meal tonight and this has started my tummy rumbling again and a rushed trip to the loo. I am seventy four and get so fed up with this condition. I often wonder what it must be like not always worrying about having to rush to the toilet when I go out. Apologies for going on.

Arpin profile image

hi there AF Mum The mystery of this illness is just that A mystery it arrives as a very unwelcome visitor and manifests itself with all manner of weird and not so wonderful symptoms Even the medical profession are unsure but us Warriors just know This is not right a latest challenge for us to battle And battle we do Like you we all started the same The biggest defence in this is to get support, listen to what your gut tells you and try to fit the puzzle together It’s an upsetting and sometimes lonely position you find yourself in

Note everything that you are feeling is wrong The biggest indicator is food what you once loved you now find upset you Go armed to your GP Be Firm don’t take any lame excuses

The one thing that stands out a mile with you is your sense of humour and your positive attitude You are blessed with these and will find they help no end even on days when your motions rival that of a herd of Jerseys

You have come to the right place We all started the same There is always advice support and love here

I wish you well on this new journey

Keep in touch

Big hug 🫂 and welcome Warrior



Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to Arpin

Thank you so much, your support really means a lot. Coping with a diabetic husband for 15 years has taught me a lot about laughing off the shitty times (no pun intended) and how to manage your day around food/mealtimes. Just one more battle to add to fold i guess!

Arpin profile image
Arpin in reply to Artyfartymum

And you will do it with strength courage and grace I’m glad that you have joined us We are all in the cow pat mode at some time but finding that positivity will guide you through is a major part of our battle You are a strong lady and will put IBS in its place Talk nicely to your poor tum instead of getting angry about what comes naturally to it Each and every one of us are survivors It is what it is


IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network Take a look at our website and the factsheet , written by medical professionals.

Artyfartymum profile image
Artyfartymum in reply to IBSNetwork

Thank you

Artyfartymum profile image

I also wanted to ask if you experience more frequent urination as a symptom of IBS?

Arpin profile image
Arpin in reply to Artyfartymum

Yes I do but as I’ve experienced cystitis for over 40 years I can’t say if it goes with IBS if you have noticed it and it’s happened when this has started I would say that for you it may well be involved Add it to your list of questions when you see your GP 🧡

humph3 profile image

I am afraid I have very little faith in gastroenterologists - apart from giving you a colonoscopy and ruling out cancer there is not much that they can advise. After all you are the only one who knows how your body feels and the condition seems to differ from day to day. I cut out everything that I thought might affect me and ended up eating small quantities of boiled fish and rice. I kept a strict daily diary of everything that went into my mouth and then reported on how it affected sleep indigestion mood etc. I lost 10kg and am now strictly gluten free (I am not coeliac) have prebiotics daily and eat smaller meals with my main meal at lunchtime. My gp put me on macro gel daily which I adjust depending on my bowels performance. Sorry for the rant but I am afraid you are on your own in this - good luck on your journey.

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