Hi All, I bought one of these devices about 4 months ago. They are not specifically for IBS but I thought I would give it a try as I have tried about everything else!
At first I wasn't sure it was doing anything, but it maybe helping a bit now. My husband seems to think it's doing something! It's a bit of a faff, as you have to keep charging up the appliance and then you need a mobile phone to use it and you have to keep that charged up too. I am not doing it as much as others probably would but I like to do it when I sit down and relax rather than doing jobs with this watch like thing vibrating on my arm. I haven't tried it on my ankle yet!
Anyway, I wouldn't say it's a miracle cure but perhaps I have been feeling a little bit better lately. My husband seems to think so, and sometimes I find that other people are better at judging if something is helping than we are ourselves!
It's not cheap though, getting on for £400 as we had to pay taxes for importing it from the US. I guess with time, it will be sold over here which would make it cheaper but I thought I was worth it this time. All my life I have been careful with money but this time I thought, I don't go anywhere or do anything, might as well treat myself!
See link: apolloneuro.com/