How do you deal with the lower back ache from IBS. I also have groin pain just had all blood tests done , intollorance tests , fit test and stool samples done again. All negative ! Anxiety started this flare up 5 months ago and I've had a multitude of symptoms .
Dealing with IBS anxiety symptoms: How do you... - IBS Network
Dealing with IBS anxiety symptoms

I have exactly the same problems and it has been attributed to pelvic floor dysfunction ( ie pelvic floor never relaxes)Look up some exercises on the net
It is a long road but you do feel better
Hi. What other symptoms did u have . What caused it ,?
I had a fall and broke three ribs which meant I spent time with a very tight abdomen, which never relaxed causing constipation. In addition I used to sit in the office with my feet on the desk, which put pressure on my lower back and contributed to the back/abdominal tension and subsequent constipation.Other symptoms are lower central abdominal pain, lower left groin and thigh pain.
As though my whole pelvis and lower abdomen is in a constant state of tension.
So did u get groin muscular ache and back ache ??
Yes and central lower abdominal / pelvic pain which have been eased with pelvic floor exercises
Sounds like much of my problem . I think I've had problems like this for many years on and off. Just percevierance to rid of it ,?
It is and it will take time, but finding the right exercises is a big
If it’s mainly at night, sleep on your side with your legs tucked up (fetal position). I find that stretches out the back as well as compresses the stomach preventing bloating, which I believe causes/aggrevates the back pain.
Hello I have horrid groin pain and sciatica associated with pain left side of my umbilicus . When flare up goes pain in groin and sciatica go too . I get scared it’s something else but been investigated. I find flare ups can last for months sitting at my desk makes pain worse . Exercise helps . Feel for us all on this site
That is so much like , only my back is a full ache but the groin is the same and it lasts for months !!
It’s horrid like a stitch pain in my groin and sciatica . Nothing really helps for pain relief . Better at night starts up again as soon as start walking around when I wake up . I really hope you feel better and you can be pain free . I have been cold water swimming for a few years helps with anxiety