I'm suffering from Abdominal Discomfort and Bloating for last 7 months. I got treatment but not cured. I'm from India...is one here?
It seems like IBS . Can you please help?
I'm suffering from Abdominal Discomfort and Bloating for last 7 months. I got treatment but not cured. I'm from India...is one here?
It seems like IBS . Can you please help?
Hi, what treatment did you get? Usually in the UK you would be given blood and stool tests first to make sure it isn't anything more sinister ie cancer, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), or celiac disease. If everything is clear then they would say you probably had IBS and to try various different things, like changing your diet or take anti-spasmodics or imodium. It depends somewhat on what type of IBS you have, ie IBS with diarrhoea or constipation or mixed or alternating (ie IBS(D) or IBS(C) or IBS(M) or IBS(A)).
As you don't seem to have a lot of knowledge about IBS, perhaps it would be a good idea to have a look at the IBS Network website, see link below.
They have quite a lot of information on there, or you could join for £24 for a year, and have access to their Self Care Programme, Ask to Experts, along with other benefits too.
Then you would be able to ask specfic questions relating to your particular symptoms.
Problem I have are abdominal discomfort, bloating and sometimes spasm. At the beginning, I got normal medication like for Gas and discomfort. But no improvement. Last, treatment I got was Librax and Nexpro-L which almost vanish my symptoms for 2-3 weeks, I used to give me a good amount of sleep.
But after that course, it came back again and added difficulty in sleeping to the other symptoms. And weight lose, I forgot to mention.
I will surely visit a good gastroenterologist soon.
Thank you for your response. Please add if you have any more suggestions.
Well assuming you've had all the necessary tests to rule everything else out, then the short answer is there isn't one.
Maureen1958 is right about all the different tests to check it's nothing else so I'm not going to repeat that info (no point in boring you). There isn't a direct test to diagnose IBS as it's a functional/mental/emotional issue and therefore there is nothing to see.
There's loads of research out there about the whys and I spent loads of time at first reading and trying to understand why me. The answer to that is probably why not. Which isn't helpful either, sorry.
Unfortunately, you will need to join the 15% of the world's population that has to find a way to live with this. There's no easy or single answer to that either.
For me it's a strict diet, regular exercise (walking and yoga) and keeping a tight control on my stress levels that works. I also have some good medications which I use when I have a flare up. For others it's just meds or just diet. Some find CBT or other types of counselling helps. Meditation can help control stress levels or low dose antidepressants. We're all different.
Like Maureen1958 says, check out the IBS network. They've got loads of help and advice.
My best bit of advice is don't try every option at once. Take things one step at a time and make sure you're getting good medical help and advice all the way.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Thank you ma'am for response. I have to work on them as you mentioned.
BTW, what is CBT?
😂 Oh goodness "ma'am" your manners are so beautiful!
CBT is Cognative Behavioural Therapy. It works on changing your reaction to stressors and give you skills to better deal with your illness. Some people have had really great results but others not so much.
Learning to live with IBS is pretty much trial and error I'm afraid
You may benefit from thiamine and zinc. First, research the role thiamine (vitamin B1) preforms in the brain and how anxiety and other conditions may occur from a deficiency. Then follow the vagus nerve from it's beginning in the brain stem and the connection it provides to the gut and other organs. Critical for proper brain and vagus nerve function is adequate thiamine and magnesium to activate the thiamine. Study the pros and cons of various forms of thiamine. Benfotiamine, TTFD, Sulbutiamine, thiamine mononitrate and thiamine hydrochloride. TTFD and sulbutiamine are efficient in passing through the blood/brain barrier. Do a similar study on magnesium. Magnesium threonate is a form that's good passing through the blood/brain barrier. It can be combined with other forms. Look into the other B vitamins too, they work better together. Be aware of anti thiamine factors that lower or destroy thiamine. Searching on "stuttering anti thiamine factors" provides a comprehensive list. It is worth a deeper look. Also search on "Krispin magnesium" for info on magnesium loss. Always consult with your health care provider before using any supplement.