Hi all, well I’m in the middle of a flare up and I don’t know how to cope with it anymore. I’m in so much pain and my reflux is in overdrive, I’m currently in medication but was wondering whether to add mebeverine to the mix, haven’t taken it for years but was wondering what you all thought of this particular medication, will it help. Any input on my reflux would also be great. Thanks for reading and hugs to all in need of one
What’s going on with my belly: Hi all, well I’m... - IBS Network
What’s going on with my belly

Are you on medication for the reflux? And if so what dose? I am taking (have done for a long time) Lansoprasole 15mg. My GP told me I can up this if my reflux is very bad, to 30mg, but only for a short time. If it were to remain bad, then to see him again for possibly a further gastroscopy. Something I try to avoid at all costs!! I know the foods though that make it worse, so avoid them where I can.
As far as IBS goes, I truly believe, from what I read on here, and people who I know that have it, they have had much worse flare ups since the pandemic. Which is now leading me to agree that anxiety is very much implicated. Even though you think you're coping with it well, underneath I think many people are not.
Because I wasn't certain if this was the case, and I'd advise anyone who is either not diagnosed with IBS, or who are having a very long lasting flare up, to see or speak to their GP in case there is something else going on. I did this, she arranged for several blood tests, which were all normal. So then I can address the IBS.
For me, keeping what I call a food/mood/sleep/bm diary has helped immensely. After 3 weeks I can see a pattern emerging as to which foods are the worst culprits, whether I am worse after a bad night's sleep, or am feeling especially anxious. Just getting it all down on paper I believe is helping too. It was my grand-daughter who suffers with anxiety and reflux suggested the diary/journal as the therapist she was seeing for the anxiety told her is often helps. She said it did, so nothing ventured nothing gained.
Hi and thank you for your kind reply, yes I’m on lazaprozal for my reflux, have been for years, but it’s not touching it, I take quite a lot of medication for anxiety and IBS. The flare I’m having is so bad at he the moment, I think it is stress induced, so I’m trying to address that as well as everything else, just feeling really sorry for myself at the moment. I’m due to go to my daughter’s on the 17th sep as she is having a c section and need help with the other children so I’m working myself up about going as I don’t really leave the house, it’s just all a mess at the moment. Thanks again for your reply it’s very much appreciated
Best wishes
Cimmy the vagus nerve connects the brain to the gut and it's also connected to the sphincter muscles. ioveglee mentioned anxiety. Magnesium protects the body from stress but stress creates a loss of magnesium. The brain and the vagus nerve are big time users of B1 so vitamin B1 (thiamine) which is dependent on magnesium for bio activation can become inadequate even though your diet includes thiamine rich foods. Another shark in these waters are anti thiamine factors that not only reduce the thiamine in your food but in your body too. This leads to possible conditions like IBS and anxiety but a roll call of others. Your symptoms may be the canary that saves you from more life altering conditions. Search on "disorders of thiamine deficiency. TTFD, benfotiamine and sulbutiamine are high absorption forms of thiamine. TTFD is one efficient in passing through the blood brain barrier. Check out the others as well. Search on "krispin magnesium" for info on additional causes of magnesium loss. The B vitamins work better together and learning about them is time well spent. A nutritionist is an important resource in these matters to seek out. Always consult your health care providers before using any supplement.
Hi Cimmy, I hadn't posted for a long time until recently either. I can really sympathise. I don't think we should underestimate the effect this last 18 months has had on us. My IBS has never been so bad and I end up waiting each flare up out, just because I don't know what else to do - apart from cry! I've just posted about omeprazole because I'm even wondering if that's making my ibs worse. I have no answers for you - but I absolutely know the extreme diarrohea/constipation followed by soreness inside which makes me feel exhausted and nauseous. Always out of nowhere with me. xx
binks, just above your reply to Cimmy is my reply, including links about anti thiamine factors, that may have a bearing on your IBS. Although the links below are identified with SIBO they include IBS too. Searching on "IBS thiamine" will further isolate it.
Thank you - I’ll have a look today. I lecture in human nutrition at uni but have not heard of a link between thiamine and ibs! I’m quite wary of taking supplements when my diet is varied because I’m always suspicious of an “industry”. I’ll do a bit of finding out and get back to you 👍
Hello, FODMAP diet for min 1 year. Possibly forever...Magnesium citrate used as laxative ( natural calm Magnesium is what I use) breathing exercises as many times as you can fit in a day.. Kate scarlata blog...keep calm and carry on as you all say...