IBS and Ectopic Heart Beats : Hello I'm sure... - IBS Network

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IBS and Ectopic Heart Beats

Gtrluke88 profile image
22 Replies


I'm sure there's lots in this as it's so common

I've suffeed for many years with IBS, spasmic bowel, gastritis... Sudden urges for need the toilet , persitsnt loose poop . And recently seen a gastroenterologist and he confirmed it following ultra sounds and endocopy.

But for the last two years I've been getting palpatations more spesfically skipped beats.

I've been treated for anxiety and stress. I've also had tests such as multiple ECG's, a 24hr monitor and seen a cardiologist who informed me that my palpatations are harmless. I've seemed to notice a coleration between the palpatations and stomach upset/wind gurlging.

But over the last weeks they seem to be going crazy, all day long particularly after eating and are worse when resting , the seem calmer when I'm moving around.

I've currently been given gaviscon and Omeprazole. I've previously been given propranolol, sertraline and Lansoprazole all which didn't really help. Also now trying mebraveine

Surley I can't be alone

Any one who can advise or are going through something similar I'd love to hear about it, as it's a hard issue to understand for my family

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Gtrluke88 profile image
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22 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

If you think they are getting worse, give your cardiologist a call. They may be caused by anxiety, but good to check.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to b1b1b1

I don't have one, I had the appointment was told it's harmless and discharged

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gtrluke88

I had the same outcome with heart I collapsed in the doctors before lockdown . I was in hospital and the the tests but got sent home as was told harmless and unless I collapsed again would not need to see me . So just recently had another turn but again caused by stress . But sometimes it’s so scary when you feel like you might pass out .

LoinerGuy profile image

You've caught my attention. I never linked ectopic beats with IBS, I wonder if there is a causal link? I'll mention it to my GP. I've had IBS 36 years and take meds for it. I was diagnosed with Ectopic beats by a cardiologist in 2014. I am also treated for high blood pressure, and the cardiologist said thats the first standard of treatment the Amlodipine I am on. It's managed fiarly well and i've gotten used to it, only occational skipping.

tansy-ann8 profile image
tansy-ann8 in reply to LoinerGuy

Read my reply to Gtrluke88, basically - me too!! Have we found a link I wonder?

Manipulator profile image

I certainly think there is a link. I also had similar palpitations, especially when I have a lot of stomach issues, burping and bloating. Recent blood tests showed very low ferretin levels which after taking a course seemed to help quite a bit. Might be worth getting that checked. I’ve also been taking kefir yogurt with pyshillum husk powder every morning, that has really helped too. Getting your mid back mobilised with exercise and stretching also helps.

tansy-ann8 profile image

Gtrluke88 ..I have IBS and an Ectopic heartbeat, had both for years. In the last 3 years or so the IBSd switched to IBSc and the Ectopic heartbeat eased, until I had my virus jabs, then it came back with a vengeance. I have been tested at Cardio clinic and it's just he ectopic problem again. You are the first person I have heard mention an Ectopic heartbeat, what a coincidence that we both have IBS too.

Gtrluke88 profile image

Wow seems so many others have this issue,

Thanks for your responses here

I'm going to give the fybrogel a go and have bought some magnesium as I've read that helps so will give and update

Just to out into context as well I'm a 33 year old non drinker or smoker


QuiltLady profile image

I've been wondering the same thing lately. For the past 2 months I've had daily palpitations, sometime all day and all my blood work came back normal, although I haven't seen a heart doctor yet. I did about 15 years ago for the same issue and found I have mitral valve prolapse, which the doctor wasn't too concerned about. I suffer from a little bit of acid reflux and sometime anxiety. In the past when I'd have a random palpitation it seemed it was when I had a gassy stomach. There is a heart doctor on youtube (check out York Cardiology) who discusses the possible connection between gastrointestinal issues and the heart. Some doctors think it's not possible, but they really don't know. I am wondering if I have a hiatal hernia which is putting pressure on the area of the heart causing the palpitations. Another person to check on youtube is Dr. Vikki Petersen. She also discusses the possible connection!

SingingInTheSnow profile image

Hi, yes, I get bad heart palpitation and tachycardia when I have food that contains histamine or anything else I do not tolerate well (which is a lot). I also find it far more unpleasant when I lie down or try to sleep, sometimes it can grow into a serious panic attack. Stress makes everything worse, but stress does also contribute to higher histamine levels as well as stopping the body from digesting food, which then again creates more histamine because of the fermentation processes of the undigested food... I do have it under control now with a low histamine diet consisting mostly of vegetables and a bit of very fresh venison or organic beef (not matured longer than 2 days), chewing ever bite extremely well, like at least 30 to 50 times, no sugar. I mostly blame it on histamine...

Pte82 profile image

Gtrluke88, it may be that thiamine and magnesium deficiencies are connected to your IBS and your heart. Thiamine requires sufficient magnesium for activation. A deficiency of magnesium may be a cause of ectopic heart beats. Search on "IBS thiamine" and "ectopic heart beats magnesium" There are anti thiamine factors that can inhibit thiamine. This link will name a few. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.


Millenniummel profile image

Have you tried low fodmap to help with your IBS symptoms? I’m finding the distraction of cooking new recipes is helping me on lots of levels.

Great books by Emma Hatcher, Becky Excell and the loopy whisk. I found them at my local library.

sue32 profile image

Now you mention it......I’ve been diagnosed with IBS-D after some years of suffering. I’ve also had ectopic beats/palpitations for a long, long time and thought it could be caffeine that was the problem. But no, I’m still having them, every day. My GP didn’t seem too bothered so I’ll just have to live with it.However, I had a funny turn a few months ago. I returned home from shopping with my daughter; I’d felt a bit strange while I was out, I was getting an erratic heartbeat but I felt fine. When I got back home, as I was walking toward the lift, I suddenly felt the need to sit down. As I lifted my leg to move I suddenly hit the floor. Heartbeat back to normal! I had broken my wrist. My daughter reckons it’s because of the Covid jabs I had. I’m also suffering with dizzy spells since having my 2nd jab.....coincidence? Who knows?!?

diana16 profile image

I also have ibs-c and heart palpitations which have just occurred. After 24hr ECG doc put me on betablockers and heart a lot better but interesting that the two may be connected. It's just more pills, another ailment to add to the rest (I also have rheumatoid arthritis) that it is sometimes overwhelming. I thought probiotics were really helping the ibs but have just had a really bad flare up. Back to the strict FODmap I guess!

randy1963 profile image

Sadly, there are no magic bullets. Personally, if I were you, I'd ask for Paxil 20 mg. You will have side effects, but it will help.

If a cardiologist says no big deal, then great. Doesn't mean it isn't, it means you have a reassurance. Wind is a classic IBS driver.... as are panic attacks/palps.

I wish there was something to say that solved your problems, but I have looked for 20 plus years and haven't found it. The beta blocker will slow a racing heart, but if you really don't have that very often, it won't do much but lower your bp by a few points.

Luisa22 profile image

I know this is a bit of an old-ish thread, but I also get completely skipped heartbeats. When they really get going I can have five or six in one minute. And not as far as I know anxiety related as I don't feel any anxiety when they happen. When I get a doctor to listen to them, they are perfectly okay, and only seem to happen when I'm not being checked by a doctor!

I have IBS D predominant too, but occasionally get a short bout of constipation. I don't get any upper tummy symptoms at all. Mine are all low down in the colon.

But sometimes I get 'funny turns' too, when an awful weakness comes over me and I feel a weird inner tremor going on, like vibration. That feels more like the deepest kind of exhaustion, not anxiety. I had that once when I seriously over exercised one day when I was young.

I also go off my legs very briefly sometimes, most often first thing in the morning.

I think I have worked out that it's when I miss some sleep that I get the missed heartbeats more. When I am really more tired than I realise. When I get better sleep, they are not so bad.

Chrispyphillips profile image

I've found this post 2 years after it was originally sent... I'm also noticing/wondering about a link between the two. Have had IBS D for many years now, but also getting ectopic heartbeats/palpitations and have also recently been diagnosed with probable Costochondritis... all in all, basically means I'm having "daily heart-attacks" (of course I'm not, but that's what it feels like) which messes with my head and makes things worse.

I'm not great at managing my IBS, I basically eat/drink what I want. Probably shouldn't, the way things are going though!

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Chrispyphillips

is anxiety a factor also?

Chrispyphillips profile image
Chrispyphillips in reply to Gtrluke88

MASSIVELY!! Although which came first?! The anxiety comes due to the palpitation, then that makes the palpitations worse... head spins and I have panic attacks. Its a nightmare atm

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Chrispyphillips

I’m exactly the same , not a racing heart just skips and but I’ve always been an overall nervous person or stressed, during bad episodes I can have them all day and night it’s only retrospectively I can say yes I was going through quite a bit . I.e a lot in at work or family stresses then. They hang around and then gradually do one for a little bit.

I think the instantaneous way panic attacks happen can lead us to think it’s a hear attack . For example palpations then pop the panic kicks immediately in and irrationally we go heart attack

Chrispyphillips profile image
Chrispyphillips in reply to Gtrluke88

Sounds identical here pal. The episode that started it was a 4am wake up with pure palpitations, which lasted until a out 6pm the following evening, non-stop. Never had it before, haven't had it to such an extent since, but talk about unnerving. It basically set the last 3 years for me, having regular pangs and jolts (which I think now is brought on by the costo, mainly) leading to panic, leading to dizziness etc... its a never ending cycle with no apparent letting up any time soon!!

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Chrispyphillips

if it makes you feel any better I’ve seen 10 Gps, 2 nhs cardiologists, 1 private cardiologist and been in the drs hooked up to the ecg machine with my heart banging out of time like a student drummer and no one one has yet gone “oh maybe we should…. I just get told it’s fine it happens crackon, which doesn’t help in the dark moments but also is a reassurance

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