Hi. I would like to know if anyone has ever qualified for a disability blue badge because of IBS. They refused me again and I think I’m a far more dangerous pedestrian than others as I have knocked over children running to the toilet. Con amore Bx
Blue badge for car: Hi. I would like to know... - IBS Network
Blue badge for car

Don't think u can for IBS but u can for IBD which I think is stupid. As I now if I needed to go home fast I'd like to be able to park closer to the shop I went in. They should live with ibs then they would say it was a disabilaty
I am frightened of being taken to court and fined for voiding in the wrong place. If it’s dark it’s not so bad but I have to fast during the day as the results of being taken short are horrific. Thanks for replying. Con amore Bx
I am the same if I go anywhere I have to miss meals just in case I eat something that disagrees with my ibs. I am trying the fodmap diet and some gluten free foods at the moment as been having a really bad flare up my doctor gave me a sight to look at so I know which foods to avoid it seems to be helping abit. The only problem is all the foods I like r on the red list so it's hard but I'm learning to live without them for the sake of my stomach
If u google fodmap gloshospitals UK and scroll down to the low fodmap diet u might be able to look at what u should be eating and what not to eat good luck if u try it but it has definitely been helpful to me over the last few days
Don't think you can get a blue badge for IBS but you can get a radar key for the disabled toilets. Very helpful when out and about or at events when the queue for the loos is crazy.
How do u get a radar key for the disabled toilets as I find it embarrassed having to us public toilets
They are on amazon and I think boots sell them
Also a can’t wait card from bowel and bladder care I think it is
I have an I can’t wait card too but never used it as I always void before I reach the toilet and have to have someone call for professional help. I really need my car nearby as all my cleaning materials and change of underwear are in the boot. And tfl and my mp do not consider me disabled!Thanks for your interest. Bx
I got mine through the local council. I've had it around 10 years now. Back then I sent a letter requesting one with my reasons why.
Good luck with that I have IBS, diverticulitis, angina, biliary dyskinesia, back fracture, spine osteoarthritis, diabetes, and I was still refused
You can get a key and card from IBS network website, you may get the key from llyods pharmacy.
I also have IBS and that is in no way a disability, I’m sure you will understand that being disabled is a life changing thing . Not being able to walk or living with chronic breathing problems .
If they were to give it for ibs most of the country would have a Blue Badge . !!
If you have IBS d then you should know what it’s like. And half the country do not have it. If they did, ipso facto, it would be more recognised. Bx
I have a blue badge for severely limited mobility and a number of health issues. I have to agree that IBS d alone wouldn’t qualify you for a blue badge it would entitle you to use of radar keys and use of disabled toilets. Being able to get to toilets in a hurry may help with continence issues and the need for prompt changing after accidents, but keeping a change of clothes in the car doesn’t really justify a blue badge. You would be much better carrying clothes and cleaning supplies in a rucksack, since once you’ve got your clothes you’re still gonna need to go to the loo to clean up properly especially since the disabled toilets usually have sinks in to allow you use moist tissue. If you don’t already I would recommend looking into incontinence underwear to keep accidents away from your outer garments whilst to find a toilet. I do have IBS d and have had accidents too which can be embarrassing but I now wear appropriate underwear during a flare up. I have to keep a lot of medical equipment with me at all times which would not qualify me for a blue badge. I carried my gear in a rucksack, and when more equipment was needed and the rucksack got too heavy I bought one that had wheels so that I could wheel it with me everywhere I went. Even though my mobility wasn’t great. It was only once I needed a wheelchair that I got my badge. I’m not saying only wheelchair users can have blue badges, more that what you described doesn’t really fit the criteria. If could show that your symptoms leave you too weak and unwell to be able to walk far, you may have more luck on those grounds.
Thanks for your interest and help. I am totally immobilised when I have an attack as the pain is too severe. I just have to roll up Into a ball on the ground and wait for someone to help. I always wear adult nappies and always carry a few things in my large shoulder bag. Sometimes there is just pain and no soiling. However, the good thing that has come out of this is that the next time the police arrest me for fouling in the wrong place or the paramedics are called to assist me I can show them written proof that I tried my very best to obtain a blue badge and was refused by transport for London on the grounds that I am not sufficiently Physically or psychologically disabled enough to qualify. I think I have mentioned before that the disabled toilets are nearly always engaged and sometimes there is a queue. I now know that I am severely disabled, have been for forty three years, have tried my best to sort something out but have been brushed aside. I now consider the matter closed and will turn my mind to other things. Thanks once again for trying to help. Con amore Bx