Hi. Am just wondering whether anyone else has noticed a link between ibs symptoms and sinus pain. For last couple of weeks I have had flare up of an ongoing sinus issue which has been investigated several times and all clear. I am currently also having flare up of other ibs symptoms including burning in throat and mouth which leads me to wonder if the 2 could be linked. Have also developed a reddening of skin either side of my nose and across face( tying in with where sinus pain is). Anyone offer any experience of anything similar?
Sinuses: Hi. Am just wondering whether anyone... - IBS Network

I am actually having the exact same issue; had Dietitian/Nutritionist on phone on Thursday - put me on FODMAP diet and Doctor on Friday (yesterday) - prescribed nasal spray. And where you have redness on side of nose, I have peeling. Would never have thought the 2 might be connected but now I’m wondering..
Yes I had never linked them before but seems bit of a coincidence if not. Am trying to keep note of what I'm eating to see if I can narrow it down. Might make appointment to speak to doctor but quite hard when it's all over phone. Hope what's been suggested to you helps. Am more convinced now that theres something in it. Also makes me bit lightheaded sometimes too.
I have had sinus issues all my life (I'm 63), my dad used to as well. I have had IBS for 35 years and I always notice a correlation between the two. If my bum is runny then so is my nose, and if my bum is bunged up, again so is my nose. I have spoken to various other people on various forums and they seem to have the same, so it doesn't surprise me!
Aah thanks. That's interesting. Definitely a link then. Will persevere with looking at diet-have probably been eating more 'rubbish' during lockdown so guess that might explain flare up. Not sure why link hasn't been picked up by doctors before though-have had various scans of sinuses, even surgery and seen couple of different consultants over the years but no-one has come up with anything.
I've had acid reflux / IBS problems now since Dec 19 but weirdly from around summer 20 started to have a blocked nose a lot on a night
Just one side will become blocked completely & then the other side...... mentioned it to docs via telephone and just gave me a sinus spray, which does help......it just comes & goes but very strange as never had any problems before like this........inside of my nose aswell tis very red in places
Just something else to add to my list of ongoing niggles!
I think these things are linked to a hystermine reaction to food
Yes! I’ve asked this question here before and someone pointed me in the direction of a study which linked the two. All you get from GP is to look at each thing separately. I’ve had bunged up face from sinus, and a wierd feeling up one side of my face. GP looks at me as though I’m mad when I mention it. I’ve had camera in every orifice and nothing has been found. One very useful thing doc did was send me a link to a podcast by Dr Chattergee talking to Jeanette Hyde, who has written a book called the Gut Makeover. The main things are to try and build up good gut biome. Her main tips are : eat a big variety of colourful veg; have something fermented every day ( kefir, sourkrat, kimchi), do not eat grains, sugar, and be careful with milk, get plenty of good quality sleep, and try to go 14 hours overnight without eating. So you eat during a 10 hour window during the day. I’m giving it a try- the first thing is that acid reflux has improved drastically. Guts... I’m still having good and bad days, and nose hasn’t changed yet. I’m on day 6. It’s worth a try! I can’t attach the podcast but if you look for ‘Feel Better Live More’. (Dr Chattergee) Episode 40 with Jeanette Hyde you can have a listen. She links gut health with a load of other issues including sinus, allergies, mental health etc...
I usually get left sided migraines, and sinus pressure. Look into the connection b/t IBS, "enteric nervous system", and "vagus nerve".
I have had IBS (D) for almost 40 years, and in the last year have developed sinus pressure , right sided headaches , and a blocked nose one one side when I lie down ! I have never connected these two things before !
Morning I definitely think they're linked I had sinus surgery years ago and was fine for a good few years but now my sinus issues and ibs are back! I don't have as many flare ups with my sinuses luckily but I do nasal irrigation twice a week which definitely helps, and I have a non steroid nasal spray. I take an antihistamine every other day too as I have allergies it helps to keep the post nasal drip to a minimum 🤢 sorry tbi lol I hope you get yours sorted.
Recently asked a hospital doctor this very question and the answer was yes! No reasons given but definitely clear that there was.
yes definately linked i would say; i suffer from sinus and ibs; not sure exact diagnosis but both can be symptoms of SIBO.
I have been wondering the same thing. I just did a follow up with my Dr after having gb removed and discussed all the heartburn I'm having as well as other stomach issues. I kinda thought my sinuses was causing some of it, but didn't bring it up thinking she might think I was crazy for such a thought.. lol I do have constant sinus problems, and when my sinuses flare, so does my stomach issues and more heartburn. I suppose I'll bring it up next visit and see what she says. I hope you figure out what is going on with your sinuses/tummy too.
You too. My gp doesnt seem to have picked up on connection. I haven mentioned it before as it hadn't occurred to me either but they know about my ibs and sinuses so would have thought they might have put 2 and 2 together. Thinking I might look at my diet and maybe try probiotics to see if they help. Take care all