Does anyone else have that feeling of constantly needing to go to the toilet? I go often but never feel fully ‘done’ and have the most revolting wind because of it
I feel like I don’t fully open my bowel? - IBS Network
I feel like I don’t fully open my bowel?
That’s a common symptom of ibs. You need to ask doctor for something to help you with this. Basically you are constipated. Your BM is too dry. Lots of water will help but you may need something to get you going so to speak
I used to be like that then I began to use lacto free dairy and now I'm not so bad.
Yes I'm the same I have IBS-c and it's a nightmare between always feeling like you haven't fully went to the toilet and rectal pain it's so uncomfortable and frustrating x
Have you tried optifibre ? It worked for me x
I’m the same, I can go many times a day but only small amounts and I know that I will have to keep going through the day instead of getting it all out in one go. I think what works best for me is drinking lots of water
I think a glycerine suppository is the most help with this symptom.
I have been suffering this for the past 6 months progressively getting worse. I have changed my diet drastically no caffeine, lactose free milk, wheat gluten free bread, no processed food, no fried food the list is endless. Making me so miserable. Dread meal times my consultant suggested trying fibogel to get my bowel movements more regular but this can cause wind. I don't need anything else to give me more wind. As if life isn't miserable enough at the moment being stuck indoors for 12 months, missing loved ones and can't even enjoy food + horrendous wind. Sorry to rant, I know there are lots of people a lot worse off just getting to me now 😤
Yes I get this on and off, but at the moment it is constant. I wonder if it is to to with COVID lockdown and being less physically active,
As I am at home all the tine i cam manage it but it gets me down. My solutions:
- I wear pull ups as security when I go out for my daily walk
- I use an anal douche after I have a bowel movement to try to fish out what is left. Sometimes more poo comes out, sometimes it doesn't, but it provides a coupe of hours of relief either way.
I have an online friend who use enemas but I haven't tried that.
I have this a lot of the time.Ive just accepted it.Its horrible .