Has anybody been in so much pain and actually not got to the toilet in time,that they had to go in the street, the hospital does all the tests to rule out cancer but surely their must be something they can do. Nothin works this is for life
Feel like a dof: Has anybody been in so much... - IBS Network
Feel like a dof

One time at a bus stop I "HAD TO" go...walked down the alley to the nearest garbage dumpster, and just WENT...that was it... Fortunately no one was around...but I am not sure if that would have stopped me. Just don't BLAME yourself for this, OK??? This is the reason I now wear "Shields"... just feel like I can't take a chance when I go out in public... They are not like Depends but like a huge sanitary napkin with the elastic straps... I am sure they have a similar product in the U.K. Good luck to you, Suejordan...that picture is just beautiful!! Made me feel good just looking at it! Have a good day!
This hasn't happened to me before but it's my greatest fear. Had a few incidents in the car when we managed to pull over just in time to dash to a loo and also once at the school gates when I was so desperate but had to wait for the kids to come out. Awful and so scary. Although I try to tell myself if the worst did happen and I had an accident it's not like a life or death situation, depending on the severity people might not even notice x
It is really scary and also so embarrassing. Just wish there was something that helped. Wishing you all the best
I've had a handful of 'accidents' and countless close calls. They are pretty awful, and awkward as heck. I try and have a sense of humour about it and it hasn't stopped my from going out. Thankfully I've reduced most of my close calls with diet, but they still sneak up out of the blue. And flare-ups all bets are off.
One trick I do is to repeat a mantra when things are getting urgent. Focus on breathing and try and repeat a positive phrase in your head over and over. It might trick your mind and let you buy precious time. Because the more you think you're going to have an accident, the likelier it seems to be.
Thanks for you reply this the first time this has happened i was only 5 minutes from home as much I tried I just couldn't make. What a nightmare and the pain is worse then labour.
Controlling input gives a more positive approach
Food diary and Fodmap maybe tho this does not work for me
You need to get an 'I can't wait card' from the IBS Society and a RADAR key which will open any disabled toilet in the UK - I can't seem to post links for these so google them
Also have you tried eliminating foods from your diet to see if you have become intolerant to something. If you do try it leave say, dairy out for at least 2/3 weeks and keep a food and bowel movement diary to see what changes there might be
The are dairy alternatives in milk and spreads that can be used for the whole household when it comes to cooking
I have been suffering from IBS for 4 years now. I dont usually get pain unless i am really busting to go and trying to hard to hold it in or if i have eaten something that has really upset my stomach.
I feel your pain with going in the street, this happened to me last week walking to work! i thought i was fine after i left the house but 10mins down the road i had to go, couldn't get anywhere in time and it happened in the middle of the street. Fortunately no one was around but was very inconvenient. I have purchased the cant wait card and radar key as i am always needing to go when driving long journeys (normally longer than 30mins) also when im out shopping or trying to enjoy a day out. Hoping this will help me but i am so scared to go out and about now without a toilet nearby.
My life will never ever be the same since my beautiful daughter passed away 5 years ago. The only thing I look forward to is seeing my son and granddaughter once a week, it's got to the stage now that I can't even go to visit them they have to come here. Surely there must be some thing that can help,