Sad and fed up. : I’m just so fed up of feeling... - IBS Network

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Sad and fed up.

Readmeastory profile image
50 Replies

I’m just so fed up of feeling unwell . Irritable Bowel should be destructive bowel . As it ruins lives . Fed up trying my best got told I had diverticulitis with ibs-c just before December . Tried meds then more tests then nothing because of lockdown . So last specialist for my throat and told had burning mouth syndrome . Not seen doctor since put me on omeprazole. 20 . But do you no what fed up as no matter what I do I’m in pain . Just about had it and lockdown can’t see doctor .last doctor just told me trail and error . But no help . Just had enough and . Can’t take anymore I want to scream and cry . But can only say it on here as can’t worry my family . As they have had enough of my illness . But I just want the old jean back . Not this moan and pain full person . . 😫sorry

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50 Replies
fenbadger profile image

sorry to read that. You seem about at the end of your tether. I'm sorry to say trial and error is sometimes all there is. If something doesnt work, try something else. Like several conditions there's no one size fits all. I wish you all the very best in your search for relief.

Hi there I sympathise with you , docs just keep giving me more and more laxatives , I end up in more pain , just wish they would examine me rather than talking on phone frustrates the crap out of me x

Cimmy profile image

Hi readmeastory, just read your post and I must say this could of been me writing this, so I feel your pain, it’s so horrible to feel unwell for so long and in this day and age it shouldn’t happen but alas it does. I too felt like screaming and crying because I’ve had enough. I don’t think people beside the ones on here understand how dibilatating this condition can be. I wish I had a remedy for you I really do but all I can offer is a shoulder to cry or rant on, just wanted you to know your are not alone on this horrible journey. Take care, hope you feel better soon, always here if you need to chat x

Kdw1 profile image

I feel your pain too your not alone, you'll find lot of people on this site are going through the same and understand what your going through, hope you find some comfort soon xx

What tests have you had

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

I’ve had colonoscopy endoscopy X-ray ultra sound and camera down my nose into my throat . Blue tests .specialist just told me no cancer Diverticular and slow track bowel diet and exercise and pain killers and laxatives . Since dietian twice before lockdown . But been left to deal with it trial and error . But last few days just had enough . And phoned doctor only to be told to phone back tomorrow as not emergency . So just a bit down . Im on my own a lot as my husband works away .and with lockdowns hard . So just trying to plod on . I’m 65 and lost 2stones in weight since July . Sorry so long

Carlettejaque profile image

I have had IBS for many, many years. I was on Omeprazole but found that all of those type pills made my IBS so much worse with excruciating pain. I have intolerances and I suspect you do too. If you haven't already tried it, cut out all forms of dairy/ lactose. If that doesn't work, cut out yeast. Trouble is if you have two intolerances, it's difficult to pinpoint one. You might have to cut out the biggest IBS intolerances at one time. I have an extremely limited diet now. Even the low Fodmaps diet us not enough. A dietician told me not to eat fruit. Thst was good advice. But now due to multiple intolerances, dairy, yeast, sunflower oil, buck wheat and dextrose, I am left with only 8 foods I can eat But and it's a big but, I no longer get pain. It's a fair swap. Hope this is of use.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Thanks for the reply I had tests done but not got not gluten free . But not had dairy test .. eat lots of fruit and high fibre and drink 2litres of water but some days I’m ok pain other days doubled up . Write down what I eat and just don’t no any more . Had all the tests last time seen doctor that is what the said . You’ve had all the test and comes back Diverticular . Stopped eating cut out chocolate fizzy drinks no takeaway no alcohol and still the same . So just eat fruit and chicken . To be honest I’m don’t no what to eat . Ad tried most stuff . But just have to keep going .😕

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to Readmeastory

So you don't know if you are dairy intolerant. First off, stop eating fruit. After a week, stop with anything with dairy/ lactose/ whey powder for 2 weeks. See how you feel. Fruit and high fibre is really bad for IBS. Your system will only tolerate soluable fibre.Have you had a colonoscopy? That will give you a definitive diagnosis for diverticulitis. You may have a thickening of the bowel due to scarring from the diverticulitis. Especially if it's a recurring problem. That could cause pain and constipation. I have a friend who had this occur. Foods that generally won't cause a problem are Farleys rusks. Eat them like biscuits. Chicken, fish and non greasy unprocessed meat are okay. The only vegetable I can eat are baby carrots. I can eat basmati rice but not ordinary rice. I can eat tinned I'm tomatoes but not fresh ones. I can only eat pasta once a week. Let me know how you get on.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Had that test and was told I had diverticulitis and narrowing bowel with scar tissue wher I had a operation on my bowel as a child of 2so they took my appendix out at same time . Now scar tissue has formed causing a narrowing . But can remove scar tissue as it causes more . I ask doctor for dairy test but he said they are unreliable and better sticking to healthy diet . So been eating high fibre and fruit .

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to Readmeastory

The best test for dairy is just to avoid it. Milk is full of fat anyway. Avoid it anyway! From what you say, you have exactly the same thing as my friend. She recently had an operation to take away the part of her bowel that was causing the problem. During the operation they discovered her bowel was far more restricted and damaged than they first thought. You really need to press your doctors in getting you a hospital appointment. (I'm in England so she got treatment free).You need to stress to them just how bad you feel. You really do need to get that operation. I know that with diverticulitis you have to have fibre in your diet and that is going to cause you pain and discomfort. My friends diverticulitis mimicked IBS. You should at least be on antibiotics. I'm guessing yours is too. Shes almost back to normal with her eating now and no more problems. The colonoscopy proves you need treatment.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Hi I live in Scotland . After seeing the surgeon he was very dismissive . Told me me Tahiti my bowel showed no cancer . Just what he called Diverticular and loopy bowel . Plus scar tissue that causes a narrowing round my bowel . When I asked about removing the damaged pat he said it would only cause more problems . I’ve collapsed 3times once in the doctors and was admitted to hospital 3times . Put on drip had tests and all came back Diverticular and irregular heart . . But seen heart specialist and he told me to rest mild exercise and wouldn’t need to see me again unless I collapsed again . Other gastronomy consultant said because I had lost over 2stones I went from 67 kilos to 48 kilos from July to December last year . She said test show no cancer Diverticular . But I would only worry about if you get to 45 kilos .So to be honest I’ve given up asking . So I need to get to 44kilos and collapse outside and maybe they will do something . That was January and then lock down hit . So left on my own . But I’m now 54 kilos which is fine . . It feels like never ending story 🤪thanks for your help .

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to Readmeastory

That is applalling! They should do something about the narrowing at least. I know you must feel like giving up but just keep complaining. Do whatever it takes. Sorry i cant suggest anything more. I hope you eventually get it sorted. Good luck.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Nothing I can do just try and plod along . But when a doctor can’t examine you or see you physically especially with bowel and stomach pain and discomfort . Getting doctor appointment is nearly imp now we are on level 3so limited . . Doctor just says tests where clear .and one consu told me he never had a magic wand to help me . But I’m ok just had to have a rant . Thanks for your help .

Y123_ profile image

I totally emphasise with you- lock down has exacerbated my symptoms too and no Dr is available to help which makes it even more distressing. I am saving (v slowly :() to find a specialist ibs dietician - there are some v good ones - I follow the.ibsdietician on Instagram and she does a group programme online - which has a Facebook group too which might provide some friend support- you are not alone - xx

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Y123_

Thanks it helps to no I’m not alone just fed up. I’m profoundly deaf and rely on lip reading and subtitles as lost my hearing 10years ago so texting my fried and online . But video I struggle with , masks make asking advice hard. Can’t see lips . So just trying my best . 😋

Batteria profile image

Don’t apologise. Chronic pain is the pits. My family were sick of me at first so I know the feeling. You are your best friend. Try everything you can think of. Acupuncture stopped the pain but I would have needed it every day. See Gastro enterologist first to rule out anything life threatening and then study the syndrome until you are one of the world’s greatest authorities on the subject. You will find a solution. There is something malfunctioning and it needs to be reversed. Get stuck in. Buona fortuna Bx

Readmeastory don’t ever apologise for not being well, we are all suffering and we are your friends xxxx

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Thank you we all need a rant now and again 🤪

I’m feeling the same not seen doc for nearly a year cos of Covid am on the never ending waiting list to see a consultant ,I will be either cured or dead by then !!! My sympathies x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

I know the feeling . Tried yestarday no luck seeing anyone .

in reply to Readmeastory

Doc used to tell me years ago it’s cos I was depressed , yes I was cos if this bloody ibs ruined my life only test then was sigmoidoscopy no sedative ! That was never completed was screaming too much think it was the air they use , since then 30 years ago had no tests other than ct scan few weeks ago as they thought I had a blockage , on the letter it said they were scanning my urinary system !!! Well even I know my arse from my elbow , my doc doesn’t . Scan came back clear back to you’ve got ibs again have some laxatives everyday . Thank you kind doctor hope they solve my bladder problem !!!! X😂x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

I had that and I remember it was painful but I got a something to relax me before they did it . And came back loopy bowel . Also got ultra sound for my urinary track and came back clear then scanned my kidneys and gallbladder . Gallbladder ok kidneys got cysts on them but not harmful ones doctor said . So I’ve been X-ray scanned air up bum 😋 drank stuff that made my bowel glow and more tubes and xrays . It’s a wonder I don’t glow in the dark . Only one not had is a mri . . So to be honest I give up . Depressed anxious what do they expect . Now virus and everything at stand still . Rant over . Stay strong and keep going nothing else for it .😀

in reply to Readmeastory

I love a good old rant shame there wasn’t a forum like this when I was younger it made me so ill very scared and depressed .find it very hard there isn’t more treatments as it can be very painful and makes you think hang on is it something sinister ? This year has been tough for us all when you need help the most the door to the doctor is shut I really don’t think ibs is taken seriously enough I still don’t believe I have it lol xx

in reply to Readmeastory

Forgot to ask does a loopy bowel make it harder for poo to go through ? Sorry to ask ? X

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Doctor told me it was like a cork screw with narrowing as well . It’s like a tennis ball trying to get through a small tube . So takes a while for anything to get through . So that’s what causes the pain . Just would like my life back , and for never to talk about bowel movements again . 😂😂

in reply to Readmeastory

That’s bad I’m so sorry for you that’s what’s causing it all, know the feeling I’m always going on about my bms or lack of them x

in reply to Readmeastory

Apparently women have longer colons than men ! Typical x

Maureen1958 profile image


Onecardf1 profile image

Hey I no exactly how you’s like day in day out feeling worn out and can never seam to pick yaself up or feel happy got to me today and had a good cry ( unlike me) but it’s just constant all the time....doctors are a waste of time no help what do ever....I’ve take sennacalm buscopan windsettlers rennideflatine and no good going to buy some alflorex to day and start them 2mrw and c how it goes....but hey try and cheer up and put a smile on that face

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Onecardf1

Trying my best I’m not giving up just had enough and had to rant . Tried everything as well but starting to cut stuff out and start a new 🤪

Onecardf1 profile image
Onecardf1 in reply to Readmeastory

I went and had a tolerance test the lady I spoke to said I had to cut everything out in the red bracket...out of 70 test I had to give up nearly 50 things tried it for 2 days was rough.....what I am finding a help is a hot water bottle or a electric heat pad as I get a lot of back aches....I must admit tho it’s nice to come on here and chat makes you feel u arnt alone

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Onecardf1

I was thinking about getting one but to be honest doctor and dietian says they are not worth the money . Did it help you knowing what to try and avoid but that’s a lot to cut out

Onecardf1 profile image
Onecardf1 in reply to Readmeastory

I had to avoid all milks all breads oats loads of diff fruit n veg....all the gud things for you I had to I say I tried it for 2 days and was worse than a bad ibs day so the only thing I’ve changed is having lactose free milk and every nite I have a cosmacol....I’ve gone from 1 to a half....not sure if Ive said but I have ibs c..... how do u feel today

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Onecardf1

I have ibs -c and but getting laxative meds right is hard . Been cutting down on them . I cut out dairy for about a week and gluten for 2weeks but it made no difference . I eat small meals and lots of water . Drink peppermint tea and camomile tea . Plus regular tea . And don’t eat after 7 . But makes no difference . Someone suggest eating 2kiwis as they suppose to be good laxative so I try to have at least one or 2a day . But not made much difference . I’ve tried milk of magnesia it helped a bit .so just take one day at a time . Hope your having a good day 😁

Onecardf1 profile image
Onecardf1 in reply to Readmeastory

Hi readmeastory..hope u r ok today or as can be..I no it’s a very fine balancing when taking any type of tablet to help ease things.....some days I can rattle with the amount of stuff I’ve taken just for a comfortable day or best as.... u would think by now ibs would be made a disability specially ppl like your self with ibs -c.... I no a friend of mine she has to plan her day around toilets 😱

NOTHINGBUTPAIN76 profile image
NOTHINGBUTPAIN76 in reply to Onecardf1

Bless you x

Onecardf1 profile image
Onecardf1 in reply to NOTHINGBUTPAIN76

I didt sneeze lol 😂

Where is your pain . Does it wake you at night

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Yes sometimes under my right rib and swollen stomach full of wind . It feels like a tennis ball trying to get through a narrow tube .

Meeowla profile image

Hi , hang on in there I feel that way too sometimes but support is always to be found here because we are fellow sufferers. I would not wish this on my biggest enemy but sometimes I think if the doctors had to deal with this personally they would have a better understanding of this hell in a bucket!

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Meeowla

I’m with you if they could feel it then they would find a treatment . Fed up hearing well you suffer from anxiety . Or are you depressed wouldn’t you be if you where like this . That’s all I get . 😕but still trying .

casares8 profile image

Feel the same,its hard to keep burdening your family and friends. They are fed up with hearing it, and i am fed up with talking about it. The drs are useless - you find more information on here, and other sites. It seems we just have to self medicate and try everything thats out there. I am starting the fodmap diet , done parts of it for ages but not 100%. Not convinced its going to help me but there is nothing left to try!

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to casares8

I just feel the same fed up talking about pain and bowel movements or the lack of them . But nothing we can do just struggle on . But talking on her helps 😀

Oh your on omeprozole, that can make your loo up the creek. If you have DV you shouldn’t eat any foods with seeds pips or skins etc! Any ideas why your on omeprozole

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Last consultant said I had burning mouth syndrome and acid reflux . And to see my doctor . Phoned doctor and was given omeprazole to take just over the phone . I’m profoundly deaf so it was a 3way conversation doctor to hubby then me to answer so a bit stressful, . And to be honest just a bit fed up as doctor told me bowel disease is hard to treat as everyone is different what works for on3 person doesn’t work for others . So I just give up and try my best .thanks for helping

Readmeastory profile image

Because last consultant told me I had burning moth syndrome and acid reflux . But only took it for a few days as don’t think it agreed with me .

binks profile image

I agree - IBS is the single thing which has ruined my life - no question. I too have burning mouth syndrome but just affecting my lips. It's really awful!

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to binks

Do you take anything for it . As omeprazole to take but never agreed with me

binks profile image
binks in reply to Readmeastory

I take one 10mg omeprazole every other day. Have done for years. It’s the minimum dose I can get away with but that’s not the reason I have burning lips. They are an anxiety thing I think and all part of burning mouth syndrome

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